Shoot Fighting in Japan is Huge

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Master of Arts
May 26, 2002
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I've done alot of research on this Subject.
There are Tons of Organizations.

Such as Pancrse , Rings & S.A.W.
But Shoot it self is not a Pure Japanies Art.
It Draws From Sambo,Catch as catch can Wrestling & Mauy Thai
As well as Judo/ Ju jitsu.

How Many Of U Have Seen Shoot Fighting
And The Submisson Fighters Who Compete??////

What are Your Thoughts???
And Feed Backs on This Sport That is 2nd only to Base Ball.
Originally posted by ace

Such as Pancrse , Rings & S.A.W.
But Shoot it self is not a Pure Japanies Art.
It Draws From Sambo,Catch as catch can Wrestling & Mauy Thai
As well as Judo/ Ju jitsu.

RINGS used to be more geared towards Pro “Wrastlin’” than Shoot fighting type arts.
Pancrase has different rules than Shoot as well.

Originally posted by ace
How Many Of U Have Seen Shoot Fighting
And The Submisson Fighters Who Compete??////

I have seen it and it seems just like another UFC type of entertainment.

Originally posted by ace
And Feed Backs on This Sport That is 2nd only to Base Ball.

I live in Japan and can tell you that Soccer/Sumo and a few other sports are only second to baseball.
I rarely if ever see Shoot Fighting on TV and it is not THAT popular by the way.
I New u would be the FIRST to reply.
For Me I only can say this is what I Have Read.
Stephen Qudrose Does A Lot of writing on these
Events & I Quote Him On The Base Ball Sec.

Yes it May Be Verry Much like the UFC
A testing Ground for those Who Wish
To test them selves.
Originally posted by ace
I New u would be the FIRST to reply.

So did I.

Originally posted by ace
For Me I only can say this is what I Have Read.
Stephen Qudrose Does A Lot of writing on these
Events & I Quote Him On The Base Ball Sec.

Then I guess the old saying “don’t believe everything you read is true”.
Shoot Fighting is popular in certain limited circles, but all you have to do to see if it is really popular is look at the local sports listing for TV in the newspaper.
IF Shooting Fighting is even televised it's at about 3:00 AM. Which means it is not popular enough to put on during prime time.
Sumo, Golf, Baseball, Marathons, Soccer, are all more popular than Shoot Fighting.
Hell, they even show the NFL which is not even played in Japan more than Shoot Fighting.
Originally posted by ace

Start at the top and go down to the 4th post.........the 5th was double posted for some reason so I ereased it.
I think that if you read MMA-related media, they'll say that shootfighting is the greatest thing since sliced bread in Japan, but of course they'll say that...they have a good reason to be biased in that regard.

They probably also say it because shootfighting seems to have been in Japan for some time before coming to the U.S. Doesn't mean it was incredibly popular, just that it was there earlier.

Since RyuShiKan lives in Japan currently, I think he'd have more knowledge as to what's popular in Japan regarding MMA-type events.

Personally, I'd rather watch sumo (damn you, Takanohana!).

He does Live There But Also Has Made it Clear
He Does Not Like MMA,Shoot Fighting,Shooto NHB

So The Opion is Verry Um------------
This ios Y i knew he would be the first to re-ply
To My POST.:eek: :eek: :eek:
I lived in Japan for the last 4 years, and have only been back in the US since last September...

While I am friends with RyuShiKan, sharing the view that MMA are in fact not the end of the line when speaking about the most effective MA, I can also say that I have a MMAist as a good friend (nbcdecon from here on MT) as well, and I am tolerant of MMA as long as they are practiced with the correct attitude.

After 4 years in Japan, I can say that the only impact I saw from MMA events was, as RyuShiKan pointed out, the 3 AM televised results. You can watch Sumo every other weekend typically, for hours on end (like Sunday college football games in the US). You can find baseball on darn near every channel during the season in some fashion, be it full length games or game results (not just the news, either).

But events like K1, Pride, etc., simply don't get that kind of coverage. Ever. For the most part, most Japanese have little to no knowledge of martial arts topics to begin with (I know, I know, sorry to break your stereotyped racial profile of the Japanese as all being super martial artists from birth), and could care less about who won what fight. Unless, of course, they are like the freaks here on MT (myself included) that actually enjoy getting beat up and watching others get beat up! :D

Bottom line, Ace, your preconceptions (misconceptions?) are in error. If by "huge" you mean confined to a very small segment of the population with a specific interest in such things, then not only is MMA huge, but quilting is "huger." Radio controlled airplanes are "huger" still. And lets not get started on the continued plague that is Pokemon...

Who Does Live in Japan.

