The Texas Filibuster


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
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In Pain

After reading about this in a different setting, I wondered why it has not been brought up here, since so many of us are so vehemently for what it's right in the political arena.

it has been suggested that a great many things were not right, and probably outright illegal in the procedings brought forth by Gov. Perry as he called for a special session to push his agenda through. I mean, really? Does nobody smell the rotten fish when he pushes to have his controversial ideas pushed though after hours, so he won't need the normal 2/3 majority, but a simple one will suffice?

And then there is the matter of the time stamp on the video footage, which many people claim has been altered. After all, time was of the essence to push this through. And attempts to derail the filibuster with equally fishy means.
And here is really what I find amusing: Seems that not even the so called liberal media centers have picked up on these irregularities....MSn was quiet, you knew Fox would not mention it.

and then there is the gentlemanly attack from Gov. Perry on Wendy Davies, on a very personal level...

And the liberal media? <Crickets>


Sr. Grandmaster
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Aug 28, 2001
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Terre Haute, IN
And then there is the matter of the time stamp on the video footage, which many people claim has been altered.

How embarrassing.

Good for Wendy Davis--an inspiration--but sadly it looks like it'll all be for naught. Even when the law is overturned some of those clinics won't come back.


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
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In Pain
How embarrassing.

Good for Wendy Davis--an inspiration--but sadly it looks like it'll all be for naught. Even when the law is overturned some of those clinics won't come back.

It has been shelved, until Perry can schedule another special session.


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
And here is the media bias...since the media ignored the horror story of kermit gosnell and his murdering of babies, which lead to this move in Texas, and puts into context what they were trying to do...

Anyone familiar with our media knows what the Media Narrative is here -- all about gender politics, "reproductive rights," and any other buzzword that can be utilized to place Wendy Davis astride a white horse, and her political opponents grunting away in that Neanderthal cave known as Texas.
Naturally, though, most of the national media are ignoring any pertinent facts inconvenient to their agenda. Here are five of them:
1. The Texas Bill will Make Abortion Safer:

...In truth, clinics would close only if they failed to meet new safety standards that have been drawn in response to the horror stories in Philadelphia and Houston. The new rules, as summarized by the Texas Alliance for Life, would have &#8220;increase[d] abortion facility safety standards to the level of ambulatory surgical centers to shut down Gosnell-like abortion providers in Texas,&#8221; &#8220;require[d] the 18,000 RU-486 abortions performed each year be done according to FDA safety standards,&#8221; and &#8220;require[d] physicians who perform abortions to be qualified to treat life-threatening complications after botched abortions and have privileges at a local hospital.&#8221;

3. A Majority of American Women Back the Ban: Davis also obstructed the will of American women, who support a ban on abortion after 20 weeks at a higher percentage than men, 50% to 44%.

4. A Huge Majority of Texans Back the Ban: Davis obstructed the will of Texans; almost two-thirds (62%) of whom favor this ban on abortion after 20 weeks.


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
This article contains a video showing exactly what Gov. Perry said about the woman who filibustered...saying that all life is important and even children born in difficult situations can thrive...noting the woman who filibustered was born to a single mother, and was herself a teenage mother...and both she and her children have thrived...yeah...some attack...

But hey, let's let the democrat/government/obama media lead the attack on not actually covering what he actually said...


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
3. A Majority of American Women Back the Ban: Davis also obstructed the will of American women, who support a ban on abortion after 20 weeks at a higher percentage than men, 50% to 44%.
4. A Huge Majority of Texans Back the Ban: Davis obstructed the will of Texans; almost two-thirds (62%) of whom favor this ban on abortion after 20 weeks. can say Gov. Perry was trying to pass a bill that the majority of his state supports, and she was blocking the will of the people...something that isn't interesting to the democrat/government/obama media...


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
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In Pain can say Gov. Perry was trying to pass a bill that the majority of his state supports, and she was blocking the will of the people...something that isn't interesting to the democrat/government/obama media...

The bill is really not as much the issue. Except maybe that you ought to just man up and eat your crow, since your favorite whipping boys the 'liberal' media aren't covering it, although according to your playbook they should be all over it.
Then get seconds because your favorite entertainment channel is not all over this for all the violations of procedure that happened there!

