The Bible does not condemn self defense

A Jew is a Jew is a Jew. There were then as now different sects and different thoughts, not all Jews then were in the Greek style. There has never been a unified Jewish school of thought so you can't actually say that I as a Sephardic Jew don't have the same culture.

As a Sephardic Jew, do you have priests make karbanot in the Temple?
Elder you may have read Latin, Greek and Hebrew etc but have you studied in the Jewish way or the Xtian way? isn't your religious studies degree a Xtian based one or can you sit in a yeshiva and argue with rabbinic students? :D

I grew up in New York. I actually have argued with rabinnic students-one of my oldest friends is a Talmudic scholar, and one of my subjects of study was Judaism in the New World-from Christophoro Colon to the Conquistadors and crypto-Jewry in the New World to the American Revolution. In New Mexico there's quite a few descendants of Marrano emigres-the Roman Catholic priest who used to butcher my game for me is a crypto-Jew, and I had a lengthy conversation with Antonio Pereira, founder of Miyama ryu, about how his name, "Pereira" (pear-tree) was a converso name-a name given to Jewish families forced to convert by the Inquisition.

I may not be Jewish, but I know more than most Christians about Judaism....kinda reminds me of this:

Only Americans would call it 'Temple' :D
Ikh visn yener "Temple" iz "shul" arayn mame-loshn ikh zogn ikh zayn hanoe Nyu York ton`du nisht meynen ikh volt visn etlekh yiddishkeit hanoe Nyu York ?

I mean, Tez-I took German in middle school all the way through college, and took Russian in college-living in New York, in the midst of one of the largest and most divergent Jewish populations in the world.....

By "Temple worship," Biblical scholars and scholars of the period are referring to Hebrew ritual as it existed in the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem, with der akeyde hanoe animals oyf burnt offerings........something that doesn't exist anymore, and hasn't since the destruction of the 2nd Temple in 70 A.D.......
Ikh visn yener "Temple" iz "shul" arayn mame-loshn ikh zogn ikh zayn hanoe Nyu York ton`du nisht meynen ikh volt visn etlekh yiddishkeit hanoe Nyu York ?

I mean, Tez-I took German in middle school all the way through college, and took Russian in college-living in New York, in the midst of one of the largest and most divergent Jewish populations in the world.....

By "Temple worship," Biblical scholars and scholars of the period are referring to Hebrew ritual as it existed in the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem, with der akeyde hanoe animals oyf burnt offerings........something that doesn't exist anymore, and hasn't since the destruction of the 2nd Temple in 70 A.D.......

It's Ladino for Sephardi not Yiddish. You know of course that 'Hebrew ritual' was as divergent as Judaism? There was the Temple and there were synagogues even then where they each did as they believed things should be. There are basic beliefs in Judaism but divergence aplenty among rituals and thoughts, then as now.
It's Ladino for Sephardi not Yiddish.

Ya know, I knew that, but I keep forgetting things, these days, I can't show off in Ladino, since I don't know any....
(and have pretty much spent my foreign language skills for the day, please.....)

You know of course that 'Hebrew ritual' was as divergent as Judaism? There was the Temple and there were synagogues even then where they each did as they believed things should be. There are basic beliefs in Judaism but divergence aplenty among rituals and thoughts, then as now.

Yeah, but present-day Judaism is even more divergent from ancient Hebrew rituals than the various sects were then from each other-kind of like the Christians of today being somewhat divergent from "Christian table-fellowship" of the second to fourth century.....just sayin'
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Ya know, I knew that, but I keep forgetting things, these days, I can't show off in Ladino, since I don't know any....
(and have pretty much spent my foreign language skills for the day, please.....)

