The Army or the UFC


2nd Black Belt
Dec 8, 2008
Reaction score
Quoting a 19 year old fellow worker, "With my anger problem I'm joining the Army or the UFC". That the young man has an anger problem is not in doubt, he has broken all of his girlfriends car windows, threatened to kill her in text messages, serving time in jail for it and I've seen his anger at work. She is now his ex girl friend.

The Army or the UFC? Another fellow worker thinks the Army would knock out the young man's snotty attitude, I think the Army has better benefits. Than again, if he is really good at the UFC he might make more money and his attitude might not be a liability from what I've read and seen about the UFC. Than again the Army's discipline might help his future UFC career.
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Hi Joab,

You know, this might be going out on a limb here, but I don't really like the idea of someone less-than-mentally stable being given firearms and then being taught how to use them...

Then again, I'm not sold on the idea of UFC actually being any kind of solution either. Those guys are serious athletes, train incredibly hard, and are extremely dedicated to improving each and every day... again, not exactly the kind of thing an "angry young man" will necessarily stick through.

I'd probably suggest a counsellor, or a therapist. Get him to talk to someone. A serious problem with anger isn't solved by just giving a way to vent, that is a temporary solution at best.

Oh, and you may have accidentally clicked the underline icon at the top of the text window...
Why isn't this nutbag in jail?
I'm with Chris. Anger issues don't make him well suited for either one. Discipline and self-control are important elements of any lifestyle involving serious training. And while we may see a lot of images of UFC guys (or, rather, aspiring UFC guys on "The Ultimate Fighter") doing crazy things, they're also very hard working and dedicated. I think that requires a certain sort of stability.

Dana White's response to people fighting on the set of that show is generally to kick them off, citing their unprofessionalism. Junie Browning being a notable exception, though I'd also point out that the experience of training for the UFC doesn't seem to have done much to mitigate his behavioural problems. And being perpetually angry hasn't made him a better fighter.

In short, addressing anger issues by joining the army or the UFC is a bit like draping a table cloth over the gorilla in the corner of the room. He should address the problem, not try and foist it off on somebody else.

I edited out the underlines, for anyone wondering what Chris was talking about. Well, the Army will be very aware of his record should they take him. I saw him talking to an Army recruiter, the angry young man told me he will "probably join the Army" than went on to say the Army or the UFC with his anger problem.

Well, Chris makes a good point, somebody with his anger problem with guns would be dangerous. Than again, if they can control the anger and direct it at Al Qaeda in Afghanistan it might work out. Why isn't this guy in jail? He got bailed out by his grandfather. Jail only made him more angry. The Army has dealt with angry young men before, it might work out. Than again, I'm sure the UFC has its share of angry young men and he wouldn't have a gun.
Well, he is a good worker when he doesn't get distracted, and he works out a lot. Yeah, I agree it would be a risk having him in the Army, than again it might straighten him out. And the Army will be very aware of his record, they will know what their getting. Than again, he might be a star in the UFC, you never know.

Good responses by all.
The guy obviously needs professional help. Anger issue going on damaging and threats of murder needs to be addressed professionally be that incarceration in jail or a mental institute. The guy definitely needs to see a therapist and maybe get on some meds.

The Army thing doesn't seem to be a good idea until he is mentally sound. You don't want him getting mad at some guy and then shooting him. Giving a loaded gun to someone who has a short fuse is like putting gas on a wildfire.

The UFC is not a good idea for an angry person because he might just kill someone on purpose too.

The guy needs something to channel that anger or work with a trained professional on how to deal with it.
I would say that neither would be a vialble option. In the military you need to count on the guy next to you, you shouldn't have to worry about him him getting pissed and leaving your back to go off half cocked.

I also don't think he would last too long in the UFC if he hasn't dealt with his issues. I think anger management and thorazine would be a better option for the time bomb.
Some people think of the military or professional fighting as a good fit for people with anger management issues, but they're not. They are professional organizations that expect disciplined behavior from its members. Those who cannot control their tempers are absolutely the wrong people for the job.
Well, you guys might be right. On the other hand, I've known young men with anger issues that got straightened out through military discipline. In fact some only do well in the structured environement of the military, and when they get out they go to their old ways. I'll leave it up to him, I don't want to be the object of his anger.

Of course, the UFC is the other option...
The days of the military taking the dregs of society are long over, despite what those who hate the military tell you.
The days of the military taking the dregs of society are long over, despite what those who hate the military tell you.

