South Park Gone Too Far South


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
This has been one show that I never really liked, in spite of many of my friends telling me how hilarious the show is and how it shouldn't be taken so seriously. Well I don't take cartoons seriously at all... I love 'em but when they cross certian lines then that's where I draw mine.
South Park is well known for it's irreverentcy I understand and probably (sadly as well) it's part of it's charm and attraction. "They're not afraid to state their opinon." Afterall... it's satire.
Well neither am I afraid to state what I think, but I'll try to do it with as much tact and diplomacy as possible so to respect the opinion and beliefs of whomever I'm addressing... it's basically about respect, overall.
In this article:
The creators of the hit cartoon show struck back at their sponsoring station, Comedy Central's ban of an episode which depicted the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Given the uproar over a similar debacle in England a little while ago that's understandable. But the show's creators, Matt Stone and Trey Parker created " image of Jesus Christ defecating on President Bush and the American Flag. Trading one blasphemy for another.
That's satire? Or is it simple juvenile retaliation? Dictonary dot com defines satire as; Irony or sarcasm or caustic wit used to expose folly, vice or stupidity. Well okay, fine. But show Christ taking a dump on OUR flag?
"Broadcasting's prestigious Peabody Award director Horace Newcome said at the time, that by it's offensiveness, the show (South Park) reminds us of the need for being tolerant."
So, we might as well with that logic and view point, go ahead and tolerate further terrorist acts here in this country. We should go ahead and let Moussaoui go and give him several million dollars in reparations for damages caused. Hell, lets let all the murderers and rapists and pedophiles and skinheads and other radical individuals go from the prisons because we need to tolerate their behavior and mind sets.

Yeah right... over my dead body!

Thoughts? Comments? Agree/Disagree?
That bothers me a lot. :(
Wouldn't the ultimate expression of our freedom be the ability to portray images like that? Yes, they are offensive to many, but the point is...freedom.
I really don't care for the South Park, I have seen it a couple of times.
It is definitely not a Cartoon for Children to watch (IMO).
MA-Caver said:
But show Christ taking a dump on OUR flag?
I don't care if it's Christ, Ghandi, Hitler, or Ghengis Khan, it's wrong.

upnorthkyosa said:
Wouldn't the ultimate expression of our freedom be the ability to portray images like that?
I can certainly understand this line of thinking, and do not begrudge anyone of their opinion, but I would definitely have to disagree. Disrespect hiding behind the guise of Constitutional freedom is just cowardice. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should.


There have been many south parks that I have really enjoyed, over the years. Matt and Trey continuously push the envelope of good taste and censorship.

I do not, however, have any truck with this level of offensiveness. Attacking the church? Ok. Marching on Cananda? Fine. Returning the Lord Of The Rings to the Two Towers video store? All right.

This? No.
Henderson said:
I can certainly understand this line of thinking, and do not begrudge anyone of their opinion, but I would definitely have to disagree. Disrespect hiding behind the guise of Constitutional freedom is just cowardice. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should.

I'm not sure if I would call it cowardice. It takes a lot of guts to knowingly offend people. I would wager that the creators of South Park knew exactly the type of reaction they would receive. Art is often like that...loaded to get a reaction that points at an ideal.

People have been killed for their art...that takes guts.

Here is an interesting Freedom of Speech worth being offended everyonce and a while? The Muslim world seems not to think so. Is this discussion evidence that we aren't so different?

And think about the message a cartoon like that sends. No body is going to burn things down or blow themselves up in retaliation to this...
upnorthkyosa said:
I'm not sure if I would call it cowardice. It takes a lot of guts to knowingly offend people. I would wager that the creators of South Park knew exactly the type of reaction they would receive. Art is often like that...loaded to get a reaction that points at an ideal.

People have been killed for their art...that takes guts.

Here is an interesting Freedom of Speech worth being offended everyonce and a while?

The Muslim world seems not to think so. Is this discussion evidence that we aren't so different?

I agree completely. Pushing the envelope has been a part of art for centuries. It didn't start with South Park.

Is Freedom of Speech worth being offended once in awhile?


What I don't believe in, however, is one-sided Freedom of Speech. Just because South Park does something doesn't mean I have to like it or support it.

I believe that Freedom of Speech means South Park can risk offending me as they are with that premise. I also believe that Freedom of Speech means that me and whoever else doesn't like it can choose to stand up and raise heck about the fact we don't like it.
Being offended now and again is the price of freedom of speech. I'll take the offensive cartoons so I can express what I think. A small price to pay IMO.

This aspect of free speech has always been sketchy to me, akin to being free to yell 'Fire' in a crowded theater. It seems to hold little value as anything but a schoolyard dare.
Dear god whatever... I thought that last part was freakin hilarious.

Honestly, if your so far up your own *** that you cant have fun with something..take it as a hint. Jesus crapping all over the president, the flag and everyone is HUMOR!!! If we can't show a simple cartoon of muhammad with a salmon helmet on his head.. yet we can show a cartoon of jesus crapping on people...Where does that place us in the heirarchy of things?