By The Way Are U Guy's----- Nah Bad Question.
Somehow, I don't think anyone is going to convince anyone else.

For what it's worth, my uncle lived in both Japan and France for a while, and happens to like watching fights, and said he could find much more coverage in France than in Japan. There wasn't hardly any in France (usually kickboxing), but there was even less in Japan.
Originally posted by ace
Who Does Live in Japan.

By The Way Are U Guy's----- Nah Bad Question.

I have read some of Steven Quadros' stuff, too. Mostly in the mainstream rags (which I rarely buy anymore), not in the MMA rags.

He is an author and commentator on that particular genre of sport entertainment. Sure, the stadiums are packed when those events run. But when you stop to consider that about the same population as the US is packed into an area the size of the East Coast of the US (from about Maine down to Georgia, I think), it would be hard not to pack 'em in.

The point I am making is that "huge" is a relative term. Is WWF wrestling "huge" in the US? Sure, most folks have heard of it, many have seen it, many watch it religiously. But it gets regular coverage on the TV in the US. MMA events (or TMA events for that matter) don't receive that kind of media blitz in Japan. Sumo, baseball, soccer, and other sports do.

Personally, I suspect that MMA is about the same in the US as it is in Japan, just from what I have seen of the martial arts communities in both countries. Just my opinion, based on nothing more than subjective observation.

So what was your "bad" question?

His "bad question" is irrelevant...the fact that he let it hang out there for others to fill in the blank is...

Bottom line: He was losing his argument to FACTS and decided to switch tactics and attack the person...

If Ace wants to live in a world where MMA is "the bomb," let him...
His character comes through loud and clear in his posts.


It seems you have control over time, space and psychic abilities that none of us knew about. Are you able to read my thoughts and feelings from behind your monitor?:rolleyes:
Damn boy! You better get your butt over to the CIA and let them know about this special talent of yours. They might want you if we have to go to war with N. Korea or Iraq.

Originally posted by ace
…..Has Made it Clear He Does Not Like MMA,Shoot Fighting,Shooto NHB

No, I have never said I disliked MMA. I do dislike the loud mouths that think it is the end all beat all to martial arts.:rolleyes:
I am a big fan of K-1, and Pride (we don’t get much UFC here). In fact I wish they would show more of these types of events as I DO hate golf and marathons…………2 more boring TV spectator sports you will never find.

Originally posted by ace
The Opion is Verry Um------------

Is biased is the word you wanted?

Next time why don't you ask before you "pop off".......
Originally posted by chufeng
His "bad question" is irrelevant...the fact that he let it hang out there for others to fill in the blank is...

Bottom line: He was losing his argument to FACTS and decided to switch tactics and attack the person...

If Ace wants to live in a world where MMA is "the bomb," let him...
His character comes through loud and clear in his posts.


Sure, but I still wanted him to have the opportunity to better define and exhibit his mouth boxing skills.

Me? I'm still waiting for him to learn how to spell all the words he uses so he'll stop typing "U" instead of "you," "re-ply" instead of "reply," capitalizing every word, and other assorted silliness...

Originally posted by ace
Who Does Live in Japan.

By The Way Are U Guy's----- Nah Bad Question.

Are we what?

Also who is this Stephen Quardo and where did you read this information about Japan?
I know he writes (or has written, at least) for Black Belt ragazine. He covers the MMA event scene, and allegedly trains in Japan somewhere...
Rules for Shoot Fighting:

Currently proffesional Shootfighting® consists only of a heavyweight (200 lbs or more)division. But there are lighter divisions for amateur competitors. Pro matches run 30 minutes non-stop, amateurs 10 minutes. Held inside a standard wrestling ring, competitors are allowed to kick, knee or elbow any part of the body except the groin, as well as headbutt. Punches are allowed to the body. Since no gloves are worn to facilitate wrestling, punches are not allowed to the head through open hand palms, but slaps and punches are allowed. Any type of throw or takedown is legal and competitors are allowed to hit a downed opponent. Additionlly, any type of joint lock is legal as are chokes against the side of the neck. The only foul consists of punches to the face, eye gouges, techniques against the windpipe and groin strikes.
Fights are won when a competitor is knocked down for a ten-count, knocked down five times or forced to submit. A fighter caught in a submission hold may grab the ropes to break the hold, but this counts as a 1/3 of a knock down. grab the ropes 15 times and you lose. Bouts that go to the full time limit are declared a draw.


By the of my students from Sweden is an ex-Shoot Fighter.........just thought you might like to know.
Originally posted by Yiliquan1
I know he writes (or has written, at least) for Black Belt ragazine. He covers the MMA event scene, and allegedly trains in Japan somewhere...

Black Belt Magazine............:rofl:
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