The Martial Way



Is it just me, and if it is I'll shut up about it, or does hearing the phrase, "The true martial way" make you freak out and want to kill the person speaking it?
Originally posted by GouRonin
Is it just me, and if it is I'll shut up about it, or does hearing the phrase, "The true martial way" make you freak out and want to kill the person speaking it?

It's just you. But yes, hearing someone speak of The True Martial Way (i.e., his or her way) can be very annoying, especially across cultures. Comparing the aikido martial way to the Sayoc Kali martial way may not be too fruitful.
But Gou, sometimes just the phrase "Hey, how ya doing?" makes *you* want to freak out and kill the person saying it.


PS: I do get your point, often we hear of this "true martial way" from some guy wearing a "rising sun" headband.
Originally posted by Rubber Ducky
But Gou, sometimes just the phrase "Hey, how ya doing?" makes *you* want to freak out and kill the person saying it.

That's a lie. They were dead when I came across them.

Heh, "rising sun", heh heh, that's funny...thanx.
Originally posted by arnisador

It's just you. But yes, hearing someone speak of The True Martial Way (i.e., his or her way) can be very annoying, especially across cultures. Comparing the aikido martial way to the Sayoc Kali martial way may not be too fruitful.

True enough, arnisador. However, it's interesting to note that at the recent FCS seminar I posted about in the FMA forum, there was a group of aiki people there, all of them loving the training (FCS has a pretty heavy Sayoc Kali component). In fact, one of them is now part of our regular training group. That may not sound like too big of a deal, but consider that we meet at around 8:30 Sunday mornings :) To make it worse for me, I have to rush to work afterwards. Nothing prepares you for a day of work better than having sticks and knives swung at your face :D

did I have a point. Nope. Sure didn't.
I study Aikido and Kali and I don't find them all that incompatible.

Both have some things that are the same:

- the concept of "remaining mind"- zanshin in Japanese and hellifino in tagalog - is important to both;

- utilizing footwork and body position to come at the attacker from his "blind spot";

- deriving empty hand techniques from weapons work.

However, they do have their differences as well. The obvious one being attitude. In Kali it's kill him, kill his friend, and then kill them both again just to be sure. In Aikido it's "throw them until they get tired of it"; sort of.

Of course the Aikido school that I study at spends exactly 0% of the time talking about "the way" and the rest of it is spent on technique, so I could just be lucky. And the Kali school spends a *little* bit of time worrying about the law and the rest of the time working the mad skillz.

I don't spend a heck of a lot of time worrying about "the way" from a philosophical viewpoint, but I have noticed a few things.

Speaking for myself, martial arts has shown me:

- that being beligerent on purpose (other than online of course:) ) is a good way to get hurt, so there's no point to it;

- it's easier to just buy the guy a beer than to step outside, because (at least in my case) weapons *will* be involved and that's going to cost a *lot* more than just $5 and some pride;

- the Japanese guy I read about was right; knowing you can tune someone and then not doing it really is pacifism.

There's my martial way, Gou you can kill me now :p

Originally posted by Rubber Ducky
I study Aikido and Kali and I don't find them all that incompatible.[...]
However, they do have their differences as well. The obvious one being attitude. In Kali it's kill him, kill his friend, and then kill them both again just to be sure. In Aikido it's "throw them until they get tired of it"; sort of.

Yes, that's what I really was getting at in my post.

the Japanese guy I read about was right; knowing you can tune someone and then not doing it really is pacifism.

I tell people I use the martial arts for self-defense all the time: Every time I elect not to pummel someone who has given me slight justification or modest offense because I am sufficiently confident in my skills and have nothing to prove. I remember when I used to hope that someone would start a fight with me; it's nice to be beyond that now.
Originally posted by Rubber Ducky
In Kali it's kill him, kill his friend, and then kill them both again just to be sure.

I like that. I'd like to add, kill his entire family so they don't come back on you. Also burn his house to the ground. Blow up his car and salt the earth where he is buried so that nothing grows from that spot.

Originally posted by Rubber Ducky
There's my martial way, Gou you can kill me now.

No dice. You added the disclaimer of "That's my martial way. So you're in the clear.
Phew, that's a load off my mind. I wouldn't want you to have to go out of your way to do a killin'

Yeah, I know, and I liked it so much out there. What can ya do eh?
Originally posted by GouRonin
Is it just me, and if it is I'll shut up about it, or does hearing the phrase, "The true martial way" make you freak out and want to kill the person speaking it?
Why is this so? It is only a phrase! By the way; have you ever killed anyone before, or tried to kill someone before? As martial artists do we really train to kill or to kill if necessary? You be the judge! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
Originally posted by Chiduce
Why is this so? It is only a phrase!

Probably because the people saying seem to think their way is the only way. There's a lot of ways for a lot of people.

Originally posted by Chiduce
By the way; have you ever killed anyone before

I have never killed anyone before. Anyone human. I worked in a slaughterhouse one summer. I grew up on the farm. So I've killed my fair share of things that walk the earth and eaten most of what I've killed.

Originally posted by Chiduce
have you tried to kill someone before?


Originally posted by Chiduce
As martial artists do we really train to kill or to kill if necessary? You be the judge! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!

I'll be the judge jury and executioner when the time comes. It's a short step from a beat down to a killing. That's why I think we should be aware of that step.