Post your Curriculum Vitae

Matt Stone

Master of Arts
Dec 4, 2001
Reaction score
Fort Lewis, Washington
It has come to the fore in another thread that the specific details of a person's training can lead to an understanding of their grading/ranking and qualifications as an instructor or senior student.

In an effort to better clarify backgrounds, I propose we begin providing specific information, dates, durations of training and with whom, etc., for any who are willing to share.

Here's mine:

I began training in Yiliquan in October 1985 under the direct instruction of Sifu Phillip Starr (founder and headmaster of Yiliquan).

I trained until June 1987, when I went into the Army.

I was in the Army from June 1987 - May 1990. During that time I continued to practice the forms and techniques I had learned during my previous training. I practiced with people from Shotokan, TKD, Wing Chun and Drunken Kung Fu since they were the only people I could find that were worthy of spending time with. I didn't learn their methods, we just provided each other with punching dummies.

I returned to training some time late in 1990. I don't remember when. In 1991 I was tested and promoted to Advanced Level 7 (two tests below Senior grade, or "black belt" level).

In 1991 I was authorized to begin teaching at a small class location by Sifu Starr. I taught the class in tandem with another classmate, Tim Heuertz.

Sometime after that class terminated, I taught a class at a TKD school, and a class at a combined martial arts school called Dojo Omaha.

Our school closed and our teacher retired from teaching in 1992.

I reenlisted in the Army and returned to active duty in March of 1995. I continued to train with the material I had learned to that point.

From 1995 until 1997 I taught at Fort Riley, Kansas. I was the only martial arts instructor with an official class on the installation at that time.

In July 1998 I was tested by now Sifu Tim Heuertz (who was senior to me and authorized to test me by our mutual teacher, Sifu Starr) to Senior Level 1 (black belt level).

In 1999 I was reassigned to Camp Zama, Japan. In late 1999 I began teaching Yiliquan and a small Taijiquan class. I taught until just before I left Japan in 2002. I studied Shuri-te Ha Karate-do for about 2 - 3 months until the schedule simply became too difficult to manage with my work and home life. I studied Modern Arnis under Guro John Lehmann from around October 2001 until just before I left in September 2002. I began studying Ryu Te Karate under Sensei Robert Rousselot informally for the last few months before I left. I have no formal rank in any of those styles at all. I taught two Modern Arnis seminars in Gifu, Japan on behalf of Guro Lehmann, at his direction and authorization.

In 2000, Sifu Starr returned to teaching the previous Yiliquan students that remained in training after his retirement. In November of 2000 I was promoted by Sifu Starr to Senior Level 2.

In September 2002 I was reassigned to Fort Lewis, Washington. I continue training with Sifu Mark Hachey and his Yiliquan club in Puyallup, Washington.

Anybody else want to pony up with their details? Since details are what are asked of some (and not forthcoming from others), I figured I would set the tone... I have nothing to hide, and I demonstrate that by laying my cards on the table for any to question.

Don't forget, dates and durations are important...

Prior to Yili, I studied both Judo and TaeKwonDo...I had five years of Judo and had attained the rank of Sankyu...Prior to these arts I wrestled and boxed (both of my brothers were Golden Gloves champions for ten years in a seven state region...John actually fought for the US team overseas...I regularly kicked his butt, but was not interested in competing)...none of those arts had what I was looking for...

I studied YiLi with Sifu Starr from October, 1982 thru June, 1986.
Then I joined the Army (for a second time)...
I trained at the kwoon 4 to 6 days a week and attended every "weekend intensive seminar" that was offered (5 hours on Friday evening...0730 - 2300 on Saturday...and 0730 to 1730 on Sunday), they were offered about three times a year. When I trained at the kwoon, I sometimes would attend morning and evening classes and would train for three hours at home, as well.

I also attended a number of seminars in other systems...
Oyata Sensei x 2...Nishiyama Sensei x 1...Fusaro Sensei x 1...Smaby Sensei x 5...

It seems like a short time (4 years) but when you add up the was the equivalant of maybe 9 years at a regular dojo.

Once I left Iowa, I trained for 3 to 7 hours every day...1986 to 1991...(during this time I also trained in Aikido and FutGar Kung Fu...I found those same elements in our system...)

I taught YiLi to anyone interested...many people came (mostly black belts), few stuck is hard...and when it comes to meeting the "standard" for our system, I am a butthead.