Apparently it is not the will of the people, since the man has to resort to all kinds of underhanded tactics to get his way, to circumvent the proper procedures of his state, he has sworn loyalty to!

I understand you prefer your woman barefoot in the kitchen and pregnant.
But I am rather disappointed in you, good sir, that the political shenanigans do not outrage you!

Something else about this:

The senate was recalled 90 minutes after its midnight end point, to determine whether or not the vote was valid- behind closed doors with no microphones, and only the Senate's own muted camera. Then something disturbing happened. The senate website carries the official record of the caucus. It listed the vote as happening past midnight, on June 26th. Until suddenly it didn't. The date was quietly manually changed to 6/25, the minutes altered to say the vote happened at 11:59, despite almost 200,000 people watching live who saw differently. Suddenly twitter and other social media sites blew up with before-and-after screen shots. Inside the closed sessions, the democrats were made aware of the alterations and brought them up- without social media, almost no one would have known, and never in time. Ultimately, based on the fraudulent alterations, the GOP conceded defeat, admitting the vote had taken place at 12:03, and declaring the bill to be dead. When this happened, the AP and CBS said the vote was overturned, never admitting to shoddy journalism. CNN ignored the story until this morning, because muffins take priority.


(could not find the link at first)
The Religious Right is Not Pro-Life &#8212; They&#8217;re Pro-Violence, Anti-Women and Anti-Poor
June 28, 2013 By jasdye 7 Comments

First, it&#8217;s important to note that the proper use of labels matters because words and how we use them matter. It is not appropriate that much of the anti-abortion movement(s) uses the term &#8220;pro-life&#8221; when they are only signifying saving the life of the pre-born from an abortion, and maybe perhaps the prolonging the life of those on life support. That is not pro-life, for their definition of life is severely limited. Even the life of the mother is suspect. Within the anti-abortion factions of Protestantism, the so-called pro-life movement seems to not give a flying rip about the lives of convicted criminals (pro-death penalty), of civilians and soldiers (pro-war), and often of the poor in the Third World or domestically (anti-poor). It doesn&#8217;t give a care to the concern of poor women, even as they are carrying the sacred pre-born (pro-shame, anti-health care). Nor does it seem to care for the victims of their favored Gunstianity (pro-guns, pro-violence). In fact, if the Evangelical anti-abortion movement is anything besides anti-abortion, it&#8217;s pro-violence. I don&#8217;t see how any of it is consistently anything but chaotic control.

Within the more consistent Catholic pro-life movement, the definition of human life is extended to the embryo to such an effect that the right to birth control is fought against in Catholic institutions and by Catholic bishops (those much closer to the ground such as nuns and priests may disagree but often are punished for verbalizing such), and the fight against reproductive choice in US Catholic churches supersedes fights against poverty and other forms of life. Even birth control is seen as a cardinal sin when the utmost virtue is to &#8220;be fruitful and multiply&#8221; despite the health or even life of the mother.
In both Protestant and Catholic anti-abortion cultures, then, neither is so much about a &#8220;culture of life&#8221; as much as a culture pitted against abortion. Oftentimes, anti-abortion people seem most concerned about the life of the potential baby, using whatever rhetoric or legislative means and trickery available to put the pre-born over and above the life of the woman.
But by now, most of us know that restricting legal access to abortion doesn&#8217;t make abortion happen less. Abortion, as in the case of Gosnell and back-alley coat-hanger procedures, happens regardless because the risks and needs involved in those who seek it are far greater and more complex and life-threatening than the anti-abortion excuse of &#8220;inconvenience for nine months.&#8221;
If anti-abortion forces wanted to truly fight abortion, they&#8217;d be pro-life and pro-woman and pro-poor. Or, to be short, pro-LIFE, in the sense that the term should be used. For life is about more than the fact of being alive. Life has to do with growth and movement and freedom. It has to do with liberation from control. And the current anti-abortion movement is, simply put, about controlling the female body and legislating and mocking what females do with their bodies. That&#8217;s not life, that is control. It tells the woman what her place is &#8211; always under the whim of the man.
If anti-abortion forces want to drastically reduce abortion, they&#8217;d fight poverty and spousal and parental abuse. They&#8217;d support comprehensive sex education. They&#8217;d fight rape culture, rather than implicitly support it through modesty culture and shaming. They wouldn&#8217;t compare young and desperate pregnant women considering abortion to dumb birds &#8211; let alone to murderers.
If anti-abortion movements wanted to show that they are actually PRO-life, they wouldn&#8217;t allow politicians that defund programs that feed poor families to represent them. They wouldn&#8217;t allow politicians to defund programs that assist poor pregnant women or children in getting necessary, regular medical treatment, let alone side with them over so-called pro-life legislative measures, trapping the poor in further and deeper cycles of poverty.
This is how you are pro-life. By being for all of life. Not by saying you are fervently for all life before you inject your 500th inmate with lethal poison.

