Testing For Brown Blt. Alone


noble man

I will be testing for my brn blt in 9 weeks Sep.18 to be exact.I will most likely be testing alone in front of 25-100 blk belts,not to mention a Grandmaster.This test will happen after a tournament that my teacher's teacher will be hosting.All of my other test were only in front of my teacher,so they were not as NERVE RACKING as this test is going to be.Has anyone been in a similiar situation? Any advice you may have will be welcome.
noble man said:
I will be testing for my brn blt in 9 weeks Sep.18 to be exact.I will most likely be testing alone in front of 25-100 blk belts,not to mention a Grandmaster.This test will happen after a tournament that my teacher's teacher will be hosting.All of my other test were only in front of my teacher,so they were not as NERVE RACKING as this test is going to be.Has anyone been in a similiar situation? Any advice you may have will be welcome.
Hi Noble Man,

My situation was not the same, but maybe this will help a bit. I tested for my black belt as the only one testing, and there were about 30 people in attendance (some were family) and only three black belts. It was only for about the first two minutes very strange to be the only one watched. Believe me the feeling does not last for long. You have way too much work to do. You have to just focus on the task at hand and you will be left with no time or energy to worry about what other people are looking at. Just go out and do your stuff! I did not let my mind wander to think about being watched. I was way too occupied. You have plenty of time, prepare and practice a lot before then, and you will really have nothing to worry about. :) Please let us know how you do!

MJ :)
noble man said:
I will be testing for my brn blt in 9 weeks Sep.18 to be exact.I will most likely be testing alone in front of 25-100 blk belts,not to mention a Grandmaster.This test will happen after a tournament that my teacher's teacher will be hosting.All of my other test were only in front of my teacher,so they were not as NERVE RACKING as this test is going to be.Has anyone been in a similiar situation? Any advice you may have will be welcome.
Congratualtions! Brown belt is a very big step, no matter which art you train in, and you are most fortunate in that a (I assume THE) grandmaster will be in attendance. Shows your instructor is proud of you and wants you to display your skills.

Enjoy the limelight. Most schools have group tests and you don't get to show what you've got. Here's your chance! Besides, you'll have a group there -- all of us.

You would not be testing if you weren't ready. Go for it. KT
One more thing, Noble Man. I just read your profile, and it says you're in sales. This should be something you can do - closing a sale with someone who ISN'T interested is far more difficult than with someone who IS, and all those people are there because they're interested.:asian: KT
Seems like any test is nerve wracking even if they are all friends up there and family in back. Everyone is right, even with a line of colored belts by my side (and actually in my way) who were waiting to break boards in front of me, I still focused and did my form and really zoned them all out.
They had to scatter because my form stopped for no man (or woman) haha. You really forget everything but what you have to do, one thing after another and no one is really in the room except you. Don't look at anyone, just look past them and think about the next move. It will flow. Hopefully you will have airconditioning too that helps. good luck, TW
Did the same thing tested for brown and black that way. but remember the people are there in support. Once you get going you'll be so into the test that you'll forget all about them. trust me..:>)
Kenpo Tiger,Tiger woman, Thank you both very much for your words of motivation.The whole thing about the test was just throne at me about a week ago.I was expecting something like this for my black belt,but not for brown. So it is not something I was prepared for,you know what I mean.
I would look at it like as a chance to shine and make my rank irrefutable. It will not only show case your talents, but reflect well on your instructor. Have fun and enjoy yourself. Afterwards enjoy with a few tasty :cheers: and think of all the people that will be around to help you celebrate.
I agree that once the tests start if you have prepared for it you'll do fine.

My first black belt test was myself and a guy going for brown belt. In my instructors dojo (his garage) with 8 black belt board members, my family (brother, sister brother in law, my father and mother (this was the first test they had ever been to) and the other black and brown belts who would be used in the self defense and sparring phase of the exam. All crammed into a two car garage (20X20). You would think it would have been nerve racking seeing everyone that close, but I didn't see a thing, I was to busy trying to survive and not screw up to worry about anything.

In our system brown belt was the hardest test before black, the most physically demanding and nerve racking. What a great time to have that test before the other black belts. Cause you know that everyone of them had to do the same and they are all pulling for you, since they know what you are going through.

Like the NIKE commercial, JUST DO IT! You'll be fine.


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