Sports Illustrated World's Most Dominant Athlete


El Oso de Dios!
Lifetime Supporting Member
Mar 5, 2005
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Where the hills have eyes.,and it's HOT!
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The Dark Often Prevails
Supporting Member
Apr 19, 2013
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England 43 Anno Domini
Actually yes, Brit bashing and Tez bashing, don't care about the last but unfair on the rest of Brits here, did ask mods to look at it, see my posts but obviously they won't. :cool:
Am on phone trying to catch intermittent signal up on the moors. :)

Tez with you on that. I personally don't care what the "faceless at the ready brigade" think either. Still nay mind, tis only a forum :)

Brian R. VanCise

MT Moderator
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Sep 9, 2004
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Las Vegas, Nevada
Yeah yeah whatever. Thanks for the reply though.

Seriously, if you find a post you feel is offensive please report it and any moderators not involved in this thread will look at it and make a decision on it. Personally, since I am involved in the thread I can't make any decisions on this thread just to fyi.

Dirty Dog

MT Senior Moderator
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Please keep the conversation and discussion polite, professional, and on topic.

Mark A. Cochran
Dirty Dog
MT Senior Moderator


The Dark Often Prevails
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Apr 19, 2013
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England 43 Anno Domini
Neither is Ronda Rousey?!!!

I was meaning Gatlin. He should never have been allowed near a track again, irrespective of when he beat Bolt. Yeah sure he did not take anything and it was all a coincidence that his coach doped others. What makes it worse is that his sentence should have been a lifetime ban, but because he cooperated with authorities, he got away with it.


Mostly Harmless
Jul 9, 2008
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Covington, WA
I really think everyone is making jokes with barbs. Kind of like, 'you're ugly! Just kidding!' Haha. These kinda of jokes usually end with, "what are you mad about? Can't you take a joke?"

Can we all agree that this was all intended tongue in cheek, and perhaps the issue is that we don't think the jokes at our expense are as funny as the jokes we make at the expense of others? And if you're winding people up, whether it's elder or tez(or any of us), you should take as you give. And if you can't take it, don't dish it out.

Brian R. VanCise

MT Moderator
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Sep 9, 2004
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Las Vegas, Nevada
If we get back to the OP I think it is simply amazing that MMA has come this far in such a short amount of time and that the women's divisions have grown and become really a fan favorite. Regardless of promotions, etc. The growth of woman's mma has been monumental in the last few years and frankly they are some of the most watched fights in my house. Rhonda Rousey certainly has been a large part of it but there are many women pioneering in this sport as well!

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
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If we get back to the OP I think it is simply amazing that MMA has come this far in such a short amount of time and that the women's divisions have grown and become really a fan favorite. Regardless of promotions, etc. The growth of woman's mma has been monumental in the last few years and frankly they are some of the most watched fights in my house. Rhonda Rousey certainly has been a large part of it but there are many women pioneering in this sport as well!

And there are very few women's events that sit side by side in men's sport. Mma or any fight sport is a really good vehicle for that in that you don't really choose between going to a women's fight card or a guys. You just go to the show and get both.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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No she is saying that British military humor is hard to get. Where is that condemning everybody else??

Sigh, he doesn't get it. I'm not condemning anyone.

