So, What do you think?

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If you only care about impressing your idiot friends who don't know any better... why not? :D. I am sure some will go for it.

Heck, there must be some going for a lot cheaper than that price too. lol
Thank you Elder Grand Mastur Steve Spry!

I have plunked down my hard earned money and am now studying in the privacy of my own home with the free uniform and your autographed poster to guide and direct me. Plus, when I feel my intensity lagging ... Why I just stop and read a volume of Curious George!

Thank you! Thank You! THANK YOU!!! I know that in no time at all (what is a year anyway) I will be a feared Man among men. Women will swoon over me and lesser men will step aside when I walk in to Wal-Mart. They will immediately recognize the set of my jaw and my steely-eyed stare that comes from knowing that I am a registered, legal, lethal killer.

I really plan to start my first lesson next week!

Thank you Elder Senior Great Grand Master Steve Spry!

BTW... Where do I get a copy of the Bible like you read? And whatever happened to your long hair?

Your most enamored and ingratiating student.

Dan Farmer
Um, What's up with the belt on the bottom right hand of the page on the bottom? Very unusual striping.
Originally posted by Sigung86
Thank you! Thank You! THANK YOU!!! I know that in no time at all (what is a year anyway) I will be a feared Man among men. Women will swoon over me and lesser men will step aside when I walk in to Wal-Mart. They will immediately recognize the set of my jaw and my steely-eyed stare that comes from knowing that I am a registered, legal, lethal killer.

:rofl: :rofl: Mr. Farmer that was way too funny.:rofl: :rofl:
At least I thought it was funny.
Originally posted by John Bishop
I year Video Black Belt Program

Total: $4491.00

This guy has been in business for so many years it's ridiculous and I still can't figure out why but I do have to admit, with what he's selling he could probably sell ice to eskimoes so I have to admire that trait. He's a Kenpo wannabee and arranged to have rank well above his original instructor and his students are indicative of his abilities. I just can't believe how long his students buy into his B***Sh** and keep coming back and line up for more cuz when it comes to Kenpo, he don't know squat.

You should also try to join the Martial Arts Masters Hall of Fame which will cost you in the vicinty of $1000 LOL.

Have a great Kenpo day

I'm not impressed!

I have seen 2nd Black, for sale via 2CD set for around US$250, also including the belt and the certificate.

BTW what the hell, is an "Elder Grand Master"?
Originally posted by D.Cobb
I'm not impressed!


BTW what the hell, is an "Elder Grand Master"?

It's a guy who puts on a gi and a belt and using subterfuge and schemy, glitzy websites, goes after your wallet! :lol:

Clyde, I think you're being unfair. Everyone starts somewhere. You started with IKCA. Back in the day at one point I was in a Steve Spry affiliate school. (No worries, it didn't last long.)

There will always be those who are happy with where they are and those who will always be looking to improve themselves.

By the way, the belt is a new type of ranking system he came up with. A first degree has a 5 inch block with a black stripe on the block. A second would have 2 black stripes on the block. A 5th would have a red 5 inch block with a 4 inch black block on it. and so on...I know because at one point someone tried to sell me one of these things.

I've been in some weird and wacky places and this was just one of the stops as I turned the corner into..."The Kenpo Twilight Zone."
I wanna belt like that, but what the hell is a Makua?

Is it just me, or does this sly dog look pleased with himself?

Must be all the money he's gotten from the three people that bought his bullcrap!


  • $stvefull.jpg
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.. and prosper. I guess if you live long enough you get to see some pretty interesting things. I gues Mr. Spry has found a way to prosper. It is better than Chief Romans, $999 black belt, with no 1 year accelerated course.

Remember, you gets what you pays for.

Look how long that stupid belt is!! That thing goes down to his knees. He tries to do anything he's going to hit him-self in the face with it and probably get knocked out by it :eek:

He does seem to have that hound in the hen house look though doesn't he :shrug:


Man, I really want to say something but, then again, well what the hell,


"When people continue to talk about me, good or bad, I must be important."
Senior Grand Master Ed Parker

Originally posted by bahenlaura

"When people continue to talk about me, good or bad, I must be important."
Senior Grand Master Ed Parker


I have a tendency to say the word crap quite often, and I can think of a few good reasons that it might be important.

1. It is bad when you step in it.
2. Worse when you track it into the house.
3. And down right wrong if you have to smell it for too long.
4. Sucks to clean it up.
5. It's unwanted/discarded by most people.

I would venture to say that Mr. Spry has alot in common with those things I mentioned above, and in that sense... He's important.
Originally posted by WilliamTLear
I have a tendency to say the word crap quite often, and I can think of a few good reasons that it might be important.

1. It is bad when you step in it.
2. Worse when you track it into the house.
3. And down right wrong if you have to smell it for too long.
4. Sucks to clean it up.
5. It's unwanted/discarded by most people.

I would venture to say that Mr. Spry has alot in common with those things I mentioned above, and in that sense... He's important.


Originally posted by WilliamTLear
I would venture to say that Mr. Spry has alot in common with those things I mentioned above, and in that sense... He's important.

Yeah, and when he step on his belt, he might be funny too. I'd rather be important in a respectable way... like being a professional clown or so:rofl: :rofl:
Originally posted by Kenpomachine
Yeah, and when he step on his belt, he might be funny too. I'd rather be important in a respectable way... like being a professional clown or so:rofl: :rofl:

I agree 100%!
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