Okay...okay...here are MY secrets. I'm not going to charge you for them, because to really understand them you have to take a private lesson with me and pay me an obscene amount of money. There are subtleties to this stuff that I can impart...much of it has to do with breath control and tension of the rectum.
My secrets are all based on intimidation of your opponent.
1. Block his first punch with your face. Smile. This will alarm him.
2. Pull a knife. Start doing fancy "redonda" movements and other circular patterns. Cut yourself badly. Sneer at him and say, "See? I DREW FIRST BLOOD." If you cut off a finger, laugh and pick it up. Toss it at him.
3. Start hitting yourself, as if psyching yourself up...not in a weak way like a Pro wrestler...I mean REALLY hit yourself like with number 1, this will bother him to know end. I got so upset when I saw this in "Fight Club" that I sued the director and producers for theft of intellectual property. I haven't heard back from them...or for that matter, from my attorney. I don't know why he won't answer my calls.
4. Do an "air roll" flip, right onto the concrete before the fight. Kiai loudly when you hit, and make sure you get the slap right. If there are broken bottles and other forms of debris on the ground, this will add to the effect.
Steve Scott