In 1991, I started my Master's program in anesthesia...I had to cut back on my training...but the time I put in up front paid off in spades...because, even though I'm a broken down fat fart now, I can still whoop Yiliquan1's butt

At any rate...the secret to skill in any art is simply HARD WORK...
I am as much a student now as I was when I walked through the
doors of Sifu Starr's school back in 1982...

Just to get this back up to the top of the forum...

Is anyone else going to post their background, or not?

This has had nearly 50 views, but only 2 posts of background and training...

Too many lurkers!

:shotgun: :stoplurk: :enfo:
I began training at age 8 in 1979 in Tae Kwon Do. I was a 7th Gup when my instructor had to quit teaching to pursue her career. I then began training in Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate and had attained a 5th Kyu when my parents pulled me from the class so I'd have more time to devote to homework. For several years, I didn't officially study anywhere but continued to train and spar with friends who were still involved in the martial arts. In 1993, I returned to Okinawan Goju-Ryu and started as a white belt again. I had again worked my way up to 5th Kyu when I met Guru Ken Pannell at Asian Fighting Arts in Dayton, Ohio and was introduced to Sikal (a blend of elements from several systems of Filipino Kali and Indonesian Pentjak Silat).

I've trained intensively under Guru Ken Pannell in the system of Sikal since February 1995 and earned my full instructorship in Sikal in September 1999. I still regularly visit Guru Ken to continue training in Sikal. I also hold a fourth degree black belt in Doce Pares Eskrima/Eskrido from Grandmaster Cacoy Canete. (see the "Dan rank in another system" for details on that)

I met Willem "Uncle Bill" de Thouars in 1998 and was exposed to his Kun Tao Silat system. I trained informally in it until January 2002 when I formally became a student under Uncle Bill.

I moved to Nacogdoches, Texas in February 2001 to train in Shen Chuan, get mentoring in writing from Professor Joe Lansdale, and to teach some Sikal at Professor Lansdale's school.

In September 2002, I was awarded with a 2nd Dan in Shen Chuan from Professor Lansdale. In October 2002, I moved to Louisville, Kentucky and started I.M.P.A.C.T. Academy.

I now teach a Kali curriculum and a Silat curriculum (drawn from the Sikal curriculum that I learned from Guru Ken). I teach the Shen Chuan curriculum I learned from Professor Lansdale. And I run a Kun Tao Silat de Thouars training group (I'm not an instructor under Uncle Bill, but have his blessing to run the training group).

Well, ok, why not. Shouldn't exactly take me long!

I started training in Judo at age 10 or so. After several years of "fun" training, I got into the competetive side and fought for grades up to and including 1st Kyu. After that I started to realise that I preferred to teach te system rather than fight using it, and took my Preliminary Club Coach Award and my Club Coach Award with the BJA. After 2 years or so of helping to coach at my instructors club, I allowed my awards to expire when I realised that there was more elsewhere to offer me.

At about the time I stopped going for gradings, I started learning Jujitsu. For a while I was in a competetive Jujitsu style, and that seemed better to me, until I found a much more traditional club over a year later.

I now train almost exclusively in that style of Jujitsu, and am always trying to improve my ability enough to get to the next grade (where we get to learn different techniques)
Originally posted by Aegis
Well, ok, why not. Shouldn't exactly take me long!

I started training in Judo at age 10 or so. After several years of "fun" training, I got into the competetive side and fought for grades up to and including 1st Kyu. After that I started to realise that I preferred to teach te system rather than fight using it, and took my Preliminary Club Coach Award and my Club Coach Award with the BJA. After 2 years or so of helping to coach at my instructors club, I allowed my awards to expire when I realised that there was more elsewhere to offer me.

At about the time I stopped going for gradings, I started learning Jujitsu. For a while I was in a competetive Jujitsu style, and that seemed better to me, until I found a much more traditional club over a year later.

I now train almost exclusively in that style of Jujitsu, and am always trying to improve my ability enough to get to the next grade (where we get to learn different techniques)

That was a bit generic. You left out who exactly trained you and where. Using the words Judo and Judo is not complete.
But then I haven't claimed to be teaching a new system, so who I trained with is not relevant information. If requested I can give my British Judo Association lisence number which can probably be used to verify that I do indeed hold a brown in Judo. I could also supply my information for the 2 styles of Jujitsu that I do, but since I only have an orange and a yellow in them, I don't think you'd be too interested in tracking down those grades.

If I was back home I could also dig out my Coach number, but I never bothered to memorise that.