But here is how I explain how I&#8217;m pro-choice though I&#8217;m also pro-life. It&#8217;s pretty simple, really. Because I live in the US. And though I personally don&#8217;t feel that abortion is right due to my religious feelings, I recognize that not everyone shares the same views, nor the same male privileges I do. I recognize that abortion is almost always a difficult decision and that I am not God - I cannot judge a decision I can&#8217;t begin to comprehend. And I don&#8217;t want to. I want to leave those choices open, trusting that an informed woman and her doctor know more about her own body and what she can handle than I do.
That only seems to be loving and trusting. You know, a Christian thing to do.

not exactly new, is it. But so revealing.

I know, I know... left wing nutter....
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Master of Arts
Jun 1, 2005
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I greatly admire the job that Wendy Davis did in her filibuster. We don't mention Texas politics much because the vast majority of Texans are pretty embarrassed by it. We understand that Rick Perry is a walking comedy sketch. We understand that Texas politics is mainly about who has bought who. The religious right is very powerful in Texas because they're big business here and can throw a lot of money around. I've only heard from one person here in Texas that was upset that that bill didn't pass, and she was only upset because her minister told her she should be. She didn't even know the content of the bill.

Bob Hubbard

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Gov. Perry ....saying that all life is important and even children born in difficult situations can thrive...meanwhile Texas executed it's 500ths inmate.
The irony was lost on Perry.

He'd get along great with Cuomo...they use similar means to pass personal agenda's. Perry will call as many special sessions as he can until he gets what he wants I suspect.


MT Mentor
Dec 17, 2008
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4. A Huge Majority of Texans Back the Ban: Davis obstructed the will of Texans; almost two-thirds (62%) of whom favor this ban on abortion after 20 weeks.

According to who? I did find it on breibart with absolutely no references to back any figures claimed.


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Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
A little context to the execution of the serial murderer in Texas...a lot different than fighting to limit the killing of unborn children...

McCarthy, 52, was executed for the 1997 robbery, beating and fatal stabbing of retired college psychology professor Dorothy Booth. Booth had agreed to give McCarthy a cup of sugar before she was attacked with a butcher knife and candelabra at her home in Lancaster, about 15 miles south of Dallas. Authorities say McCarthy cut off Booth's finger to remove her wedding ring.

It was among three slayings linked to McCarthy, a former nursing home therapist who became addicted to crack cocaine.


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
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In Pain
Gov. Perry ....saying that all life is important and even children born in difficult situations can thrive...meanwhile Texas executed it's 500ths inmate.
The irony was lost on Perry.

He'd get along great with Cuomo...they use similar means to pass personal agenda's. Perry will call as many special sessions as he can until he gets what he wants I suspect.

as long as this life does not starve on his doorsteps...

here is what a lady on another forum had to say:
The idea behind pro-choice is the idea that nationally, we recognize the idea of bodily autonomy and then somehow forget it in the one case of abortion.

Bodily autonomy is the idea that you have the right to be in control of your own body. It sounds like a simple concept, but it isn't especially when concerning medical procedures. You have the right to refuse medical treatment. You have the right to refuse to donate organs or blood or bone marrow even if it will save a life. Parents even have the legal right to refuse to to donate such things to their child, again even if the child's life is in endanger.

Bodily autonomy does not even end when you die! M_ (and the two people who liked the post) are you folks organ donors? Because bodily autonomy means that even after you die your organs and tissue cannot be harvested without prior approval from you or post-mortem approval from a medical proxy. So if you are not organ donors, that means that your corpse has more rights than this bill wants woman to have. Organs cannot be taken from a corpse without permission, even if it means that people (or multiple people, considering how many organs we have) will die. And I'm not trying to get in to the "at what point does a fetus become a baby" argument, but these people that are dying because they can't have an organ from a corpse are not a 5 week old fetus.

