In another thread, a poster mentioned that traditional hapkido has thousands of techniques.
I study traditional hapkido and I think we'd be lucky to get to five hundred and are probably closer to three hundred. Of those, many are variations on a theme (wrist lock against an attacker who is not grabbing you, wristlock vs. same side grab, wrist lock vs. cross hand grab, wrist lock vs. clothing grab, etc.) as opposed to completely separate techniques.
Is it your experience that hapkido has a thousand plus separate techniques?
If yes, are these a thousand different techniques or are is it a smaller group with many permutations?
I study traditional hapkido and I think we'd be lucky to get to five hundred and are probably closer to three hundred. Of those, many are variations on a theme (wrist lock against an attacker who is not grabbing you, wristlock vs. same side grab, wrist lock vs. cross hand grab, wrist lock vs. clothing grab, etc.) as opposed to completely separate techniques.
Is it your experience that hapkido has a thousand plus separate techniques?
If yes, are these a thousand different techniques or are is it a smaller group with many permutations?