Should we set up a photography forum?

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
Y'all know I do a lot of photography. We're starting to get more professionals on the site, and a few members keep finding some excellent collections of work.

So, should we set up a specific area to showcase photo works, discuss techniques and gear, etc?
Y'all know I do a lot of photography. We're starting to get more professionals on the site, and a few members keep finding some excellent collections of work.

So, should we set up a specific area to showcase photo works, discuss techniques and gear, etc?

Okay by me. I'm trying to find a way to get more MA-related shots. Here's my photo stream:

I've found on the several occasions I've tried that shooting MA matches is tougher than it looks. They move fast - so you need a fast lens. Can't use flash, it distracts fighters. And school gym lighting has the wonkiest white balance I've ever seen. Yucko.

So I could use some advice in that area, and happy to share any info I have that others might want to hear.
Y'all know I do a lot of photography. We're starting to get more professionals on the site, and a few members keep finding some excellent collections of work.

So, should we set up a specific area to showcase photo works, discuss techniques and gear, etc?
I don't see why not. On several caving discussion sites they usually dedicate a sub forum specifically about photography for the ins and outs, how-to's and the whys and wherefores of cave photography. It's radically different than above ground because you are shooting in the absence of light and the only light you have is what you bring in with you... it can get tricky at times.

So yeah, I used to do professional work myself until everything I had got smashed in one fell swoop.... a painful story that I might relate in an *ahem* appropriate forum. :uhyeah:

Go for it Bob, for whatever it's worth you got my nod of approval.
A place to post and discuss photographs and techniques would be an excellent idea.

I know we have our 'albums' here at MT and we can always read a book for hints and tips but that's not quite the same (or as good) as getting the 'real life' opinions of people.
Is space an issue? There are already lots of attachments used on the site, but people posting a large number of quality photos could kill a lot of bytes.
I got 30 Gigs free on the hard drive still. Lots of room. Plus, uploading attachments/photo galllery is a supporting member feature so we're good :)
I don't do a lot of photography myself, however, it's an area I would definately view if others posted.
I'll set it up later, see what traffic it gets. If it gets busy, we can always subdivide.
Is space an issue? There are already lots of attachments used on the site, but people posting a large number of quality photos could kill a lot of bytes.

I always post on Flickr and link the photo in. That way it can be seen apart from the MT posting.