
Hunyuan Taiji Dao:

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Wu Taiji Dao:

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Hunyuan Taiji Dao:

Hey, that was really cool to see. Chen Xiang is my sifu's kung fu brother, both students of Master Feng in Beijing. I practice this same form, but he's sooooo much better at it than I am.

My Sifu brings Sifu Chen to San Francisco about once a year to do seminars. I learned the Hunyuan sword from him a few years back. that guy is really really powerful!
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In the 2nd Yang clip you posted, he is using the Southern Broad Sword rather than the typical Dao. This is the one used by the Yang Family rather than the usual broad ended Dao. Still only one cutting edge though.

Very best wishes

In the 2nd Yang clip you posted, he is using the Southern Broad Sword rather than the typical Dao. This is the one used by the Yang Family rather than the usual broad ended Dao. Still only one cutting edge though.

Very best wishes

Yes, I know. I usually prefer the typical dao (I practice Chen style)... but not the flimsy ones used nowadays though...
I usually prefer the typical dao (I practice Chen style)... but not the flimsy ones used nowadays though...

I agree, I think you get much more out of it by using realistic weaponry. I've been customizing swords for a while now, 'cause I can't find something I like otherwise.
I agree, I think you get much more out of it by using realistic weaponry. I've been customizing swords for a while now, 'cause I can't find something I like otherwise.

Tell me more about your sword custmomizing...
Tell me more about your sword custmomizing...

Basically, I make hilts and scabbards, if I can find a good quality blade. I've mostly done jian, but I've done a few dao as well. I carve the grip from hardwood, and cast a guard and pommel in bronze, altho I've done a couple in silver. Scabbards are in hardwood as well, with bronze fittings.

These hilt pieces are solid pieces, not the loose, flimsy sheetmetal crap that most of the stuff has. My favorite blades are made by Angus Trim, he does European style swords, but some of his models work well for a jian. He works in 5160 spring steel, the same stuff truck leaf springs are made of. Tough stuff, makes a good blade. Absolutely real weapons.

I've worked with a few heavy weight Lung Chuan dao blades. These are the thick, heavy ones, altho they come in a variety of weights, depending on which Lung Chuan forge made it. I basically find them whereever I can. If I feel the blade is decent, I'll rebuild the hilt. I've only made scabbards for jian, never tried one for a dao. That would be a bit trickier with the wood working, but maybe someday I'll give it a try.

I've been doing the casting at the local community college. I recently bought my own casting equipment, but I've yet to have a chance to try it out. I'm working on a sword now, when the pieces are ready I'll cast them and see how they come out.

You can see pictures of a few examples of my swords in the photo album here on Martialtalk: http://www.martialtalk.com/gallery/index.php?cat=17260

My hilt designs aren't necessarily based on historical designs. Rather, I am simply interested in creating something that is solid, strong, and functional. So I come up with simple designs that seem to fit this bill. Nothing fancy. These designs sort of keep changing, as I get new ideas in my head, so it's all pretty fluid. Each piece is unique, made to fit the blade and the scabbard. There's nothing interchangeable about them.

I also have a small line of sterling silver pendants, I've got a link to my website in my signature line. www.flyingcranedesigns.com. Check it out, they are animal-inspired, my wife and I are scuba divers so that's where much of my inspiration comes from. I've got to update my website, I've got a few more designs that arent' on there yet, but a friend of mine helps me out with it and we haven't been able to get together to do it in a while.
Yang Taiji Dao:

This one is actually Taiji Saber, a different weapon from the Dao. It's a more slender blade, similar in shape to a katana.

I am not familiar with the form so I don't know if he was doing a Dao form with a Saber, or if it is a Saber form mis-labelled as Dao, but he was definitely holding a saber.
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Just a comment/question about the Dao.

It has been my understanding that it was sharpened only about 1/3 or 2/3 down the accepted business side from the point and about 1/3 down the back from the point, is that correct?
Just a comment/question about the Dao.

It has been my understanding that it was sharpened only about 1/3 or 2/3 down the accepted business side from the point and about 1/3 down the back from the point, is that correct?

don't know with absolute certainty, but I believe so.
You can see pictures of a few examples of my swords in the photo album here on Martialtalk: http://www.martialtalk.com/gallery/index.php?cat=17260

Beautiful work!!!

I also have a small line of sterling silver pendants, I've got a link to my website in my signature line. www.flyingcranedesigns.com. Check it out, they are animal-inspired, my wife and I are scuba divers so that's where much of my inspiration comes from. I've got to update my website, I've got a few more designs that arent' on there yet, but a friend of mine helps me out with it and we haven't been able to get together to do it in a while.

This is very nice too...
This one is actually Taiji Saber, a different weapon from the Dao. It's a more slender blade, similar in shape to a katana.

I am not familiar with the form so I don't know if he was doing a Dao form with a Saber, or if it is a Saber form mis-labelled as Dao, but he was definitely holding a saber.

I have never seen it used in Chen style. Is it only used by Yang stylists?