The true test

would probably work...since shepherd has a thing for ungodly speed humps...
Sounds like a plan! I want a billion dollars!
Originally posted by Jmh7331
I'd be gone like the wind. I'd buy a ton of land and start a guide business. (Seig - I'd let you come hunt for free.) Do some taxidermy and woodworking on the side. Man, that would be the life. Well, back to reality.
Pay me enough, I'd come work for you.
If I Hit the lotto for all the money I could think about and or spend, that would be cool.

I would most likely stay in my job. Why? because I make people's life a pure pain in the ****. What you going to do fire me? This is the right way to do this, so I am going to do it?

Besides, if they fire me I could keep my benefits. ;)

I would travel more, only because that costs money I do not have right this moment. I travel and do what I want for the most part anyways. I would just do more of it.


PS: Bumby heads are bad. I have been hit a few times, I also have been in a few accidents and also gone through some windows and hit me heads. Oh did I mention the fact that I have scars from chicken pox in my hair as well :(. Did I mention I have been hit a few times :rolleyes: :shrug: and that I pay for the opportunity to happen again ;)
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Why? because I make people's life a pure pain in the ****.

Trying to think of a four letter word that would fit here :confused:
Originally posted by Chronuss
..can certainly think of a three letter word..:shrug:

Yes, that's what I thought it was.......but there are 4 stars....hmm.......
But why do you need ****'s for butt? Is that like a cool thing or something that i don't know about?

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