new to the board


White Belt
Mar 12, 2003
Reaction score
Long Beach CA
greetings, i was just in the karate forum and this coming to this one seemed only natural. i look forward to many good discussions.
Originally posted by LB_Karateka
greetings, i was just in the karate forum and this coming to this one seemed only natural. i look forward to many good discussions.

Welcome, tell us alittle bit about yourself; what you have praticed, and what your praticing!

thank you yari for showing interest in a new member. i have studied karate-do shito-ryu under sensei wegener and shihan demura. i was formally schooled for about 8 years. presently i am not affiliated with any organization but i still continue to train with hope that my path will open up for me. if anyone wishes to know more about me, please feel free to ask.:asian:
thanx. i've read a lot of your posts as well arnisador, i look forward to learning much from you as well as this forum.
Welcome to MT,

I had the pleasure of meeting with and training under Demura sensei some years back in San Deigo.

I trained in shito-ryu myself for ten years [1974 -1984], then travelled to Okinawa to begin training in Goju-ryu at the Higaonna dojo [Morio Higaonna sensei].
I've been trying to get to grips with the system ever since!

Look forward to reading some of you posts.

I got to meet Demura sensei for the first time last year when he came down to our school for a training session. Talked to him for about half an hour after the class. He has a great sense of humour. I think he should be back over this way sometime in Apil to hold weapons gradings.


I don't train in traditional karate, but I do frequent this area because of the overlap between traditional karate and Chinese arts...

I look forward to answers and questions...

Welcome to the boards! I have no clue what your former sensais were like, but seeing as how a lot of people here knew at least one of them, you must have gotten at least decent training. But, you probably got better than decent training, so there! Well, I'm rambling on so I guess I'll see you around the boards!
Welcome to the boards! It's great to have another member on the Japanese boards. Keep 'em coming and don't be afraid to address anything at all. Some of us are better able to answer questions than others. I'm more of a question guy than an answer guy myself:D Welcome again and enjoy.