People are just WAY too sensitive and will find any reason to crap on others because they dont like something. Thank god, muhammad, jesus, allah, bhudda, L ron hubbard, or whatever that Trey Parker and Matt Stone are there fighting for free speech.
OnlyAnEgg said:
This aspect of free speech has always been sketchy to me, akin to being free to yell 'Fire' in a crowded theater. It seems to hold little value as anything but a schoolyard dare.

I really don't see the comparison. Yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater could cause panic and the ensuing rush could cause injury or death. This episode of South Park, or the Dannish editorial cartoons for that matter, does not cause harm. What causes harm is irrational people acting on thier impulses. Did the Dannish cartoons cause the violence? No, they did not. Some idiots thought the best way to respond was to kill people and destroy property. To paraphrase Tom Jefferson, South Park isn't breaking your leg or taking money from your pocket.

Carol Kaur said:
Is Freedom of Speech worth being offended once in awhile?


What I don't believe in, however, is one-sided Freedom of Speech. Just because South Park does something doesn't mean I have to like it or support it.
I'm with you there; I don't watch South Park, not because it has offended my people (It has); but because I try to control my intake, in general.

On the other hand, just because I am free to offend people; does that mean I should? Even though I do, on occaision, offend people I find that I am able to have a more mutually beneficial relationship by not offending others. Wait, I take that back - except for Democrats cause I offend the heck out of them liberals; oh, wait and there's people who drive slowly in front of me - I honk loudly and scream at them coz they deserve it. I almost forgot - "telemarketers", who doesn't offend them in some way- that makes me justified.

Well, that's about, there's this one guy at work who just rubs me the wrong way, so I rub right back. And the TKD practitioners, obviously, coz I'm a kenpo guy. And... and...
Ray said:
I'm with you there; I don't watch South Park, not because it has offended my people (It has); but because I try to control my intake, in general.

On the other hand, just because I am free to offend people; does that mean I should? Even though I do, on occaision, offend people I find that I am able to have a more mutually beneficial relationship by not offending others. Wait, I take that back - except for Democrats cause I offend the heck out of them liberals; oh, wait and there's people who drive slowly in front of me - I honk loudly and scream at them coz they deserve it. I almost forgot - "telemarketers", who doesn't offend them in some way- that makes me justified.

Well, that's about, there's this one guy at work who just rubs me the wrong way, so I rub right back. And the TKD practitioners, obviously, coz I'm a kenpo guy. And... and...

Is there anyone that South Park hasn't offended in some way? I think thier style of satire is a wonderful medium even when it offends my views and beliefs on something. Kind of helps me step out of myself and re-examine my thoughts. That being said, it's definetly not a show for everyone.

Lets see:

Jesus vs Santa Claus was the pilot episode.
There is a running theme of Cartman hating Jews, going so far as to dress up like Hitler.
Satan's had a homosexual love affair with a dead Sadamn Husein.
All the little furry woodland critters worship Satan.
Mr. Hankey is a living turd.
Kyle was changed from a short Jewish Kid to a Tall Black kid.
They have Timmy and Jimmy. One is completely retarded, the other a stuttering cripple.
They portray Canadians as funny talking stick figures.
They swear non stop, and T&A jokes abound.
They've shoved a rodent in a mans ***, and portrayed bondage, bestiality and sadomasochism.
They've parodied everything, from star trek to Schindlers List.
They portrayed the religious icons of several major religions a superheros, and rather lame ones at that.
They have savaged everything from the environment, morality, race, religion, politics, etc.

Now, after all that....

1 actor quits because his religion is made fun of.
There is now an uproar over a flag being desecrated by a religious icon.


Bottom line: Yes, it is offensive. But, so is alot of the other stuff they do.
But, "Freedom of Speech" being the misunderstood thing that it is, doesn't apply here.

The FCC (a government agency) didn't stop it. Therefore their 1st amendment rights were not effected.

The network has the right to air or not air things at their discretion. That can be censorship. It's not a violation of the 1st amendment.

While it bothers me, I can understand the message. There is a big stink over some cartoons...a stink which took half a year to build up btw. A stink where people are killing people over a few lame cartoons. This is their response.

Now, lets all riot in the streets, kill one another, bomb some buildings, and storm the Comedy Central studios, to show the rest of the world that we too, are absolute morons.

South Park is a parody, a satire, of everything and anything. Nothing is sacred or off limits, as it should be. Yes, it will offend, but in a free society, one must be willing to defend that which they find offensive. They take things to the extreme, to get a reaction.