However, as I pointed out, I'm not teaching anyone anything. If people are more interested in my training, I'm sure I can answer more specific questions. I'm not claiming to have anywhere near mastered anything, and in fact only claim remotely high rank in one art, which I have stopped training in. My credentials are only on display because people were getting irritated that members of this board were not posting their training history.
Ok, I'll give it a shot. It's not much, though.

I trained in Tang Soo Do (mixed with Hapkido) for a year and a half ( ). I reached 5th gup (before moving).

I did a little bit of Jujitsu ( ) also, but never made it past white belt (because I moved).

I moved to NY. I've been doing a TKD style that is mixed with Kung Fu/Chin Na and WTF style TKD. I'm currently a blue belt.

I just started Judo (US Judo Fed). I'm just a white belt.
Eight years training under Sammy Torres in American Kenpo, two as assistant instructor, two as instructor. Three more years teaching on my own. One A.T.A.M.A seminar, one seminar with Mark Boy (Earl Montaigue student). Few other seminars not worth mentioning so I won't.
Originally posted by Aegis
But then I haven't claimed to be teaching a new system, so who I trained with is not relevant information. If requested I can give my British Judo Association lisence number which can probably be used to verify that I do indeed hold a brown in Judo. I could also supply my information for the 2 styles of Jujitsu that I do, but since I only have an orange and a yellow in them, I don't think you'd be too interested in tracking down those grades.

If I was back home I could also dig out my Coach number, but I never bothered to memorise that.

However, as I pointed out, I'm not teaching anyone anything. If people are more interested in my training, I'm sure I can answer more specific questions. I'm not claiming to have anywhere near mastered anything, and in fact only claim remotely high rank in one art, which I have stopped training in. My credentials are only on display because people were getting irritated that members of this board were not posting their training history.

Don't take it wrong. When I put myself out there you were one of the ones who offered opinion but kepts us in the dark about where your opinion comes from, thats all.

I may be wrong but I think a timeline was where it was headed. Thats how it started anyway. I've exposed myself honestly and dealt with a lot of "stuff" coming out of left field. I'm not trying to discredit anybody at all. But I know you went through the posts because you had your opinion.

Claiming to teach a new system has nothing to do with it! Your opening line is my proof of how the responses were towards me. You know if someone talks smack to me, I am going to give it right back. And I've been smacked around.
Originally posted by akja
You know if someone talks smack to me, I am going to give it right back. And I've been smacked around.

Don't you just lower yourself to their level at taht point.........
Wouldn't it be better to reply with a sound & logical point of view?
Thats how it started anyway. I've exposed myself honestly and dealt with a lot of "stuff" coming out of left field. I'm not trying to discredit anybody at all.

Excuse me...I'm coming out of right field...and occasionally the pitcher's mound...but never left field;)

Originally posted by chufeng
Excuse me...I'm coming out of right field...and occasionally the pitcher's mound...but never left field;)


The one coming out of left field were not the few that I talked to the most this last week. I was referring to the ones that strike and dissapear.
Been training for over 30 years.

Started in Brooklyn N.Y. with Master Vinny Boombotts
Style - Busta-U-Assa
Rank - Only made it to knee breaker 1st degree

Then went and trained with Lance Midriff in San Francisco
Style - Limp-Wrist-Whinning
Rank - 2nd Degree Prancer
(I HEARD THAT.....Hey! I believe in cross training)
Wanted to get into submission holding, but could'nt find a teacher

Then went back to N.Y. And studied with the famous Russian female Master Ivana Humpalot.
Style - Squeeze-A-Testee
Rank - Seducer 3rd Degree

Was then able to get back with my first Instructor (Paroled)
I was fortunate enough to have him take me to Italy (Deported) to study at their famous school (Whats-Amatter-U).
Main Interest was weapons training (Ice Pick, Ball Bat, Tire Iron and Silencer).

Would have also told you about my advanced training with the great Polish Mime Master, but I did'nt want to give you guys any ammo to make light of the training.

But I could use some input. Been thinking about my own style/system combining all my training. Kind of stuck for a name though. Any suggestions?
Originally posted by Disco
Been training for over 30 years.

Started in Brooklyn N.Y. with Master Vinny Boombotts
Style - Busta-U-Assa
Rank - Only made it to knee breaker 1st degree

Then went and trained with Lance Midriff in San Francisco
Style - Limp-Wrist-Whinning
Rank - 2nd Degree Prancer
(I HEARD THAT.....Hey! I believe in cross training)
Wanted to get into submission holding, but could'nt find a teacher

Then went back to N.Y. And studied with the famous Russian female Master Ivana Humpalot.
Style - Squeeze-A-Testee
Rank - Seducer 3rd Degree

Was then able to get back with my first Instructor (Paroled)
I was fortunate enough to have him take me to Italy (Deported) to study at their famous school (Whats-Amatter-U).
Main Interest was weapons training (Ice Pick, Ball Bat, Tire Iron and Silencer).

