San Diego Dojo's



I am getting ready to move to Oceanside, near the San Diego area, and have found several dojo's online in that area however, as i should be from the way you guys talk, i am leary about the authenticity of the sensei, and lessons. Can anyone recomend an authentic taijutsu/ninjutsu/bujinkan/etc... dojo in that area, the closer to oceanside the better.

the one i am currently thinking about most is led by Shidoshi Jon Warren, has anyone heard of him, is he valid or a "kan". the web page that is still under construction is at

I have no ninjutsu experience and very minor martial arts experience and would not know if a dojo was fraudulent even if i went in and started taking lessons. any help would be greatly apreciated.

thanks, later
Actually is where i found that sandiego place.
Does that pretty much mean it's legit?
Actually is where i found that sandiego place.
Does that pretty much mean it's legit?

It should; if you have any doubts, ask to see his shidoshi certification.
As far as I know, he's legit. You could try asking over at the Kutaki no Mura BBS (, probably under the Board Inquiries section. You'll have to be patient about a reply; the BBS has just been reformated, so it may a short while before anybody responds.

Best of Luck.