The Power Of Words


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Powerful little video... please watch and reply. (curious to viewpoints).
you realize this is a commercial for an online marketing company right?

I seriously doubt in the real world that the difference in signage there would rake in the money as they make it look... But ya it pulls on our heartstrings, it preys on what you want to be real... the goodness of mankind.

I think its crap.
Its pretend.
Its made up.
Show me a real story, that really happened then we can talk.

If you want to discuss the difference words make, this is absolutely true and nowhere more apparant then in Politics, and American Politics in general..

call me Jaded... call me crass... call me whatever... it is what it is.
you realize this is a commercial for an online marketing company right?

I seriously doubt in the real world that the difference in signage there would rake in the money as they make it look... But ya it pulls on our heartstrings, it preys on what you want to be real... the goodness of mankind.

I think its crap.
Its pretend.
Its made up.
Show me a real story, that really happened then we can talk.

If you want to discuss the difference words make, this is absolutely true and nowhere more apparant then in Politics, and American Politics in general..

call me Jaded... call me crass... call me whatever... it is what it is.

Cynical A-hole? :D

Well, yes, the clip is made up, but at the core the message is true: Words have power.
Much more than we give them credit for.
you realize this is a commercial for an online marketing company right?

I seriously doubt in the real world that the difference in signage there would rake in the money as they make it look... But ya it pulls on our heartstrings, it preys on what you want to be real... the goodness of mankind.
Hey, everybody was touched by that kid giving Mean Joe Greene his coke and Ole' Mean Joe gave the kid his jersey in return right??

Does it MATTER if it's made up or not... probably so... yet none-the-less it does make it's point.
I didn't give a rats *** where the video came from... only that it was done and it carried a strong message. For me anyway (and whomever)... I can be just as jaded or cynical as the next guy... but I'd rather still seek the good in people rather what's in it for me.

On the one hand society is getting worse but on the other hand society is still showing potential for getting better.
It is about getting things into perspective.

Words with power create a dominant image or an impression in our minds and well chosen, powerful words can help, inspire, encourage, and motivate us.

If someone can see something good in me, then there must be good in others as well. Maybe they don’t know it too and thus need to be shown.

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