Many of you may know that most of my training has been in Leung Ting's WT lineage and later, in on of its offshoots. Anyway, I just returned from a week of fairly intensive training out of state, and while I really enjoyed the experience, I have noticed a trend towards an ever expanding and complicated curriculum. This seems especially true of a particular aspect of training common in the WT lineage and offshoots called "Chi Sau Sections". These are essentially choreographed paired sets of chi-sau movements designed to teach the proper application of movements trained in the forms, including position, timing, energy, and power.
As a starting point, I found this training useful. But over the decades, the number and complexity of these sessions has steadily increased until a huge amount of training time is devoted to memorizing these paired forms with great technical precision. Moreover, many if not most of the movements are specifically trained to use against WC style attacks, and seem to have little practical application against the kind of non-WC attacks we would be far more likely to face.
Finally, does this trend of adding so many complex patterned sets go against the general theme of WC being a streamlined and practical art? Isn't this streamlining and functionality what Grandmaster Yip Man was credited and praised for? If so, WT guys, especially EWTO WT guys, why are we going so far in the opposite direction?
As a starting point, I found this training useful. But over the decades, the number and complexity of these sessions has steadily increased until a huge amount of training time is devoted to memorizing these paired forms with great technical precision. Moreover, many if not most of the movements are specifically trained to use against WC style attacks, and seem to have little practical application against the kind of non-WC attacks we would be far more likely to face.
Finally, does this trend of adding so many complex patterned sets go against the general theme of WC being a streamlined and practical art? Isn't this streamlining and functionality what Grandmaster Yip Man was credited and praised for? If so, WT guys, especially EWTO WT guys, why are we going so far in the opposite direction?