Now back to women's MMA. I've said a few times now and I'll say it again, I dislike Rousey's public persona, the face she presents of sleeping around and swearing, being disrespectful etc, now I do understand that it's a side of her that the UFC can sell a la WWE, it may well not be the 'real' her, it maybe something she puts on in public but that doesn't mean to say I have to like that. if anything she encourages and has said so in the past that so called hatred against her because she says she fights better but I still don't have to like it. perhaps she's sweet and kind to those she knows but I'm never going to see that so have only the public side and that I don't like. I wouldn't want a girl to take her as a role model based on the behaviour that is seen in public. My opinion only, based on what I've seen, read and heard. Perhaps it's wrong but that is what it's based on and if your opinion is different good for you, how boring it would be if all opinions were the same. Most people don't take other people's opinions so personally though, it's a bit worrying when people start insulting others because they don't share the same opinion, smacks of communism lol.
I've said nothing about her nationality nor her fighting abilities, and no one else is picked up for disliking a fighter which is interesting.
What has that got to do with the English...absolutely nothing. I do realise that people say 'English;' mistakenly believing that everyone in the UK is English but a little education would go a long way, not only are they not all English they aren't in the UK, Ellan Vannin (the Isle of Man) and the Channel Islands for example aren't in the UK but are self ruling Crown Dependencies. Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales have their own countries and their own governments.
As for the UFC, I can take it or leave it, mostly leaving it. Why? because it doesn't figure in my life, it's no different than FIFA or UEFA or the Olympic committees, nought to do with me. There has been a knock on effect for those poor despised British shows though in that people come to watch 'UFC' fights on them so in effect the laugh isn't on us. MMA is still relatively unknown in the UK when you compare it to football, rugby and boxing, I daresay it always be like that. The Brits love their footie however something we are seeing more of here is properly organised and run bare knuckle boxing fight nights, hard to say if it's a fad or whether there is a real appetite for them. We'll have to see.
MMA for me has been fun, the fight nights have been fun, meeting people, having a laugh and training however since January I haven't been able to have much to do with it or any martial arts, it's unlikely I will be able to in the future but it's upwards and onwards whatever and a few silly comments made by people on here looking to flex their pyschobabble muscles as well as their poor humour ones, is water off a duck's back frankly, however in trying ( and not succeeding, sorry) to upset me please try not to insult entire nations of people, we may be insignificant in your eyes but the mark of a person is how they treat people who are smaller than them.

PS in case people were wondering Conor McGregor is from the Republic of Ireland ( Eire) he's not British. :D:D

Have a nice day people..


Master Black Belt
Sep 25, 2014
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What is really telling is that other than Pacquiao or Mayweather nobody knows who is even boxing anymore. Yet, if you ask them about their favorite MMA fighters most people can probably rattle off several names.
Maybe in the US yes, but one country does not a planet make. I could list MMA fighters until the cows come home, at work, in the pub, at home, in the street and most people woudl have no idea who or what I was talking about.

Here it is a minority sport on a minority channel.

Conversely it would not be a struggle to find people who could give me the names of currently active boxers.


Sr. Grandmaster
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MT Mentor
Jun 27, 2011
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Hey Tez - Keep doing what you're doing. Fighters, especially women fighters, need experience people involved in their fight game. I don't care if it's UFC, wrestling, point karate or a rock fight, they need wiser, experienced folks like you guiding the way. I hope the gals from your part of the world know how lucky they are. I really do.


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
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Hey Tez - Keep doing what you're doing. Fighters, especially women fighters, need experience people involved in their fight game. I don't care if it's UFC, wrestling, point karate or a rock fight, they need wiser, experienced folks like you guiding the way. I hope the gals from your part of the world know how lucky they are. I really do.

Thank you, I would like to and will still do what I can but I've become full time carer for my husband who is now disabled, I've got a respite carer in at the moment so I can go to Guide camp ( a strange idea of a rest for me lol).

We have some very good women coming up these days, Rosi Sexton runs seminars to get women already in martial arts to consider coming across and competing, she came from a TKD background herself. We'll see how things go, hopefully upwards, not worth having is ever easy!


Mostly Harmless
Jul 9, 2008
Reaction score
Covington, WA
Sigh, he doesn't get it. I'm not condemning anyone.

