Taoist Tai Chi Society anyone?


Taiji fan

Just wondered if anyone else had any dealings with them........they seemed to be a bit of a closed shop even cult like? Has anyone else found their attitude to be abit strange. They seem to follow the teachings of someone called Moy Lin Shin (sp?) but their form looks to have been taken from Yang style.....
I've only heard of them but never had any contact with them.
Yes, an interesting lot. Moy Lin Shin (the founder) took the Yang long form and bastardised it! For instance, the hips are always to be squared to the front, (closing the Kuas?) and the heels are always to be in a line. They continually break their root by bobbing up and down and they expressly prohibit any mention or practise of the martial aspect of the art, yet they call it Tai Chi? One of their stated aims is "Cultural exchange", yet they shun all contact with other forms and other Taiji organisations.

There are two sister organisations Fung Loy Kok and Gei Pang set up by Moy and possibly funded/ subsidised by the Tai Chi Society. You can also become an Instructor with as little as 2 years experience!

What a pity they do not welcome contact with other practitioners of the art who I am sure would make them very welcome. It might of course also show up the inadequacies of their own form

What a pity they do not welcome contact with other practitioners of the art who I am sure would make them very welcome. It might of course also show up the inadequacies of their own form
well that is what happened to me....I got in contact with a local branch to give some information on some stuff being organised in their area and they basically told me to bog off. Since speaking to a couple of folk I have found out that they practically brainwash people into not even believeing that any 'other taiji' exsists. Another time a woman who claimed to have been studying Taoist Taiji phoned me an gave me a barrage of criticism about charging for my classes....apparently by taking a fee for classes I was creating and elitist organisation and in the true spirit of the Tao I should be giving taiji as a gift to the people :moon: :fart: would have been funny if I hadn't got to their website and found out their monthly fees were more than mine...:shrug:
Another interesting aspect of their teachings is that although Moy Lin Shin specifically prohibited the teaching of any martial aspect in their practise, they quite happily run (fairly expensive) workshops on Sword, Sabre, Lok Hup and Xing-Y.!!!:confused: :confused: Of course, presumably none of these aspects contains any martial content:D

They sound like a bunch of New Age crispies who don't know much about Taiji and probably a good deal less about Taoism.
Originally posted by East Winds
Of course, presumably none of these aspects contains any martial content:D

As do so few of the classes provided on Taijiquan around the US... Too many slow moving fancy dancers.

We just had a lady join our group in Washington. She is from Taiwan originally, and practiced Taijiquan there.

She said that she learned more in the first day with us than she had the entire time she was learning in Taiwan.

Go figure. :rolleyes: :shrug:

Not meaning to blow our own horn..but that has a very familiar ring to it.
I have been extremely lucky in the martial training I have had.

First I learned Yiliquan at the foot of the founder himself. Later, I received tutoring from some of the seniors in Yiliquan, and am now training with the second seniormost student still actively training and teaching.

I trained under Guro John Lehmann, one of Datu Tim Hartman's 2nd degree black belts, and the WMAA representative for Japan. His insight and skill were extraordinary.

I trained with Mr. Robert Rousselot, one of Taika Oyata's 4th dans, and a person whose personal skill, integrity, honesty and directness were examples of Midwestern values. His understanding of Karate, and how the exact same movements corollated with the CMA that I study were flatly amazing.

I have also been very particular in pursuing tutelage under others. I have found that, with few exceptions, there have only been a very small handful of MAists with whom I care to associate on any regular or formal basis, much less any with whom or under whom to train.

Sorry, but what I learned from Sifu Starr simply has yet to be replicated by anyone else.

That's not to say that I haven't met some fine, talented MAists. I have. But none of them have had anything to offer that could drag me away from Yiliquan (except maybe those I mentioned above).

Just my own personal (and biased) opinion.


Finding the right teacher is the most difficult part of the Chinese Martial Arts. You are very lucky to have done so. I went down many blind alleys (sometimes the same alley more than once!!!!):( But after a while (and a few lost £'s )you know when you have arrived. That is the problem with the Taoist Tai Chi Society. The members are actively discouraged from exploring other forms of taiji. And if your teacher only has a couple of years experience, what sort of level of instruction are you going to get?:( I heard it accurately described as "Happy Holiday Tai Chee".

Sounds like what we call "Fields and Flowers Tai Chi."
Sounds like what we call "Fields and Flowers Tai Chi."
that sounds pretty....is that like meditation in motion then...can we wear tied dyed trousers too?:rofl: I really don understand these people that call tai cheee a martial art, that's just silly, everyone knows it is really about spirituality and allowing the free expression of cheeeee (se)......:boing2: :sadsong:
Yep. And a touch of modern jazz dancing thrown in for good measure! :D
Does that mean they have tights on under their yoga pants?

I'd never considered that, but I suppose it's a possibility. :D
Had a guy came to one of my classes saying he had done a fair bit of Taiji before. I asked which style and he said he didn't know, but they did it in a circle with a candle in the middle to focus the energy:confused: I'm sure he must have worn tights:rolleyes:

Afterwards, I'll bet they all sat around a campfire and sang "Kumbaya.":D
although....this Taoist Tai chi lot seem to have a huge following...if their website is to be believed....I wonder how they have come into being and managed to maintain such a following
There are LOTS of new-age crispy types out there...especially ones who want to acquire special powers and "find their inner selves" WITHOUT HAVING TO DO ANY REAL WORK (especially that which causes sweat and sore muscles).

Like the timeless W.C. Fields said, "There's a sucker born every minute." He also said, "Never give a sucker an even break or smarten up a chump."