Strenght Training & Conditioning!!!!!!!



I thought it maybe a good idea to share some insights, experiences, routines, etc..... of how we incorporate strenght trainig and conditioning into our Kenpo Life.
Do you lift weights? Do you do Cardio:mad: ? any sport specific work outs?
Well, who wants to be first?

I like to lift weights, but not to be stronger, I don't need more strength really. I'm no brute, but I also don't need to lift anything heavy in my work. I like to lift because it makes me feel good and I do like the modicuum of strength it affords me... helps me open the pickle-jar. Besides, I like the way it makes me look... I'd rather be looked over than overlooked.

I really like to do Yoga, it offsets my Kenpo work outs a great deal. It affords me flexibility, good overall muscle tone and is very calming. In practicing a very balistic art for hours it's nice to sometimes get into a pose and "hold it".

To increase the level of strength in my Kenpo I use Plyometric exercises, as these emphasize Explosive Power... the kind needed to move in a flash of power. It's the kind of work that helps me explode like a switch instead of a fuse.
Other than that, sprinting and bike riding. (I'd rather sprint than run, it matches my need more.)
Good topic
Your Brother
I lift mon and weds, I usually do upper body (arms, chest) on mon, and back and shoulders weds. Im not going to work lower body weights right now untill Im confortable with the soreness Im left with after foot kenpo hobbits dont have much in the way of long limber legs!
I have put a lot of stuff in the health section. If you guys would care to add to the conversation there almost all of the muscle groups are up. And if all of them aren't up I'm getting to them.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I have put a lot of stuff in the health section. If you guys would care to add to the conversation there almost all of the muscle groups are up. And if all of them aren't up I'm getting to them.


I was more trying for people to talk about sport specific exercise/ conditioning drills that they do for martial arts. i was not really talking about lifting weights and bodybuilding. however thanks for the info, i will check it out.

Originally posted by bahenlaura

I was more trying for people to talk about sport specific exercise/ conditioning drills that they do for martial arts. i was not really talking about lifting weights and bodybuilding. however thanks for the info, i will check it out.



With my guys we do a lot of 2 man drills with a focus mitt (front kicks, front round house kicks) back and forth. Sometimes we will do the front round house kicks to each others mid-section to work control and distance. Normally the drills are broken down into a minute each side.

I'll also set up a circuit training with 5 or 6 stations at a minute a piece (jab/cross/hook/cross on the bag, jumping rope, running with resistance using my lifeline pulley thing, step through round house kicks) after we go through one revolution that is considered 1 round. There is very little if any rest between each station. We also use the Thai pads to work on power round house kicks. In between rounds we'll do forms or spar. The goal is conditioning, getting them to think while fatigued and to generally be a ball buster :D. Richardo and Kalicombat got a taste of it.

One of my favorite ball busting uses focus mitts. With your hands at your chest you will show your guy one of several targets (1. punches, 2. front round house kick 3. knees 4. rear round house kick 5. sprawl) Start by doing it as a pattern before you mix it up. Put both pads up (they will jab/cross 4 x's), then step back and touch the ground that means they have to put both hands down on the ground and shoot their legs back and shoot their head up and back in a sprawl like motion and come back up quickly to their feet, then to front round houses then sprawl, then knees. Put both mitts in front of you one on top of the other they will reach up with both hands and clasp around you head and come in with alternating knees, then touch and make them sprawl. then rear round house (putting the focus mitts behind you butt, tell them don't point their toes :rofl: and that it's not a hard kick, but they do it 4 times then make the sprawl.) After doing that 1 round they will be awake. When they get good at it, mix up the target order.

Not sure it that is what you were looking for....

Originally posted by jbkenpo

With my guys we do a lot of 2 man drills with a focus mitt (front kicks, front round house kicks) back and forth. Sometimes we will do the front round house kicks to each others mid-section to work control and distance. Normally the drills are broken down into a minute each side.

I'll also set up a circuit training with 5 or 6 stations at a minute a piece (jab/cross/hook/cross on the bag, jumping rope, running with resistance using my lifeline pulley thing, step through round house kicks) after we go through one revolution that is considered 1 round. There is very little if any rest between each station. We also use the Thai pads to work on power round house kicks. In between rounds we'll do forms or spar. The goal is conditioning, getting them to think while fatigued and to generally be a ball buster :D. Richardo and Kalicombat got a taste of it.

Personally, I'll get on the bag and jump rope or just work forms, sets, techs...I can work up a lather just doing that.

One of my favorite ball busting uses focus mitts. With your hands at your chest you will show your guy one of several targets (1. punches, 2. front round house kick 3. knees 4. rear round house kick 5. sprawl) Start by doing it as a pattern before you mix it up. Put both pads up (they will jab/cross 4 x's), then step back and touch the ground that means they have to put both hands down on the ground and shoot their legs back and shoot their head up and back in a sprawl like motion and come back up quickly to their feet, then to front round houses then sprawl, then knees. Put both mitts in front of you one on top of the other they will reach up with both hands and clasp around you head and come in with alternating knees, then touch and make them sprawl. then rear round house (putting the focus mitts behind you butt, tell them don't point their toes :rofl: and that it's not a hard kick, but they do it 4 times then make the sprawl.) After doing that 1 round they will be awake. When they get good at it, mix up the target order.