Now back to women's MMA. I've said a few times now and I'll say it again, I dislike Rousey's public persona, the face she presents of sleeping around and swearing, being disrespectful etc, now I do understand that it's a side of her that the UFC can sell a la WWE, it may well not be the 'real' her, it maybe something she puts on in public but that doesn't mean to say I have to like that. if anything she encourages and has said so in the past that so called hatred against her because she says she fights better but I still don't have to like it. perhaps she's sweet and kind to those she knows but I'm never going to see that so have only the public side and that I don't like. I wouldn't want a girl to take her as a role model based on the behaviour that is seen in public. My opinion only, based on what I've seen, read and heard. Perhaps it's wrong but that is what it's based on and if your opinion is different good for you, how boring it would be if all opinions were the same. Most people don't take other people's opinions so personally though, it's a bit worrying when people start insulting others because they don't share the same opinion, smacks of communism lol.
I've said nothing about her nationality nor her fighting abilities, and no one else is picked up for disliking a fighter which is interesting.
What has that got to do with the English...absolutely nothing. I do realise that people say 'English;' mistakenly believing that everyone in the UK is English but a little education would go a long way, not only are they not all English they aren't in the UK, Ellan Vannin (the Isle of Man) and the Channel Islands for example aren't in the UK but are self ruling Crown Dependencies. Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales have their own countries and their own governments.
As for the UFC, I can take it or leave it, mostly leaving it. Why? because it doesn't figure in my life, it's no different than FIFA or UEFA or the Olympic committees, nought to do with me. There has been a knock on effect for those poor despised British shows though in that people come to watch 'UFC' fights on them so in effect the laugh isn't on us. MMA is still relatively unknown in the UK when you compare it to football, rugby and boxing, I daresay it always be like that. The Brits love their footie however something we are seeing more of here is properly organised and run bare knuckle boxing fight nights, hard to say if it's a fad or whether there is a real appetite for them. We'll have to see.
MMA for me has been fun, the fight nights have been fun, meeting people, having a laugh and training however since January I haven't been able to have much to do with it or any martial arts, it's unlikely I will be able to in the future but it's upwards and onwards whatever and a few silly comments made by people on here looking to flex their pyschobabble muscles as well as their poor humour ones, is water off a duck's back frankly, however in trying ( and not succeeding, sorry) to upset me please try not to insult entire nations of people, we may be insignificant in your eyes but the mark of a person is how they treat people who are smaller than them.

PS in case people were wondering Conor McGregor is from the Republic of Ireland ( Eire) he's not British. :D:D

Have a nice day people..
I just can't take it, Tez. You are making things up and it's crazy. It's not until you're spinning the situation and trying to play the victim that you're suggesting it's Rousey's "public persona" that you don't like. That's not what you were saying in the beginning pages of this thread (which are still there... if anyone wants to read what you ACTUALLY wrote). You said in your first response:

I wouldn't say she as the 'worlds' most dominant athlete, most of the world has never heard of her, MMA is still a niche market.
I doubt she's even America's most dominant, you have the Williams sisters for a start.
Wrong. Or at least VERY debatable. Which, if you had stopped there, would have been just fine. You voiced your opinion. But, no. You didn't. For 9 pages and 170+ posts you have been slinging mud.

You got called on the ridiculous notion that she's not dominant, and so then you implied that she's really not even that famous. Bull. You've demonstrated clearly over 9 pages that you know a heck of a lot about someone you allege isn't really all that famous.

Rhonda Rousey is both famous AND dominant. Is she the most dominant athlete in the world? Debatable. Is she a good choice for a sports article? Yeah. She's certainly so much better than anyone else around right now in what you, yourself, acknowledge is a thin division. She's at a completely different level.

So, as I asked on page 1 and page 2 of this thread, what's your real beef with Rhonda Rousey? Now, finally, you acknowledge that it's her public persona. Great. That's a position I can understand. Why didn't you start there? And why are you pretending this has been what you've said all along? it's not. Your posts are all still here. Anyone can read them. And they don't mention Rousey's reputation until at least the last two pages.

I did see where you brought up my comment about you months ago, that you are not self aware. When I said that, it was intended as an observation of your behavior, and not an insult. Everyone has a blind spot, but yours is pretty large. That you brought up the comment suggests you still think about it from time to time. Well, for what it's worth, this is a perfect example of the behavior I was referring to.

