Seeking one on one training near Danville, Il


Yellow Belt
May 2, 2007
Reaction score
Can anyone out there help in my search? I am looking for an authentic ninpo/ninjutsu training, also known as Bujinkan.
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You might try contacting Markk Bush from Earthway Dojo or Angie Smith down near St Louis... they both seem to know pretty much Everyone who is Anyone and might be able to point you to someone.
Fox, it is policy on this board not to ask people to contact you directly when it is a topic that is perfectly okay for common and open discussion.

Primarily that is because this is a discussion board and it is better for people to have their conversations here than via side or back channels :D. There are also issues about the rights to privacy which can be infringed by posters ending up on the Mailing Lists of others they do not know.
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lol, understandable...but that still doesn't answer my second question lol...I guess I will figure it out eventually...
At the risk of making us sound a right dull crowd here at MT, we don't encourage fraud-busting either :eek:.

I have heard of Hoshin Budo Ryu, aye. Expressing my opinion as politely as I can, the best I can say is that it is not an area of the martial arts I view with any seriousness.
At the risk of making us sound a right dull crowd here at MT, we don't encourage fraud-busting either :eek:.

I have heard of Hoshin Budo Ryu, aye. Expressing my opinion as politely as I can, the best I can say is that it is not an area of the martial arts I view with any seriousness.

What the **** is fraud busting? That sounds like a good thing...anyway, these forums are about useless...Apparently the only people here are the ones that believe martial arts to be a sport and not a spiritual thing. I guess everyone here would also think that the Bujinkan is a joke as well...screw this site!
What the **** is fraud busting? That sounds like a good thing...anyway, these forums are about useless...Apparently the only people here are the ones that believe martial arts to be a sport and not a spiritual thing. I guess everyone here would also think that the Bujinkan is a joke as well...screw this site!

Regarding fraud-busting:
1.10.3 No Individual Bashing / Fraud Busting.

It is not our mission to out and expose frauds or decide who "sucks". Such discussions rarely lead anywhere other than to headaches, and lawsuits.
4.16.1 Fraud Busting

Due to its nature, this forum encourages the asking and answering of questions. Many times one member will have questions and concerns about the history, skills, lineage, or paperwork of another member. In other cases, things may be stated on a webpage, flyer or article relating to a member that raises some questions. Sometimes, comments will have been made elsewhere and those issues carried over to MartialTalk.

MartialTalk and its staff encourage the polite and professional search for knowledge. Questions and concerns may be brought up, with the understanding that the other party is under no requirement to answer.

Most questions may be raised within the forums dedicated to a particular art or area of interest. For example, Kenpo Lineage questions in the Kenpo forum, are fine. Others of a more serious note, are to be limited to the “The Great Debate” forum.

Excessive “Inquisitor-style" questioning is not allowed and will be subject to administrative action. If you have had to ask a question more than 3 times, you are most likely running the risk of “excessive’.

In addition, “Hot Pursuit” actions will not be tolerated. The “Hot Pursuit” is defined as asking the same or similar questions in multiple threads and / or forums.

Members who become ‘obsessed”, ‘inquisitors’ or ‘interrogators’ will be subject to administrative action. Members who are involved in excessive arguments that disrupt the forum, may be subject to administrative action due to the disruption of the normal operation of this forum
Very simply put, MT is not the forum to try to prove that someone is (or is not) a fake. If you're not finding what you want here, go elsewhere. There are plenty of other forums. Though I find that I must note that at least two posts above provided information on where to obtain information about schools in your area... What more do you want? Someone to pick you up at the door, and drive you there?

And I think you'll find that the Bujinkan is rather well respected here, were you to actually look around a bit. As well as quite a few people who regard martial arts training as quite a bit different from mere sports...

But, since "forums are about useless", I guess none of this is useful information.
Taking words out of context is also about useless...I said these particular forums are useless. It's quite frustrating to get the same answers over and over from this place. I was given one good answer from someone. You have been no help other than to "fraud-bust" yourself. Calling a martial art you never studied a joke or as you put it, "not to be taken seriously." I asked if anyone had heard of it...not your opinion on if it were to be taken seriously or if I should pursue said art.

No forum I have ran into lately has had any useful information regarding questions...and when I was given an answer I decided to ask another odd ball question. Obviously, I am not allowed to make my own decisions on this forum...and in which case, there is no reason for my swift return to this "USELESS" forum...a.k.a. Martial Talk
Taking words out of context is also about useless...I said these particular forums are useless. It's quite frustrating to get the same answers over and over from this place. I was given one good answer from someone. You have been no help other than to "fraud-bust" yourself. Calling a martial art you never studied a joke or as you put it, "not to be taken seriously." I asked if anyone had heard of it...not your opinion on if it were to be taken seriously or if I should pursue said art.

No forum I have ran into lately has had any useful information regarding questions...and when I was given an answer I decided to ask another odd ball question. Obviously, I am not allowed to make my own decisions on this forum...and in which case, there is no reason for my swift return to this "USELESS" forum...a.k.a. Martial Talk
What do I think about Hoshin Budo Ryu?

I can't say. I see red flags in the emphasis on mind power and no touch knockout tricks. I get concerned when someone decides to blend so many things from so many places; too often there is no solid core at the base. But I don't know anyone who trains in it and I've never seen it myself, so my opinion is quite limited. Red flags do not always mean a problem really exists.

If you are interested -- visit and see for yourself. Why rely on stranger's opinions? I think you may want to consider that you don't seem to be getting many responses about it anywhere...
I met Glenn Morris way back in the day some time around 1991 or so give or take a year. At that point he was just training in the Bujinkan and Hoshin Budo Ryu had not been formed I believe. (though he was teaching people) We had one long talk and it was a nice conversation. As to his system well that I cannot tell you anything about it! However, in person he was a nice guy if a little different.
Taking words out of context is also about useless...I said these particular forums are useless. It's quite frustrating to get the same answers over and over from this place. I was given one good answer from someone. You have been no help other than to "fraud-bust" yourself. Calling a martial art you never studied a joke or as you put it, "not to be taken seriously." I asked if anyone had heard of it...not your opinion on if it were to be taken seriously or if I should pursue said art.

No forum I have ran into lately has had any useful information regarding questions...and when I was given an answer I decided to ask another odd ball question. Obviously, I am not allowed to make my own decisions on this forum...and in which case, there is no reason for my swift return to this "USELESS" forum...a.k.a. Martial Talk

If you're unhappy here, nobody is forcing you to stay. Simply put, you asked a question, and links to Bujinkan as well as Geninkan and Jinenkan were provided. Its up to YOU to seek out the rest.

As far as the fraudbusting goes...well, I personally have not studied under Ashida Kim, yet its well known he's a fake, so does that make my opinion any less valid, because I've never trained with the man? I dont think so. Many people here, have quite a bit of background and knowledge, so when they see something, such as the other art that you listed, and it raises a red flag, well, I think you can see where I'm going with this.

Perhaps what the issue is, is that answers are being provided, but they're not what YOU wanted to see. In the end, its YOU, nobody else, that has to pay for the training. You can train with someone legit, or you can train with someone not so legit...the choice is yours.
Part of the confusion probably stems from the fact that you start a thread asking about genuine ninjutsu. You get a couple of answers and then ask ' what about HOSHINBUDORYU?'

To me, that would imply that you are under the impression that hbr is genuine ninjutsu. That becomes a problem then because on one hand we want to give our opinion, and on the other hand we have to abide by the fraud busting rules here.

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