So if people want to argue that woman should be mandated to carry a child to full term so as not to allow loss of life, I expect the same people to argue for mandatory blood donation (we have a massive shortage right now), mandatory bone marrow donation, mandatory organ donations upon death, etc. In fact, bone marrow donation has such a low popularity because it is painful. People don't donate blood because they don't like needles. But both pale in comparison to the discomfort involved in pregnancy and pain involved in delivery.

Now I get the argument that in this case, the woman participated in the activity that conceived the child (barring rape and non-consensual sex here) where as in aforementioned examples the person is not related to whatever disease/disorder caused someone to need a new organ. However we don't make drunk drivers, murders, or violent criminals donate blood even if someone needs it to survive from a situation they have caused. Because we recognize that no matter their actions and their mistakes, they still have a right to have control over their bodies (obviously prison is a whole different story.)

This is the basic problem with the pro-life movement. It isn't about whether a fetus is a baby, it isn't about taking responsibility for your actions, it isn't even about republicans or democrats. It is about the fact that many people do not think woman deserve the same bodily autonomy that our system provides to a corpse.

it is simply too profound not to share!
The legislation pushed by the GOP gives a woman less rights than a dead body.
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Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan you don't agree with mandating forced blood donations, neither do I, but you support the ability to kill another human being who has done nothing wrong...hmmm...

Bob Hubbard

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How about the either stop trying to pass laws regulating womens bodies, or they just pass one to make them slaves who can't leave the house without a male escort and permission already? I hear that's popular with some folks.

Better yet, how about only the people who can have an abortion vote on the bill?


Jul 31, 2003
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If I have no legal interest in my child till its born then maybe men should be given the legal option to deny support. If I have no say in if she kills it, I shouldn't have to pay for it if I don't want it.

A baby is not an internal organ.

Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2


Sr. Grandmaster
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Aug 28, 2001
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Terre Haute, IN
If I have no legal interest in my child till its born then maybe men should be given the legal option to deny support. If I have no say in if she kills it, I shouldn't have to pay for it if I don't want it.

Philosophically fair, but biologically complicated--and bottom line, people don't want to pay the taxes for the welfare of others' kids that'd entail--so they support child support in such cases (until it happens to them).

A baby is not an internal organ.

A fetus is not a baby--and a woman's body is her own.

But this is about the filibuster. Great theatre but Rick Perry will win soon, then lose later (in court) on this one.


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
another floor at this action in Texas.

Wendy Davis and her allies will paint this as a Mrs. Smith Goes to Washington moment, and sure some of that drama is there. It took real willpower to stand and talk and run out the clock. The thousands of Austinites who showed up to support her certainly feel that protecting late-term abortion is a civil rights issue.

I&#8217;m going to venture a guess here, though. I think that from the perspective of a few decades from now, Wendy Davis&#8217;s filibuster isn&#8217;t going to look so pretty.

Think about it this way:

The babies at issue here are not formless blobs of cells. Here&#8217;s how one mommy website preps pregnant mothers for the 20-week ultrasound: &#8220;If Baby cooperates, you can see fingers, toes, spines and even a little face!&#8230; it will seem super cute if you see your little one sucking his thumb in-utero.

They can suck their thumbs, hear their mother&#8217;s voices, and feel pain. But of course, these babies are completely powerless. Wendy Davis, a white southern Democrat, filibustered last night to deny humanity to an entire swath of humans.


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
Here is a source for the poll information...

The poll split a question about abortions after 20 weeks &#8212; an effort to see whether talking in the context of fetal pain changed the responses of Texas voters. It didn&#8217;t: 62 percent said they would support &#8220;prohibiting abortions after 20 weeks based on the argument that a fetus can feel pain at that point,&#8221; and that same percentage said they support &#8220;prohibiting abortions after 20 weeks.&#8221; Nearly half &#8212; 49 percent in the first question and 47 percent in the second &#8212; said they would strongly support those prohibitions.

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
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Sanger CA
The nerve of legislators doing what their constituents want them to do...
I wish CA had some like that.
Edited to add:
Crap, we do, I wish there were fewer morons in CA.

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