Some bad news.....

Rest. Rest. Rest. I hurt my foot 15 months ago. Had I stayed off it for just a few weeks when it first happened, it probably would have been fine. But 15 months later and now Im finally not training(not even lightly or modified) and getting better.
Ya Judo Kid, I'm the king of injuries including the back, just take some time off to heal.

I love how the mods try to keep Gou on a leash... I can see them sending eachother private messages like "he's your friend you tell him to stop!" and "he's your friend too! I'm not going to do it!"

You can't hold a good Gou down!

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
I'm sorry Damian.

I thought I was was trying to keep a thread on topic...I didn't realize that by trying to keep things on topic, and somewhat 'kid safe' that I was suddenly a restrictive, anti-gou censor.

How you got to 'leashing Gou' from 'keep it PC' I'll never know. Simply put, someone emailed us that the thread was drifiting into a 'mature off topic I popped off a quick 'nudge'...nothing 'official'. No "anti-gou collalition of light' was formed, no 'international alliance to block out the gou' was negotiated, no extradition treaties were brought to bear and no airspace was violated, or canadians harmed, or even mentioned in the process.

Simply put, if you want complete anarchy, with the 'right' to post whatever, where-ever, try rec.martial-arts. Here, we're trying to keep things somewhat on topic, and somewhat mature, when we can. Sorry if you think 'we're keepin the gou down'. My post was directed at 4 individuals...but none specifically.

Good day.


my apologies for the long off topic rant.....
Way to go. Get us way off topic. You're the worst moderator ever! We're all sitting here trying to console poor judo-kid about his injury and help him get back to some sort of training and all you can think about is yourself?

For shame. **snicker**

No no Kaith haha, you took the tone of my post wrong. I'm not insinuating you mods are overbearing or censor happy or anything like that, I was just trying to be funny.... kind of at Gou's expense. My point was with Gou around you guys have your work cut out for you!

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
First of all Gou, the money in porn sucks. Especially if you're a guy (sorry Kaith, Kirk, et al, I had to).

Judo-Kid, I hope you get better real soon and you come back stronger than ever. What actually happened(how did you get injured?)? Do you know?
Well, either way, here's to your speedy recovery. Take it easy for now, and I agree, Tai Chi might help. You also might want to look into yoga. Tell the teacher what's up and they could maybe help you strengthen that spine.:asian:
Whoops....I was trying to be a little 'tongue in cheek' too...must remember not to post until -after- I wake up....hmm...might never post again then..heh....sorry about that..... corrupted me...what can I say? :p

Judo...see a good sports-medicine doc, and possibly a good oriental medicine doc..(the type who will stick ya with a few needles) always good to get more than 1 opinion and perspective, especially since your GP won't have the experience to really help ya as much as he'd like to.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Whoops....I was trying to be a little 'tongue in cheek' too... corrupted me...what can I say?

Sure sure...once again I take the blame! I have big shoulders though!

I knew you were kidding too. It was the "anti-gou collalition of light" and the "international alliance to block out the gou," that gave it away.

Those secret societies were supposed to be secret.
I mean when I sart something, OOPS! :rofl:


Judo-Kid, relax and a good sports doctor to take a good long look at you. Get multiple opinions, most insurances allow for at least a second opinion. Use it. As for Kaith's help with the alternative medicine, it can be helpful, but also ask around and get referrals, just like a normal doctor.

Best Wishes

Originally posted by kenposcum

First of all Gou, the money in porn sucks. Especially if you're a guy (sorry Kaith, Kirk, et al, I had to).

You mean you can get paid for that stuff!?!?!?!? Wow... what a great job THAT must be... LOL

Take it easy for now, and I agree, Tai Chi might help. You also might want to look into yoga.

Just a few thoughts... First, if you are looking at doing Taiji for recovery from a back injury, be sure to NOT go to a Taiji school that is going to stress the martial applications of the style... I can vouch for the fact that, while even martial Taiji will help rehab your back, it can be a long road to haul if you are in a lot of pain.

As for yoga, the back strengthening exercises I was given by my physical therapist are IDENTICAL to many yoga stretches, so see your physical therapist FIRST, then look into yoga...



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