Sex workers say they're being ripped off for ads

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
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Sex workers say they're being ripped off for ads



June 2, 2009 - 12:00AM
Sex workers angry about the cost of advertising in local papers will mark International Whores Day today by protesting outside NSW Parliament House.
The Scarlet Alliance wants anti-discrimination laws to protect sex workers, saying at the moment its members are the victims of unfair bias from banks, lenders, local councils and in advertising.
<<SNIP>>"Sex work is legal in NSW.
The sex workers will dress in red and carry red umbrellas in the demonstration for International Whores Day, which started in France in 1975.
Started in France, how utterly appropriate...
If I knew where my ex wife lived, I'd send her a card.
Why should they have to pay more than anyone else taking out a classified ad?
Why should they have to pay more than anyone else taking out a classified ad?
Because people pay them for sex?
As good a guess as I can come up with. I call it jealousy. The ugly people who run the newspapers clearly have to pay for sex and are pissy about it...
I can understand why they are upset. The following excerpt says it all:

Sex worker Ivy McIntosh said people in her profession were being overcharged when they placed ads in local papers.
"I'm paying too much for a measly two inches," she said in a statement.
Obviously pitching the ads at the wrong market!!
"I'm paying too much for a measly two inches" sounds like what one of her clients might say!
I can understand why they are upset. The following excerpt says it all:

Sex worker Ivy McIntosh said people in her profession were being overcharged when they placed ads in local papers.
"I'm paying too much for a measly two inches," she said in a statement.
Obviously pitching the ads at the wrong market!!

Oh that's classic.:uhyeah: