The sword


<font color=blue><B>Grand UberSoke, Sith-jutsu Ryu
Jan 11, 2004
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What ninja would be complete without his trusty straight blade sword? According to Hollywood, none.

In reality, what was the truth behind a ninja sword?

I have heard conflicting stories.
It was just a tool.
It was considered 'sacred'.
It was a cheap straight common sword.
It was whatever they could steal from the samurai.
...and more.

What are the myths, and the realities surrounding this symbol of the ninja?
As an example, Samurai would pass their swords down from generation to generation. Given the 'commoner' background of the ninja, did they have similar traditions? Was the sword 'special' or just a tool?
Bester said:
As an example, Samurai would pass their swords down from generation to generation. Given the 'commoner' background of the ninja, did they have similar traditions? Was the sword 'special' or just a tool?

In our tradition it seems to have been mainly a tool -- though, humans being human after all, there probably were instances of individuals having their personal "favorite toys" and handing them down in their families.
The ninja-to was more of a tool from what i understand but ninja didnt nesesarilly have to use it. ninja had a wide variety of weapons so im shure their sword wasnt exactly sacred. "One thing i like about any weapon is not only is it an extension of the arm but they also give options."
The ninja used Katanas. Why? To fit in. Why have a striaght sword that would look out of place, be smaller than a samurai sword and only as sharp as a knife? It does not make sense.

The ninja to was a cut katana. There was nothing special about them. It was a tool, but a samurai swoed was more effective than a ninja straight blade.
I wouldnt be so sure about "a samurai sword being more effective"

The curve in a katana aids in cutting - as a curved blade when drawn along a target has more balde edge that travels the line with the same motion - causing an easier cut. But the curve of a blade also changes the concealability of an object, and the complexity with which it is made.

The straight blade was a very effective tool, but the truth is that its the user of the tool that must be effective - so i wouldnt worry too mcuh about whether a blade has a curve or not.... just learn to use it.
phlux said:
I wouldnt be so sure about "a samurai sword being more effective"

The curve in a katana aids in cutting - as a curved blade when drawn along a target has more balde edge that travels the line with the same motion - causing an easier cut. But the curve of a blade also changes the concealability of an object, and the complexity with which it is made.

The straight blade was a very effective tool, but the truth is that its the user of the tool that must be effective - so i wouldnt worry too mcuh about whether a blade has a curve or not.... just learn to use it.
i agree that the user is probably the one you should be most worried about. i really don't know but i heard that the ninja-to came around later. maybe because things got more advanced later on. like phlux said more concealabiitiy. honeing there way to make things more effective. maybe don will help us out with this. something to defenitly know.
Ok the Ninja-To or shinobigatana or whatever you want to call it.I dont actually know alot about the truth of the sword and its "effectiveness or uses" but if i remember correctly that Don once posted that the ninja straight blade(only 1) in the Iga Ninja Museum in Japan was clearly not a sword...not too sure if thats correct,correct me if wrong Don.

Personally i dont believe the Ninja used a straight bladed sword,i agree with the theory that its a modern creation.The old picture on the Fujita Seiko site shows him(or someone) in a dark outfit with a katana.Although what is interesting is that this katana has a very square shaped tsuba.Also in a couple of SKH books there ARE pictures of "ninja" using a straight bladed/square tsuba sword.

As well as making it clear that the historical ninja used katanas i think that SKH,hatsumi and the like go along with the Ninja-To image to keep the mystery and a little bit of myth alive with the Ninja,Thats of cause if it is a myth,i may be wrong...

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