Yeah, but present-day Judaism is even more divergent from ancient Hebrew rituals than the various sects were then from each other-kind of like the Christians of today being somewhat divergent from "Christian table-fellowship" of the second to fourth century.....just sayin'

The thing is we move forward, one reason why the Law is always up to date for us. We've always done that so even one year would be different from the next. No one is as they were exactly two thousand years ago ( well maybe the Welsh bless em) but we are actually quite close. The early Xtians were nothing like the way they are today, they had female bishops for one thing and married priests...:)
The thing is we move forward, one reason why the Law is always up to date for us. We've always done that so even one year would be different from the next. No one is as they were exactly two thousand years ago ( well maybe the Welsh bless em) but we are actually quite close. The early Xtians were nothing like the way they are today, they had female bishops for one thing and married priests...:)
QFT, and because I can't click "like, agree and informative."

Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Coptic and Episcopal priests all get married, and are, to one degree or another, "catholic." Protestant ministers get married, and the Episcopal and Anglican churches now have female bishops....
Guay! cuando el amares favla leshon hakodesh.

A phrase someone might be as well to heed.... no names, no pack drill.

( Beware when the ignoramus starts quoting scripture)
Guay! cuando el amares favla leshon hakodesh.

A phrase someone might be as well to heed.... no names, no pack drill.

( Beware when the ignoramus starts quoting scripture)
But I do have some Spanish....this is Sephardic, I think:

Cuando avre la boca se conoce lo que es.
(When one opens his mouth, he reveals who he is)
Absolutely not! :) I enjoy your posts. what you believe is between you and G-d, it's not for me to say you shouldn't believe it, I will just tell you why I don't. Now I'm going to blow your mind lol, you asked before why there wasn't commentary on something and I said there will be but there is hundreds of thousands of commentaries, well in Israel they have and are building an online record of commentaries. Dip in if you fancy! Judaic Responsa - Bar-Ilan University Responsa Global Jewish Database
Elder you may have read Latin, Greek and Hebrew etc but have you studied in the Jewish way or the Xtian way? isn't your religious studies degree a Xtian based one or can you sit in a yeshiva and argue with rabbinic students? :D

Thanks. I think. :)

Goodness knows how long it will me to get through all the information you have provided. I really do appreciate it.
Thanks. I think. :)

Goodness knows how long it will me to get through all the information you have provided. I really do appreciate it.

Tip of the iceberg I'm afraid :) Torah study is actually considered by many to be more important than prayer, often Jewish scholars would only study while their wives worked, ran the house, raised the children etc .Judaism is a bit like a bottomless well, there is so much, and so many different thoughts that you can easily feel you are drowning. It's always 'well on this hand...but on the other hand'!

However I think I would recommend that if you read nothing else you should read the Says/Ethics of the Fathers and perhaps read it before anything else. There's a surprising amount of wisdom about all sorts of things in there as well as food for thought.

Ethics of the Fathers Chapter One - Texts Writings
Why do you think in one verse he told each of his disciples who does not have one to get one, but then in another verse says that the group of eleven only needs two?
Good question. Not sure about that?

Why doesn't Jesus carry a sword?
He didn't need one. As He states, He could have twelve legions of angels so He certainly wouldn't need a sword, but He had to allow Himself to be arrested to fulfill prophecy.
You don't like to name my culture then? You don't like to say Jewish culture?

It was the Roman culture that was in control then, that's what I was referring to when I said that culture.
Good question. Not sure about that?

He didn't need one. As He states, He could have twelve legions of angels so He certainly wouldn't need a sword, but He had to allow Himself to be arrested to fulfill prophecy.

It was the Roman culture that was in control then, that's what I was referring to when I said that culture.
What, you don't know Biblical history? The Romans were in charge at the time. Learn your facts.
What, you don't know Biblical history? The Romans were in charge at the time. Learn your facts.

I know nothing, please enlighten me then el haragan es consejero.
I know nothing, please enlighten me then el haragan es consejero.

At the time, that part of the world was being run by the Romans. They had established their empire and during the time of the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus the area was being managed by Pontius Pilate a Roman governor who served under Emperor Tiberius.
At the time, that part of the world was being run by the Romans. They had established their empire and during the time of the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus the area was being managed by Pontius Pilate a Roman governor who served under Emperor Tiberius.

What do you think about the Herodian dynasty?

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