The sound of one hand clapping.


MT Senior Moderator
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Lifetime Supporting Member
Apr 19, 2007
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Lives in Delaware
It seems that a lot of my favorite reads are either on hiatus, running silent, or just not posting. I hope this drought does not last too long. You know the feeling, when you go to the DoJo, and find out that Sensei has taken the night off. There was an old song years back, "I got that empty feeling", don't tarry too long.
It seems that a lot of my favorite reads are either on hiatus, running silent, or just not posting. I hope this drought does not last too long. You know the feeling, when you go to the DoJo, and find out that Sensei has taken the night off. There was an old song years back, "I got that empty feeling", don't tarry too long.

I agree. I hope they're just having summertime fun and hurry back. :)
I agree. I hope they're just having summertime fun and hurry back. :)
What she said, to what I said.
We all go through some spells where either we run a little dry, tire of the constant din or just have too much else to do.

This board has a way of bouncing back.