They are any rate, only time will tell.
Well, you guys might be right. On the other hand, I've known young men with anger issues that got straightened out through military discipline. In fact some only do well in the structured environement of the military, and when they get out they go to their old ways. I'll leave it up to him, I don't want to be the object of his anger.

Of course, the UFC is the other option...

No, Joab, it's really not. This is not an "either/or" situation, as both options you have given are quite bad choices for him. They are simply the only options you (or him) are recognising. Get him to a therapist, or at the very least avoid encouraging either of the above.
Nothing in the OP or any subsequent posts indicate that this individual has any skills that would make him competative in the UFC. An angry jerk may with no skills will not last long in the UFC or any other competative venue.

If the guy joins the army and has serious issues that manifest during basic training, they may just put him in lock down, drug him up, give him a medical dicharge and send him home (I know someone who had exactly that happen to him six weeks into basic).

This man acknowledges that he has an anger problem. Perhaps he should actually seek professional help to aid him in overcoming the issue. If he acknowledges it and just does not care that he has this problem, then he needs to check into prison and never leave.

People who do stupid things and then get angry when they pay the penalty for doing stupid things are simply stupid and have no place in society. Make no mistake, it was not jail that made him angry. He just is angry that he had to face actual consequences for his actions. Jerks like that seem to feel that they are above any repercussions and get angry when reality rears its head.

No, Joab, it's really not. This is not an "either/or" situation, as both options you have given are quite bad choices for him. They are simply the only options you (or him) are recognising. Get him to a therapist, or at the very least avoid encouraging either of the above.

It's him, I haven't told him what to do. These are the options he has given me. And he completely blames his ex-girlfiriend for his time in jail, it is her fault in his mind because she called the police.

Well, I will do what I can, which isn't a whole lot. Thanks for all the responses. The decision is ultimately his, and of course the Army and UFC doesn't have to accept him.
It makes me laugh to be honest that anyone can think they can walk into either just like that! The army might be recruiting but I imagine it's like ours that despite manpower shortages they won't take anyone. If they did there's still a lot of training to get through, to say its not easy would be an understatement.
To get into the UFC is probably harder, there's a hell of a lot of MMA fighters (and some not MMA!) worldwide who wouldn't mind a shot at the UFC. You have to prove yourself as a professional fighter first for a start and that is much the same as being a soldier, both need discipline never mind all the other qualities. Anger however isn't something that is needed or desirable in either 'trade'. In fact anyone going into a profession or trade thinking it will 'cure' their personality problems is making a big mistake.
I think both options frankly are just wishful thinking.
The UFC accept what? a ticket seller?
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Well, you guys might be right. On the other hand, I've known young men with anger issues that got straightened out through military discipline. In fact some only do well in the structured environement of the military, and when they get out they go to their old ways. I'll leave it up to him, I don't want to be the object of his anger.

Of course, the UFC is the other option...

That is definitely a possibility, but it's more a case where the recruits learn real fast that the military is not going to put up with their ****. Some learn that and go on to have a decent tour or even career. Some don't and end up with a ticket home.
Quoting a 19 year old fellow worker, "With my anger problem I'm joining the Army or the UFC". That the young man has an anger problem is not in doubt, he has broken all of his girlfriends car windows, threatened to kill her in text messages, serving time in jail for it and I've seen his anger at work. She is now his ex girl friend.

The Army or the UFC? Another fellow worker thinks the Army would knock out the young man's snotty attitude, I think the Army has better benefits. Than again, if he is really good at the UFC he might make more money and his attitude might not be a liability from what I've read and seen about the UFC. Than again the Army's discipline might help his future UFC career.

IMO, neither. This kid needs an anger mgt. class before anything else. If his temper is that short, do we want him running around with guns? Sounds like a young punk, who doesnt like to listen to anyone.

Do we want this short fuse in the UFC? So, now with his hot head, he seriously, and intentionally injures someone?

Part of making ones self better, is acknowledging that there is an issue. Is this kid doing this? Does he want to make an improvement in his life? If he does, then he's half way there. If he doesnt, then he'll most likely find himself locked up for a long time.
It's him, I haven't told him what to do. These are the options he has given me. And he completely blames his ex-girlfiriend for his time in jail, it is her fault in his mind because she called the police.

Well, I will do what I can, which isn't a whole lot. Thanks for all the responses. The decision is ultimately his, and of course the Army and UFC doesn't have to accept him.

Guys like this don't go very far without some kind of therapy. Like you said, he blames his girlfriend for going to jail, I think until he starts accepting responsibility for his own actions, jail is gonna be the only place he'll be going.