If she's that 'dominant' she needs to be asking for a pay rise to keep up with those other 'dominant' women :D

10 Yani Tseng - In Photos The World s Highest-Paid Female Athletes - Forbes

Dirty Dog

MT Senior Moderator
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Sep 3, 2009
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Pueblo West, CO
After deleting a LOT of off topic and rude posts, as well as editing out references to them in quotes, this thread will be reopened.
It's entirely possible that I may have missed something off topic or rude, especially in the quoted replies. I'm only human, and I've already spent nearly an hour going through this thread.
If I did, I strongly urge you to ignore said posts or quotes, and stick to the actual topic.

We now return you to your originally scheduled, polite, friendly discussion of Sports Illustrated magazines choice.


The Dark Often Prevails
Supporting Member
Apr 19, 2013
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England 43 Anno Domini
Okay I don't disagree that Rousey is dominant, but has she actually had a real scrap yet? Someone who is going to go in pounding and avoid the ubiquitous Rousey arm bar? Just curious here. Don't see a lot of the UFC on the telly.


Blue Belt
Nov 23, 2014
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The development of the discussion/argument/flame-war in this thread reminded me of this article summarizing five studies by behavioral psychologist Justin Kruger and colleagues on miscommunication trough electronic media. Really interesting, and from my perspective, highly applicable when trying to understand what happened in this thread. Although it primarily discusses comunication trough e-mail, it says this about other communication media such as chat rooms and such:

Chat rooms, instant messaging, text-based gaming environments—all have been touted for their superiority to asynchronous text media such as e-mail because of the dynamic nature of the discourse and ability to provide rapid feedback. But because these synchronous media are largely text-based, there likely remains a rift between the subjective stimuli available to the communicator and the objective stimuli available to the audience that communicators may fail to fully appreciate. In fact, we suspect the synchronous and rapid nature of these mediums may actually increase the rift between senders and receivers. Compared with synchronous media, asyn- chronous text media such as e-mail more readily allow for reflec- tion and reconsideration of one’s communication before transmission.

Here is an APA-article summarizing some of the findings and presenting them in a more comprehensible format:

E-mail and egos: An inability to step outside of one's own head may be behind e-mail miscommunication, according to recent research.

I suggest anyone in this thread who thinks their opponent was trolling them and/or were acting like a rear end, should read at least the APA-article, and consider wether the problem resided solely with their opponent.
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El Oso de Dios!
Lifetime Supporting Member
Mar 5, 2005
Reaction score
Where the hills have eyes.,and it's HOT!
Okay I don't disagree that Rousey is dominant, but has she actually had a real scrap yet? Someone who is going to go in pounding and avoid the ubiquitous Rousey arm bar? Just curious here. Don't see a lot of the UFC on the telly.

No. Her shortest fight lasted 14 seconds, she's won nine of her eleven fights by armbar, and the longest one she's had in the UFC, against Liz Carmouche at UFC 157, lasted 4:49...the second longest was against Meisha Tate, and lasted 4:27....that accounts for about half her total ring time, with most of her wins coming in under or right around a minute....
(Oh, and I know what Tez thinks she means by sleeping around, but right now, Ronda's not dating anyone.....she says the only one she's making out with is her dog!


Sr. Grandmaster
Staff member
MT Mentor
Jun 27, 2011
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The development of the discussion/argument/flame-war in this thread reminded me of this article summarizing five studies by behavioral psychologist Justin Kruger and colleagues on miscommunication trough electronic media. Really interesting, and from my perspective, highly applicable when trying to understand what happened in this thread. Although it primarily discusses comunication trough e-mail, it says this about other communication media such as chat rooms and such:

Here is an APA-article summarizing some of the findings and presenting them in a more comprehensible format:

E-mail and egos: An inability to step outside of one's own head may be behind e-mail miscommunication, according to recent research.

I suggest anyone in this thread who thinks their opponent was trolling them and/or were acting like a rear end, should read at least the APA-article, and consider wether the problem resided solely with their opponent.

Great article. Thanks for posting it.

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