Not sure it that is what you were looking for....


p.s. I don't lift enough to say I lift, but I've got a nice weight set.
I was more trying for people to talk about sport specific exercise/ conditioning drills that they do for martial arts. i was not really talking about lifting weights and bodybuilding

I see.
I like to put ankle weights on my ankles and wrists and go through my sets and forms that way. Works on muscular endurance.

I do like to work on focus mit drills with my students and friends.
Bag work is indespensible, also working on a makiwara is good conditioning.

Working with a medicine ball during class can be very beneficial in that the motion and best equate a punching motion, is explosive, is against a reistance and also conditions the abdomen of the reciever.

Over all though I feel that the best workout we can do to make our execution of Kenpo better, is to do MORE Kenpo!!!

Later friend...
Your brother

For strenghtening the kicks you may want to give this little goodie a try:


extend one leg parallel to the ground. grap your toes. now bend the knee of the leg that you are standing on and try to go down as far as possible without bending forward too much.
put a chair behind you and do the same thing and try to sit on the chair and then get up.
3 sets of 10 on each site 3 times a week till you get the hang of it. when you get real good at it and can go down to the floor. hold a dumble 25 to 50 pounder in your arms close to your chest and try to do the same drills again.
you soon find out that your kicks have got a new zing to them.
I'm not real sure what it's called, but I bought one of those bungee type chords that you can velcro around your ankle. You then velcro the other end around a support of some type (or I suppose you could have someone hold the other end though I've never tried that) and I do kicks. You can stretch the chord out such that the only resistance you feel is during the snapping motion of the kick, or you can move out further so that there is tension all the way through your movement. It takes a little while to get used to, but it's a great workout.

To increase the level of strength in my Kenpo I use Plyometric exercises, as these emphasize Explosive Power... the kind needed to move in a flash of power. It's the kind of work that helps me explode like a switch instead of a fuse.

What type of plyometrics do you use? I thought about buying a "Jump Table" (at least that's what it's called in the catalog) to work jumping ( kinda like what you used to do in track) You jump up onto the lip of the table and hop back down.... wash... rinse... repeat.

One of my favorite ball busting uses focus mitts.

I've been developing a similiar exercise trying to incorporate a number of skill sets, I really like the fact that you have included the sprawl.
I like short, high intensity workouts. This routine will take approximately 8 minutes to complete. Here is my 'Index Card Workout':

Your partner needs a stopwatch and a deck of 8 index cards with the following exercises listed individually on each card:

Hindu Squats

Boot Strappers

Dive-Bomber Push-ups

Flutter Kicks


Mountain Climbers

Squat Thrusts


Now, have your partner shuffle the card, and then call out an exercise (e.g. "Crunces!"). You will then go all out for 30 seconds doing the exercise. After 30 seconds has elapsed, your partner will call out "Recover!" You will then get up and shadow kickbox for 30 seconds. Your partner will then call out another exercise, etc., etc.

You will be huffing and puffing, and sweaty after this if you're going all out.

For descriptions of these exercises, visit

Train hard and kick butt.

Peace & blessings,
Originally posted by Kenpo Yahoo
I bought one of those bungee type chords that you can velcro around your ankle. You then velcro the other end around a support of some type.

The ones I've seen have surgical tubing and are excellent to use...... Benny the Jet used to use and sell a version of what you talk about.

Originally posted by bahenlaura
I thought it maybe a good idea to share some insights, experiences, routines, etc..... of how we incorporate strenght trainig and conditioning into our Kenpo Life.
Do you lift weights? Do you do Cardio:mad: ? any sport specific work outs?
Well, who wants to be first?


That IKKO bunch is walking around here(Steroid users), and you want me to divulge my secrets? No dice!:mad:
PLYOMETRICS are something I HIGHLY suggest to Kenpoists to improve their explosiveness.
When I go home tonight I'll look at the name of the two books that I have which are all about using plyometrics to improve sports performance.

Believe it or not one of the best "plyometric" exercises for the arms (and it's motion also simulates general punching/striking motions) is the clap push-up. To really make it a plyo' move you have to concentrate on pushing up as HIGH as you can, and spending very little time at all (NO pause) in the down possition. MUST warm up well for it first, otherwise injury would be easy.

Medicine ball work is also (technically) plyometric if done explosively.

Later man...
Your Brother


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Originally posted by Brother John
PLYOMETRICS are something I HIGHLY suggest to Kenpoists to improve their explosiveness.
When I go home tonight I'll look at the name of the two books that I have which are all about using plyometrics to improve sports performance.

Believe it or not one of the best "plyometric" exercises for the arms (and it's motion also simulates general punching/striking motions) is the clap push-up. To really make it a plyo' move you have to concentrate on pushing up as HIGH as you can, and spending very little time at all (NO pause) in the down possition. MUST warm up well for it first, otherwise injury would be easy.

Medicine ball work is also (technically) plyometric if done explosively.

Later man...
Your Brother

I totally agree, plyometrics are great. One can never do enough for explosiveness!

John, get rid of that dancing figure, it gives me the creeps! LOL!:rofl:
Ha Ha Ha
Take that!! Oh ye... who has "Denis Conaster" as an "INTEREST".
I think he's married my friend.

The dancin-fool stays, mostly just to agitate the nerves.
Your (obnoxious) Brother