The Art of Invisibility


<font color=blue><B>Grand UberSoke, Sith-jutsu Ryu
Jan 11, 2004
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*POOF* My smoke bomb makes me invisible.

Hollywood Myth, or based in reality.

What are the secrets to the Art of becoming Invisible?

Based on books by Mr. Hayes, it would seem to be a combination of factors.
Proper camouflage
Masking of senses (sight, smell)

..and more.

[font=&quot]What are the myths, and the modern day realities of the ninja art of invisibility?[/font]
Some of the "myths":
You can become invisible at will (although it may seem that way when a bunch of pretty women walk by you).
Ninja can walk thru walls.
Ninja can turn into animals (still invisibility, you are not seeing what you expect to see)

Ways to practice or affect "invisibility:
Camouflage. Look like you belong there. Don't show up at McDonald's wearing full body armour. You'd stand out like a sore thumb. And cause a lot of concern.
Don't go jogging in the morning wearing a full "ninja outfit". Again, people notice that.
If you want to blend in, dress like everyone else. Don't try to make a statement or stand out. Average length hair, normal mustache if so inclined (no Fu Manchu or soul patch). Look like an ordinary every day person.
Think invisible. If you are thinking about how you're going to hurt so-and-so or how you are going to sneak up on someone, it can be fet. Ever get the feeling someone is watching you? Next time, turn around and look, you may see someone staring at you or someone turn away because you almost caught them.
Smoke bombs? I feel there is no need for them today. Anything can be used as metsubishi. That's all a smoke bomb is. Something to momentarily distract your pursurer so you can remove yourself to a safer place.
Really, it's all about attitude and appearance. If you think low-key, dress ordinarily, you will not be perceived as a threat or as out-of-place and thereby become invisible.
i think that is a really good answer. the trick to me is going being without being percieved. one trick that was explained to me is: when someone is looking for you in a crowd you look for a familiar head that you recognize. drop your hight and it will be harder for you to be percieved in a crowd.
I think the skill of invisibility should not always be thought of quite so literally. For example, if an opponent throws a punch at you, and you avoid by moving to his blind side, from his perspective you have in fact disappeared...

Having looked through Mr. Hayes books, it seems that it is a combination of properly blending in to an enviroment.

Now, can invisibility be broken into types? I'm thinking enviromental (blending in), physical (blinding an opponent), etc?
Yes, I think Hayes even breaks it down like that, by the various elements used in concealment/escape.

You can become invisible at will (although it may seem that way when a bunch of pretty women walk by you).
Ninja can walk thru walls.
Ninja can turn into animals (still invisibility, you are not seeing what you expect to see)

And your going to Tell me I CANT do these things? I was in the book store one day, and an anonimous voice whispered, "The secret to Ninja invisability is to drink from the hose of secret ooze." I thought, where is the hose of ooze? "Go to the alley, blindfold yourself, crouch down, and the hose will appear!"

So I went into the alley. With the blindfold on, I felt the hose. It was hard getting the secret ooze out at first, but once it started, I almost gagged. When I was done, I yelled, "Who are you!?" as he disappeared in the mist, yelling back, "Master Splinter!"

Since then, I have been invisable to almost every single woman, and I am able to bark like a dog in front of all my guy friends. I am sure I will be able to walk through walls soon!

Your shadow-friend,

O.K...time for a serious post...(if I am going to be an A-hole for laughs, then I'd better get the thread on track when I am done! :asian: )

I am no ninja, but I practice Recon and "invisability" stuff (not sure what you'd call it). I have had conversations with a Native American (Ojibway) on some of the hunting techniques that came from his culture. My Recon and Ranger buddies have shown me tracking, anti-tracking, and some stalking skills. I have read the Stephen K Hayes and Tom Brown Jr. books just for learning purposes.

What I have found from my limited exposure is that if your in the wilderness, your body has a natural ability to blend, hide, and stalk, if you let it. We are animals as well as human beings, so this should make sense. The key is tapping into that natural ability, which is hard to do because we are so far removed from our instinctual selves. I find the best way to tap into that ability is simply trial and error, and practice. You may have good tips from ninjitsu, hunters, trackers, military recon guys, or whoever...but if you don't get out there and play, then you won't hone your abilities.

My favorite way to practice is to track and hunt deer. I don't shoot em' usually; I just try to get as close as I can before they notice me. It's fun, medatative, and a good way to practice your "invisability." I say that if you like to hunt, make it challanging if you want to practice. Don't just sit up in a shelter drinking beer with your rifle and high powered scope. Actually try to track them, and use something that requires a little more skill, and ability to get close, like a bow.

Now, if your in an urban environment, then naturally, your not going to be all cammoed up in your "ninja" costume. There are tactics that you'd use to blend and look like anyone else. I'd imagine that you'd want no one to notice you; but if they did, they wouldn't think about it, and they wouldn't be able to describe you. I am less versed in this aspect of "invisability."

I'll bet that some of the tactics from Ninjitsu work as well today as they would have hundreds of years ago. I'll also bet that systema has some good modern insights to this sort of invisability.

Now...time to go run around in the woods nekid.

Your friend,

The streaker

p.s. lets talk about urban invisability, beyond the obvious of "don't look noticable." Any specific tactics you'd like to share?
We do techniques like a strike to the eyes, while moving around an opponent... you literaly "dissapear" in plan sight... of course, the opponent knows where you are... but his reaction to your movement gives you a lot of time to respond to his movements and your new, more advantagos position...

Its not all about camoflage and hiding under a desk, or up a tree... IN an actual combat invisibility is about striking with "unseen movements" or from an angle the opponent cannot see coming... Or like Kreth said... moving into a blind spot as you dodge his attack.

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