Some bad news.....



I have a problem it seems i hurt my self a mouth ago Sliped a disc or somthing havent hurd the news yet but my doctor made me get all these tests done . Everything from X rays to MRIs , I am afraid i might not be able to do judo / Jujutsu anymore. And the JKD class is to far away to go full time i am thinking of trying hapkido class near by but telling the instruter about my back problem and see if we can just work on striking and getting into throws. What martial art should i do now?? :( :(
Sorry to here that...........but to be honest Im pretty sure that Hapkido will be just as painful as any martial art. I'd just take it easy and concentrate on one particular Martial Art while your healing or whatever and then start cross training when your ready. :asian:
I thimk that maybe you should just take it easy until you find out what is going on. Rest and recouperate. If you are insistant on studying I would try Tai Chi. Take care or your back and good luck.
Hapkido & Jujutsu are pretty much the same thing. You are going to get thrown around in hapkido class also. Like H@pkidoist said try some Tai chi it might help to heal up your back.
I'm sorry you hurt your back, Judo-kid. :( That must be devistating especially since you love your arts so much and you don't want to quit. :( I also agree about the Tai chi. I hope your back will heal up quickly.


SOrry to hear about your back... I can understand what you are going through.. I severely sprained and did muscle damage to my lower back in 2000, that's when i had to stop my Aikido training.. along with everything else..(sigh) you have to heal yourself first before going back to ANY type of training.. Rest is the best option for you.. because.. and i know this from experience.. any small thing can set your back off.. and set your recovery time back too!!

Well... this story does have a happy ending... I did get better.. I tried going back to Aikido.. but it was too physically demanding on my back... Depressed even more.. i stopped taking MA.. but after 7 months of being totally lost (spritually, mentally, and physically) I found Hapkido... I talked to the head instructor.. and he understood my situation, (so I at first didn't get involved with any throws or falls) Now.. im sure that each school teaches different.. but we dont' have that many throwing techs (more im sure in the advanced classes) but it was the KICKS that got my back stronger.. and to this day... I have yet to have a problem with my back. (and yes i can do back breakfalls with out any problems :) )
IM not familliar with Judo..and I have heard amazing things with Tai Chi, BUT i cannot stress enough to take time off from everything.. i know its hard.. but if you rest now.. you will be able to get back to MA sooner, then if you push yourself right now!!

Take care.. and all the best in your recovery:asian:
Any Loss to the Martial Arts is a sad one:(
Take care & hope U heal fast
Well, not any..... There are a few people who live near me in martial arts that I'd be quite happy to see gone.... ;)

Sucks to be out of training.... I had Glandular Fever at the start of the year and couldn't train for months....
I had terrible back trouble for a whole year, and had to take lots of time off of Judo. It got better though, and I got back on the mat again, without further trouble.

In the mean time I had been training my legs. If you spend a year with a bad back learning to do one legged squats, you'll come back to Judo having improved. You could work on your grip strength as well.

Anything you do try, try it gently, and if after a few days you feel no pain, you should be safe, but check with your doctor anyway.
As my Kuk Sool instructor says, "Whatever parts of your body that you injure, I have 1000 other things you can do to train the other parts that still work."

As some others have said, Tai Chi would probably be very beneficial. Just check around with your current school(s) and see what they have that you can do.
Yes, I would suggest Yang style Tai Chi, it would be very beneficial I think to your balance and muscles as well as helping your body to heal. Who knows, you might even enjoy it!!

As it is a well known fact that most martial artists are a) fruity morons, b) fruity morons with serious issues that they think martial arts can help them deal with, or c) taekwondo practitioners, here is a suggestion.

Go do some straight amateur porn. If you like it and do well then go pro. The money is good, you get to have sex a lot, and it's something that you can lie down and rest your back.

All the best...
Originally posted by GouRonin

As it is a well known fact that most martial artists are a) fruity morons, b) fruity morons with serious issues that they think martial arts can help them deal with, or c) taekwondo practitioners, here is a suggestion.

Go do some straight amateur porn. If you like it and do well then go pro. The money is good, you get to have sex a lot, and it's something that you can lie down and rest your back.

All the best...

Yeah but he'll be up against some "stiff" competition.
I don't know that porn would rest the back muscles. I guess it depends, but I tend to hurt my back more than helping it during those type of "workouts". :D

Originally posted by Judo-kid

I have a problem it seems i hurt my self a mouth ago Sliped a disc or somthing havent hurd the news yet but my doctor made me get all these tests done . Everything from X rays to MRIs , I am afraid i might not be able to do judo / Jujutsu anymore. And the JKD class is to far away to go full time i am thinking of trying hapkido class near by but telling the instruter about my back problem and see if we can just work on striking and getting into throws. What martial art should i do now?? :( :(

See what's going on. Almost any martial arts can aggravate the back. Take care of yourself first before worrying about getting back into training. Striking, grappling, kicking, this all involves the back somehow. Check out the recommended books thread for some good reading while you are rehabilitating your body.

Good luck.

First, there is no such thing as a "slipped disc." The term is usally used along with "my back went out." Both are faulty terms, but we all know they indicate bad back pain.

I have two herniated discs in my lower back (L4-5) that bulge directly toward my spinal cord, I have another disc (T somewhere up high) that is dessicated (i.e. dry and useless). I also have arthritis and other degenerative changes in my spine. Additionally, I have degenerative joint disease in my knees, along with athritis there as well.

I have been studying Yiliquan for the past 16 years or so. I continue to practice, and have actualy found that, with only a very few limitations, as long as I listen to my body I can continue to train just fine...

Judo-kid, if you are looking for something else, come out to Puyallup to train with us, or you can go to the SeaTac Community Center on Tuesday nights to train as well.

Email me if you are interested, and we can find a way to get in touch.

Gambarimasu ("Continue to perservere")

Right...sure porn is good exercize...heck, it made Ron Jeremy the man he is today... :rolleyes:

Seriously...lets stick to the more "PC" side of things huh?

Dankes. :asian:
Judokid, first I'm sorry for your injury. Second, RELAX, CHILL. Everything will be fine. I speak from experiance. About 15 years ago my back at lumbar joints L4 and L5 literally exploded. No exaggeration here, they had to scrape disc material from around that area of my back. I had to wait a month for surgery, quickest they could get me in. By the time of the surgery I was still walking kinda crooked, but the pain had eased. After the surgery the doctor told me why the pain was easing, the area below the injury was closing up, and I was losing feeling.He figured I would have been paralyzed within a year or two. Anyway, 6 weeks after surgery I was back in the gym lifting lightly and stretching, swimming and biking. Taught class tonight, got thrown by students, I flew through the air with greatest of ease. I am 110%. YOU TO WILL RECOVER IF YOU WANT TO. Listen to your doctor. Rest now until you find exactly what is wrong. It could be what is known as a subluxation- a very small movement of the vertabrae- Chiropractic can treat this as can physical therapy. It may be more serious. A bulging disc- again treated as above. Or it may be herniated- usually treated with surgery. My injury was on the far side of herniation- there was no disc left just pieces everywhere. If you need surgery- get a good surgeon. Ask around. Tell him you want to do MA- that you will do MA that you expect to do MA in the future. He should be willing to work with you.Your in my prayers.
