some disturbing Terror news

It's pretty obvious what was going on there. It was a dry run. Man oh man.
Or it could have been a bunch of musicians going to LA. The trips to the washroom at the same time could have been at prayer time. I know that I, as an observant Jew, do feel more comfortable praying in private.
This is one of those situations where civil liberties be damned. I would want confirmations from the supposed hotle they were to play at, all of teir luggage to be checked, and have them detained for as long as neccessary to confirm everything. If they were not guilty of anything then they really should be able to understand everyone's uneasiness about the situation.
As I said to Gary in E-Mail there are ways to deal with this issue one way is to demand that Airline Personnel inspect those passengers or you are not boarding the plane and demand a refund (pocket book mentality).

You can be rude and obinoxious and demand to check yourself. It is your life and your families life at risk. The worse outcome is having security come over and explain to them why your upset. Be loud and rude if neccessary.

Simply not get on the plane and ask to be booked on another flight.

Mark E. Weiser
If 19 terrorist can learn to fly,why couldn't terrorists learn to play instraments?Or could terrorist leaders recruit musicians?Both are possible.One thing is for sure,timing is everything to terrorists.So now we must fugure out, what will the timing be?With the rules the PSA are going by,getting terrorists on board an aircraft is very possible.The PSA will not screen more than two middle eastern passengers on any one flight.Political correctness will be our doom because the best policy for detering terrorism is racial profiling.
Good article, except for drawing on Ann Coulter, who is a nut.

It seems like people are so afraid that the letter of the law is more valuable than specific incidents. I understand that we as a nation live and are judged by the letter of the law.

What I am getting at is - with such a large group, and such suspicious behavior (if they were all Anglo-Saxon teenagers it would still make me very nervous!), something should be done - some deeper digging into these men's lives. If the US government is allowed to dig through my life, my past, my credit reports, for crying out loud, then what is keeping the government from investigating this incident in more detail? Fears of seeming racist? Prisoner abuse scandals are what is making the Muslim world hate us. Investigating a group with suspicious behavior on a plane should not.
That is it exactly Fiesty at the risk of giving the facade of being racist your life is a precious commodity and so is your families. I would risk the odd looks and the whispers after everything was cleared and everyone got onboard.
prisoner abuse scandals is not why the muslim world hates us,the only reason they have made such an issue is because many americans are so sensitive to it.Muslums are used to much worse than we can inflict on them.They would hate us if we had never stepped foot in a muslum nation.
Stir up the fear ... Stir up the fear ... Only George Bush can save us from 'Evil'. Don't ever become relaxed again ... But go to Disneyworld and spend your money.

A case of racial profiling and paranoia.

If I were on the plane, I would have been sleeping like a baby. Those 4 and half hour flights Suck! and sleep is the only way to get through them.

I would think that after 9/11 that People would not be so caliver in response to this issue but hey we are in America and you have the right to disagree or even vehemently disagree if you chose to do so.

But as for me and my family I rather be paranoid and live another day than go to sleep and wake up in a fireball lol.
prisoner abuse scandals is not why the muslim world hates us,the only reason they have made such an issue is because many americans are so sensitive to it.Muslums are used to much worse than we can inflict on them.They would hate us if we had never stepped foot in a muslum nation.
Um, no, actually there are lots of Muslims in the US who are citizens and love this country. The reason "the Muslim world" is getting upset (rather than fringe extremist terrorist groups) is because we really are saying one thing, as a nation, and doing another (i.e. prisoner abuse). I don't really know what "(they) are used to much worse than we can inflict on them" means, except that you don't think Muslims are fellow humans, which I don't understand. It's a religious belief, not another species. There are some things I certainly have issue with - such as the gender roles and women as chattel - in some Muslim countries, but that is not about the religion overall.
Gary Crawford said:
prisoner abuse scandals is not why the muslim world hates us,the only reason they have made such an issue is because many americans are so sensitive to it.Muslums are used to much worse than we can inflict on them.They would hate us if we had never stepped foot in a muslum nation.
Maybe the Muslim world hates us because the Islamic Jazz Ensemble can't get to a paying gig without 274 other passengers on the airplane looking at them like they are terrorists.

So much for a 'Free Country', eh?

How's that First Amendment working out for you?

Okay here is a can of worms I will open. I due to my studies in my younger years of being a Minister. The problem with any religious extremes is it always gets the attention of the media and it stirs up the pot and sells mucho dinero.

However I must say that within the Muslim faith conquest is in the mind set of the extreme Muslim faith there is only one way for all people and it is the Muslim faith everything is garbage and should be destroyed at any cost. That is why at least in our current century Muslims exteremist have gotten our attention due to their ideas of world conquest.

So if I offend anyone I am sorry unless your a Terrorist from any faith or country then I say watch your back lol because there are folks our here like me watching you

Mark E. Weiser
Mr. Ward,I mean no disrespect,but after 9-11,all the pundents could talk about was that it could have been prevented.Now we have an incident that occured only a few weeks ago that many have found interesting enough that several news agencies have dicussed today and you seem to be cavalier about it.I really hope that I am just overreacting by being concerned about this.But,what if something does happen again?Will we see the same finger pointing?I'd rather be wrong about this now than be right when it does happen.
However I must say that within the Muslim faith conquest is in the mind set of the extreme Muslim faith there is only one way for all people and it is the Muslim faith everything is garbage and should be destroyed at any cost.
I think that is true of extremist Christian sects as well. That kind of mindset I find very bizarre.
michaeledward said:
Maybe the Muslim world hates us because the Islamic Jazz Ensemble can't get to a paying gig without 274 other passengers on the airplane looking at them like they are terrorists.

So much for a 'Free Country', eh?

How's that First Amendment working out for you?

Did you really not find the behaviour particularly suspicious Mike? Provided the woman's account was accurate, I sure did.
Mark Weiser said:
So if I offend anyone I am sorry unless your a Terrorist from any faith
You mean like, Pat Robertson? The guy who said:

"The Lord has just blessed him," Robertson said of Bush. "I mean, he could make terrible mistakes and comes out of it. It doesn't make any difference what he does, good or bad, God picks him up because he's a man of prayer and God's blessing him."

"If I could just get a nuclear device inside Foggy Bottom, I think that's the answer."
Oh, Well. Mike
What does Pat Robertson have to do with this?also I noticed you mentioned Bush before,he isn't even part of the discusion.we are talking about possible terrorists,not politics!
The verbage is the same but there is another factor to consider in Terrorism the means and ability to carry out those ideas. I do not appreciate what Pat said and he should be held up to the courts for punishment for that statement in reference to Nuclear Weapons.

The problem again is this is not USA vs Arabs. This is a Christian vs Muslim conflict if you look at terrorist training tapes that have been released look at what is painted on the torso's of the targets in rooms that are being used in terrorism camps. It is a Big Red Cross center mass.

The extremeist on both sides would have (those of us in the middle are often caught in the cross fire) ,no pun intended, us chose sides.

Once again this conflict has been going on for 1000's of years but now days we have better and stronger weapons on both sides. More Fatalities.

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