Space Domination

Good read! Now I'll have to pay attention to myself to see if I'm
giving up space.
Nice- good article.

My cousin (Taijuitsu) taught me recently about space, and I have become conscious of a few things.

One is about dominating the space as you said. Also about the appearance of giving way, say a push to your shoulder. The shoulder can give way, as your opposite finger finds its way to the attacker's throat (lip, eye, points on face, etc.) The appearace of disappearing when in reality you are inside their space. Or even turning around 180, bending one knee and sticking your leg back between theirs. You aren't kicking, you aren't sweeping, you are just taking their space, and they fall over even though no force has been applied. I've started playing with the concept of space, and some neat and weird results happen.

There's nothing better than standing over a huge guy sitting on the floor, confused about what just happened. ;) This is new stuff, so as I learn more, I'll be able to explain it better.
O Ya, I used to back up A LOT, but then my sparring oppponent told me to stand my ground and attack no matter what. I was first afraid to hit back but after i got my ground, it started to get easier
Yes, the person moving forward can go faster and with better control than the person going backward!
I understand the idea about holding your ground, and pushing. But I feel that given ground can be just as important. The whole idea is to be conciuos (sp?) on your movement, and placement according to your oppenent. And be able to use this.

It' slike the person that walks down the street and doesn't move for the on going people. He'll move forward, and he's intent is clear, so people move away.

This is a very popular thought.

The person moving knows were he's going. He knows the others will move, and everbody knows he's coming. But he doesn't know were and whenthey will move.

Now if he didn't "press" his movement , but flowed with the crowd, he would always decide how to be positioned accordenly, letting everbody else think that they are correct. He'll have the upper hand if something is to be done, because he decide himself how to place himself, and isn't dependant on how somebody reacts.

My english isn't that great, so bare over with the bad formulation of the sentence, and ask if it isn't that clear.

Yup. This concept is very prevalent in the Silat that I study and teach.

At the early stages, we use what is called "langkah tiga". "Langkah" = "footpath" and "Tiga" = "triangle" (actually, it means "three" but I've always seen "langkah tiga" represented by a triangle -- "triangle" would actually be "segitiga").

Anyway, langkah tiga is a triangle and is usually taped out on the floor. Then we learn to "walk" on the tiga -- this incorporates basic sweeps. Then we run jurus -- short upper body forms -- while walking the tiga.

What all of this does is teaches us all about that space. We learn to use it and be aware of it. And, over time, it becomes our "personal space." There are other langkah that we use, too, that further develop this concept. But the tiga is where it starts.

*** Note: this applies only to the Silat that I study. Other systems of Silat may use different langkah, no langkah (never heard of one that didn't use langkah, but there may be some), different terminology, etc ***
