Taijutsu video I thought was great


Green Belt
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Not sure if this Hoshi Ryu is acceptable to the purists, but this is an example of some taijutsu that I find quite impressive. My philosophy of face/head control is very evident in many of the techniques. Enjoy.

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Not sure if this Hoshi Ryu is acceptable to the purists, but this is an example of some taijutsu that I find quite impressive. My philosophy of face/head control is very evident in many of the techniques. Enjoy.

Interesting although I've never heard of them.Any idea of lineage? In other words, I train in Kenpo. I could put on a black gi, some tabi and do things, that to the untrained eye, untrained, being the key word here, and make it seem as if I'm doing Ninjutsu, when in reality I'm not.

This is better:

Yes, I agree.

In what way do you think that is better?

Well, for starters, I think its pretty safe to say that the person in the clip Stephen linked is legit.
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In what way do you think that is better?

MJS comments about Lineage aside, it's hard to comment from watching a video because you don't always know whats going on. The first video LOOKED like the Tori was using many techniques that relied on physical strength to pull off, which is fine if you are always bigger or fighting someone who won't resist and or counter your technique. There was a lot less of that in the second video.

But, as I said, that is a generalization from what I observed, and you cannot often judge anything accurately from video because you miss subtlety of some things in techniques you are not intimately familiar with... Thats why I dont believe you can teach yourself from a Home Study Video Course like the ones Hayes and Von Donk offer.

it's because the second guy has very nice taisabaki skills. and he creates impulse and uses reactive force as a base.

and the although i liked elements of the first video, they are not even in the same league with the second demonstrator.

not even close.

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In what way do you think that is better?

Well for one smooth and fluid,uses technique over strength.

Knows timing and distancing and creating space and using the void of space to enter.

The first video is not really bad persay I mean the Tori uses a more harder force obviously But looking at how Hatsumi moves you can see Doug matches that closer than Hoshi ryu does.
I actually liked the first video more than the second one, because the second one looks like he is in the middle of instructing. Both were good though. Perhaps those guys in emilio's vid are one of the unknown off-shoots of the x kans?

it's because the second guy has very nice taisabaki skills. and he creates impulse and uses reactive force as a base.

and the although i liked elements of the first video, they are not even in the same league with the second demonstrator.

not even close.


Absolutely as Doug is slick as silk!
Not sure if this Hoshi Ryu is acceptable to the purists, but this is an example of some taijutsu that I find quite impressive. My philosophy of face/head control is very evident in many of the techniques. Enjoy.

HOSHIryu was founded by Dr. Glenn Morris, of the Bujinkan, that video is HOSHOryu, I believe there is a difference.
Doug has some great flow. I guess it all depends on what you like. Cryo made some good points about subleties. Look at that, not to mention the similarity to Hatsumi's movement, but then again if that is not your concern the other video might have been better for you.

Hosho Ryu looks clean enough, I enjoyed the video. I have seen it before, To me it seems pretty pragmatic, but does employ too much "power" at least in the video, however one tends to pull out the reserves for a video being filmed. So who knows, who cares. Enjoy what you like.
Well then I bet you guys will love this one then

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Strike 1 - He's a "Soke". Thats a good hint he's a fraud.
Strike 2 - Nice theatrics. Like WWE.
Strike 3 - "Chi" tricks. Like "Darth Dillman".

So, this is your art? Or something you think is legit and shows other "real" ninja stuff as better than the documented Buj stuff?

Tell me, do you consider Ashida Kim and HaHa Lung's systems valid?