Hi Jarrod!
So it's really you!!? you know i got a stack of books by Steve Scott for christmas and b-day. You work and train with Master Scott?
What an honour to know you! I have the book Vital leglocks right in front of me now. I still have to do more studying! In the book, 'groundfighting pins and breakdown' there are many very essential things to learn. As a profficient fighter, i was shocked to sometimes take people down or get on top only to get choked out by a triangle or gogoplata. Such submission moves are basically the most powerfull and effective grappling techniques. I love the artsy fartsy technical stuff, but i have come to have deep respect for direct submissions(not that they cannot be equaly as artful and technical as any other moves such as aiki or chinna-with the difference of being generally much easier to learn and apply-not to mention effective and powerful)
I must say i am aching to get a copy of the textbook! For now though, in my cashless state, i'll do find to study what i have, which are i believe 4 Books by Master Scott. grounfighting p&b, armlocks, vital leglocks, strangles and chokes..
great find! i also ordered from amazon.
Thanks for the tip. I love learing lots. Lots and lots of variations and different setups. Have to admit though, from what i have come across in the books as well as youtube by eddiebravo, submission101 and the like, i have chewed off more that i'm capable of swallowing down at the moment. The material is vast and extensive. As i once commented while i was still training at the gym, grappling is a science in itself.