If it bothers you that much, don't watch it. Me, I'll continue to watch it, be offended by it, and continue to think about what it is really commenting on.
South Park is an equal opportunity offender. It hits Jews, Christians, Muslims, Mormons, scientologists, gays, straights, men, women, transexuals, cross-dressers, Jesus, Saddam Hussein, Satan, celebrities and regular folks. I happen to think the show is topical and funny, but if I didn't, I'd exercise my right to change the channel.
MA-Caver said:
This has been one show that I never really liked, in spite of many of my friends telling me how hilarious the show is and how it shouldn't be taken so seriously. Well I don't take cartoons seriously at all... I love 'em but when they cross certian lines then that's where I draw mine.
South Park is well known for it's irreverentcy I understand and probably (sadly as well) it's part of it's charm and attraction. "They're not afraid to state their opinon." Afterall... it's satire.
Well neither am I afraid to state what I think, but I'll try to do it with as much tact and diplomacy as possible so to respect the opinion and beliefs of whomever I'm addressing... it's basically about respect, overall.
In this article:
The creators of the hit cartoon show struck back at their sponsoring station, Comedy Central's ban of an episode which depicted the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Given the uproar over a similar debacle in England a little while ago that's understandable. But the show's creators, Matt Stone and Trey Parker created " image of Jesus Christ defecating on President Bush and the American Flag. Trading one blasphemy for another.
That's satire? Or is it simple juvenile retaliation? Dictonary dot com defines satire as; Irony or sarcasm or caustic wit used to expose folly, vice or stupidity. Well okay, fine. But show Christ taking a dump on OUR flag?
"Broadcasting's prestigious Peabody Award director Horace Newcome said at the time, that by it's offensiveness, the show (South Park) reminds us of the need for being tolerant."
So, we might as well with that logic and view point, go ahead and tolerate further terrorist acts here in this country. We should go ahead and let Moussaoui go and give him several million dollars in reparations for damages caused. Hell, lets let all the murderers and rapists and pedophiles and skinheads and other radical individuals go from the prisons because we need to tolerate their behavior and mind sets.

Yeah right... over my dead body!

Thoughts? Comments? Agree/Disagree?

Personally I have seen them attack the Christians and the Mormons and also the Christian Scientists. They pick on the Jews ever episode.

So why not the followers of Islam.

What I have as a problem is the fact that a certain star of the Mission Impossible got a RE_RUN pulled of an episode. He said he would not support the promotion of his new movie if it was aired. The movie company and Comedy Central have a single common parent corp if you go high enough.

So I am not supporting any movies with known C Scientists. I am not supporting any products by Mr. Tom C and or associates.

If one episode is aired then why not all?

I see the attack as worded by the article, is nothing but a simple self defense. If Comedy Central drops South Park another company can pick them up. They are a real money maker. So, what I see is the large corporations and wanna be powerful people trying to push forward their own religous agenda.

When I prefer if I could push my agenda of the first ten admendmants of the U.S. Constitution.

Free Speach. If you do not wish to watch it turn the channel to one of the other channels everyone has on Cable or Satellite.

Yet, as soon as religion gets involved, people want their own religion protected and all others.

When the U.S. Constitution talks about making no law or putting any religion above another.

Yet it seems that some people think it is alright to go after others but not there own house of worship.

I call it all hypocracy.
JeffJ said:
Being offended now and again is the price of freedom of speech. I'll take the offensive cartoons so I can express what I think. A small price to pay IMO.

I'm sorry but my intelligence is placed at too high of a value to me for someone to insult and offend. Using juvenile potty humor to desecrate two sacred symbols? Did these guys ever grow up? Did they ever get ed-yew-kay-ted?
For me satire is a good means to point out the ludicracy of some things like; M*A*S*H (the motion picture) did for the Vietnam War and Network News for the media and so on. But this expression was nothing more than retaliatory than satire. They're angry because their sponsor censored them.
You want to offend people fine. George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Chris Rock, Robin Williams, Lenny Bruce, Dave Chappel, Sam Kinneson to name a few, offended people with their humor sure... they did it intelligently though. Did it with thought, insight, did it in a way that made you think about what they were (really) saying.
Potty humor? Using fecal matter/bodily waste as a means to express your distaste for something? GROW UP Matt Stone and Trey Parker! On one level I can see these guys have had a higher education at some point in their lives... but I'm failing miserably at seeing how they're actually using it. On another level I'm seeing these guys as a pair of second or third graders giggling in the corner of their classroom at some potty humor.
Excercising your consitutional right to express what you think/feel is alright and I may not agree with it (as Carol Kaur stated) being my consitutional right. But we're smarter than that aren't we? We're smart enough to elevate our thinking and our means of expression to say what we think is wrong with the world without disgusting metaphors and defaming religious and patriotic icons?
If they want to blaspheme then okay... I cannot judge on that then... by my (personal) beliefs they will be judged by the highest court.
But that they want to smear fecal matter on MY flag! MY country! We'll give you the freedom to say what you want... don't crap on it though.
They should've used the Comedy Central Logo if they wanted to express their disgust about their censoring. But of course they wouldn't... that's cutting the bottom out of their purse isn't it?
I don't watch commericalized televison anymore or at minimum it'll be very selective (educational channels) and very briefly. But I read this news article about what's going on in the television industry and yeah I'll raise a stink about it. Call it hypocracy if you want... it's your consitutional right... ain't it?
I'm sorry but seeing all those people literally crapping on each other was still funny...potty humor or not...still funny.

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