Would have also told you about my advanced training with the great Polish Mime Master, but I did'nt want to give you guys any ammo to make light of the training.

But I could use some input. Been thinking about my own style/system combining all my training. Kind of stuck for a name though. Any suggestions?


HEY! I like it......... Has that kind of continental sav wha fair ring to it.

No belt ranks though. I think we'll issue scarfs.......
1985 - 1988: Shotokan Karate and Sanuces Jujutsu

1990 - 1992: Judo

1991 - 1993: TaeKwonDo and Hapkido

1993 to present: Zujitsu (an eclectic martial art using concepts from Aikido, Jujutsu, Goju Karate, Judo, and TaeKwonDo)

2002 to present: Western Boxing

Keep on learnin' folks because as the founder of the McDonald franchise, Ray Kroc said, "When you're green you're growing. Once you think you're ripe, all that you can do is rot."

Peace & blessings,
Originally posted by Zujitsuka
1985 - 1988: Shotokan Karate and Sanuces Jujutsu

1990 - 1992: Judo

1991 - 1993: TaeKwonDo and Hapkido

1993 to present: Zujitsu (an eclectic martial art using concepts from Aikido, Jujutsu, Goju Karate, Judo, and TaeKwonDo)

2002 to present: Western Boxing

Keep on learnin' folks because as the founder of the McDonald franchise, Ray Kroc said, "When you're green you're growing. Once you think you're ripe, all that you can do is rot."

Peace & blessings,

Did you have a chance to learn directly from, Moses Powell?
Originally posted by akja
Did you have a chance to learn directly from, Moses Powell?

No I did not have the opportunity to train directly with Master Powell. I was trained informally by a neighbor's dad who is a black belt in the system. Also, I have trained directly with Master Chaka Zulu, the founder of 'Zujitsu' who earned his black belt in Sanuces Jujutsu directly by Master Powell.

1972 - began Uechi-ryu and trained to Green belt. Due to changes in the systems hierarchy in Okinawa different factions spit off. Continued on in Pangai-noon off shoot as well as boxing [Grandfather was Golden gloves].

1980 - First Dan.

1983 - Second Dan.

1986 - 3rd Dan, taught military personel Incirlik AB, Turkey. Brad Barnett my Instructor.

1988 - 4th Dan, taught military personel Mcguire AFB, NJ. Instructor James Hill.

1990 - Began training in Shuri Te under Bob Harmer. American off shoot of Shuri Ryu. Began Academy. Began working on the unnamed ZDW system in ernest.

1993 - 5th Dan Pangai-noon A.J. Leverett. First Dan Shuri Te. E.P. Training K.C. Poulin & Ed Wilson. Chemical weapons Instructor O.C.S.O.

1995 - 2nd Dan Shuri Te. Began teaching the as yet unnamed system of ZDW to off duty LEO's. Began training in Chin Na under R. Wilson

1996 - Police D.T. Instructor [John Dressback S.P.P.D.], Police Firearms Instructor J.J. Webber P.C.S.O.], Police Emergency Preparedness Instructor.

1997 - 6th Dan Pangai-noon.

1998 - 3rd Dan Shuri Te.

1999 - Israeli Instinctive Shooting Instructor [Hunan Yadin].

2000 - 4th Dan Shuri Te. Trained under Tony Blauer [S.E.P.S.I.].

2001 - 7th Dan Pangai-noon. Edged weapon Instructor [Sir Peter Boatman]. High Liabilty Instructors-Only seminar with Joe Hess& Tony Lambria [Lead D.T. Instructor for F.L.E.T.C.]. Began training in Catch-as-Catch-can Submission wrestling under G. Long [who trained under Matt Furey].

2002 - Krav Maga practioner [Moti Horenstein], Official recognition of ZDW system. KYHA Florida representative. 5th Dan Shuri Te Michael Dunn. Martial Arts Association of Asia Hall of Fame inductee.

2003 - 8th Dan Pangai-noon. Worldwide Alliance of Martial Artist's Hall of Fame Inductee[Law Enforcement Trainer of the Year].

As I stated earlier the 8th was probably a mistake as it was rushed and I should have been content with 7th as I'm no longer active in teaching this system. But thats 20-20 hindsight. Overall I am satisfied with everything. Looking forward to enhancing things :)