Studying Shuai-Chiao/chin na with jujitsu helpful?


Yellow Belt
Jul 13, 2004
Reaction score
Windsor Ontario
Hello, I'm going to be studying a Japanese style jujitsu. There is a kung fu school in my area that teaches Shuai Chiao and chin na. Would these styles compliment the study of jujitsu?
It all depends on your intention or goals for studying jujitsu. If your looking for sport/ring training or self defense type training. You could really round out your skills in throwing and such with shuai chiao but chin na is most likely not allowed in the ring. I think they would all compliment each other well, but as you progress you may see some differences in principle between the CMA and JMA styles.
It all depends on your intention or goals for studying jujitsu. If your looking for sport/ring training or self defense type training. You could really round out your skills in throwing and such with shuai chiao but chin na is most likely not allowed in the ring. I think they would all compliment each other well, but as you progress you may see some differences in principle between the CMA and JMA styles.

My interest is in self defense, not the sporting/competition side of martial arts.
My interest is in self defense, not the sporting/competition side of martial arts.

Then yes Shuai Chiao and chin na would be helpful, you may even find you like them better.

If you were doing MA for sports then you would not find Chin na (Qinna) helpful, you find it getting you disqualified and kicked out off the mat.
Hello, I'm going to be studying a Japanese style jujitsu. There is a kung fu school in my area that teaches Shuai Chiao and chin na. Would these styles compliment the study of jujitsu?

This would depend on what type of jujitsu and what type of chin na you are interested in. You should probably take a class or two before you decide that they do or don't complement each other.
My interest is in self defense, not the sporting/competition side of martial arts.

I'm considering the same thing, except I am interested in Brazilian jiu jitsu. I think the two arts may compliment each other quite well, but I won't know until I get into serious practice.