Serious question here



Last weekend I sparred with a friend that I helped bring up thru the ranks in TKD as a beginning white belt. A good person, good martial artist. He's been a BB since 1988, a 2nd Dan now. though, inactive for sometime due to work, marriage.

To make a long story short, he hadn't fought in a year, he came after me full contact, I went after him, and floored him, told him politely to back off, we didn't need to go that way. When he recovered he came after me again, and he cut me right above the eye pretty good, and I floored him again. (dosen't look pretty) He had that cheap foam gear.

I stopped because my eye sight concerned me. Though he apologized profusely, I wondered if I should work with him again.

It was so unlike him, and he dispalyed no anger, animosity. He knows better, yet...........Should I continue to work with him or work with my own people?

Your thoughts please, and Thanks!
I would stay with your own people. Working with others outside of your normal class is good but then you could possibly get what you just experienced. You don't know their frustration, anger, control or anything like that. It's good that you knew the guy but as you said he had some lay off.
I had a similar instance a long time ago. Once again it was during sparring and there was one guy in the class that just thought his crap didn't stink and was better than everyone else at everything. During our sparring match he elected to say to me that I sucked, he being a yellow & me a black at the time. I took him down in a scissors leg takedown, when I stood up back on my feet he pushed back into me in the process and threw a back elbow that hit me in the chin. It obviously split me wide open with blood gushing everywhere. At that moment I was about 1 second away from beating some serious um tail. My long time friend and also black belt at the time pulled me back as well as my wife and made me leave. Actually Alan grabbed me from under the arms so I didn't go back after him. To make the long story short he and I had a talk after my stitches were gone and resolved our issues on a different night other than class with one other guy on the floor just in case. He learned his sparring lesson in one night.:shrug:
I would stick to you're own people cuz when it comes to friends its a lot more competitive and usually ends with someone getting angry or so on.
I say continue to spar with him but make sure he knows the difference between no contact, light contact and full contact sparring. If he insists on doing the full contact thing, tell him that you both should have on head gear and thicker pads and I would'nt suggest on going at it more then once a week
Originally posted by RCastillo

Last weekend I sparred with a friend that I helped bring up thru the ranks in TKD as a beginning white belt. A good person, good martial artist. He's been a BB since 1988, a 2nd Dan now. though, inactive for sometime due to work, marriage.

To make a long story short, he hadn't fought in a year, he came after me full contact, I went after him, and floored him, told him politely to back off, we didn't need to go that way. When he recovered he came after me again, and he cut me right above the eye pretty good, and I floored him again. (dosen't look pretty)
Really? How can you tell?

He had that cheap foam gear.

I stopped because my eye sight concerned me. Though he apologized profusely, I wondered if I should work with him again.

It was so unlike him, and he dispalyed no anger, animosity. He knows better, yet...........Should I continue to work with him or work with my own people?

Your thoughts please, and Thanks!
My serious thoughts on the matter.
1.) No gear is going to be 100% effective in preventing injury.
2.) Your reason for stopping was a valid one, also good.
3.) You should most definately work with him again. We do after all train to be fighters. We cannot choose our atatckers 100% of the time.
4.) You helped bring him to BB, he is your own people, forever.
5.) Injuries like that happen. Yes, they piss you off. You need to just take it in stride, doodoo do occur. Work a little more on blocking and evading.
I agree with Seig completly on this.
You helped bring him to his Black Belt so yoiu are responsible for him.
When you spar next time make sure you both know what ruless of contact are going to be used if he over steps them floor him.
You might need to have a sit down over a coffee,soda, beer, whatever with him. He may have problems that he is working out and dose not even realise that he is putting himsleve in harms way by being overly aggresive.
If he is truly a friend help him. He has come to you because he trusts you.
Originally posted by tshadowchaser

I agree with Seig completly on this.
You helped bring him to his Black Belt so yoiu are responsible for him.
When you spar next time make sure you both know what ruless of contact are going to be used if he over steps them floor him.
You might need to have a sit down over a coffee,soda, beer, whatever with him. He may have problems that he is working out and dose not even realise that he is putting himsleve in harms way by being overly aggresive.
If he is truly a friend help him. He has come to you because he trusts you.

You may be right about this. Sometimes I fail to ask , what speed are they gonna go, thinking they'll have common sense.

BTW, nice kitty.......!
Originally posted by Seig

Really? How can you tell?

My serious thoughts on the matter.
1.) No gear is going to be 100% effective in preventing injury.
2.) Your reason for stopping was a valid one, also good.
3.) You should most definately work with him again. We do after all train to be fighters. We cannot choose our atatckers 100% of the time.
4.) You helped bring him to BB, he is your own people, forever.
5.) Injuries like that happen. Yes, they piss you off. You need to just take it in stride, doodoo do occur. Work a little more on blocking and evading.

Yeah, I always work on evading/blocking, but he totally caught me off guard.

It felt like Tess clocked me good!:eek:
You still migfht want to take a long hard look at whats going on in your friends head. Something must have triggered this aggrisiveness. He sounds like he is trying to work out a problem and useing physical combate as a release point or as a way to get his mind off whatever it is that is troubleing him. Help him if youcan without pryong to much
Originally posted by tshadowchaser

You still migfht want to take a long hard look at whats going on in your friends head. Something must have triggered this aggrisiveness. He sounds like he is trying to work out a problem and useing physical combate as a release point or as a way to get his mind off whatever it is that is troubleing him. Help him if youcan without pryong to much

I tell you what! Your post makes me wonder. It came totally out of the blue. And I'm still trying to figure it all out!:confused: