Second only to God?

Originally posted by Basicman
What gets me about reading this thread is how people appear to make there Martial Art the solution to everything ... Especially in the United States, violent crime is not a daily common occurance for most people. Most people in major metro areas know how to take care of themselves by using observance and advoidance. I am not saying to give up Martial Arts, because they are fun to do. But let's realize that doing a set self defense technique over and over again does not guarantee a successful outcome. Actually the more complex the mpvement, the more likely you are to fail. The nervous system gets saturated and can not handle the overload. So basic gross movements will probably only be succesful in some one who does not spar on a regular basis. In my experience, people who have not experinced being hit hard, freeze up. I think people need to learn just plain basics for anything to be useful and they also need to spar.


I gotta disagree. If you look at the statistics in the United States, a Sexual Assault is occuring about once every 3 minutes, and a rape every 10. I work in a criminal justice field and see the violence that happens all the time, not crime, actual violence. It must be a pretty world where most people don't have to worry about assaults. Those are the people WE call victims.

Forewarned is forearmed.

But everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, and opinions. I used to go to cocktail parties in a medium sized city. Most of the people did not know how many violent crimes occured in thier own city. As we talked, the ER docs at the party joined in. It is facinating what is not reported in the papers, what never makes it on the news, and how people can live in a world naive to the dangers around them. And YES, awareness, and preparation, statistically, reduce the chances of you being a victim. Then again, there was the guy who broke in my back door at 2:00 in the morning, with an empty backpack and a big butcher knife. Bad for him, I met him with a .40 cal Sig Saur, and he was not happy at all.

Originally posted by Basicman
Most people in major metro areas know how to take care of themselves by using observance and advoidance.--John

While I agreed with much of what you said up to this point, here I'm not so sure the most people in major metro areas know how to take care of themselves by using observance and avoidance. But, there's a fairly simple solution (apart from or in addition to taking a *good* martial arts class) that would provide a big chunk of the answer: read Gavin de Becker's, "The Gift of Fear".
John Bishop said:
Actually, Krav Maga being the "Official Martial Art" of I.D.F. (Isreali Defense Forces) is only partially true. All I.D.F. members receive Krav Maga training in basic training, because it is very simplistic and can be learned somewhat quickly.
The specialized units of the I.D.F. train continuesly in "Hisardut", which is a more comprehensive martial art which contains elements of Krav Maga, Jujitsu, and Kyokushinkai Karate.
Actually, that's also just partially true. "Hisardut", meaning survival, is a civilian martial art. It has rules and competitions. The army does not make use of Hisardut.

Krav Maga is taught to every military unit, varying by need. Those who don't need it are taught Krav Maga as part of boot camp, mainly the use of a rifle as a cold weapon. The elite units are taught sentry takedowns and the sorts.
Loki said:
Actually, that's also just partially true. "Hisardut", meaning survival, is a civilian martial art. It has rules and competitions. The army does not make use of Hisardut.

Gee, thats funny. I never heard of KM or Hisardut having competitions??? Where did you get that information???

MJS said:
Gee, thats funny. I never heard of KM or Hisardut having competitions??? Where did you get that information???

Most KM organizations refrain from having competitions because it goes agains the idea of a no-rule fighting style.

I got the information from Haim Zut, 10th degree black belt in KM, a close friend of Dennis Hannover who invented Hisardut. Dennis also visited the instructors course I attended.
Loki said:
Most KM organizations refrain from having competitions because it goes agains the idea of a no-rule fighting style.

I got the information from Haim Zut, 10th degree black belt in KM, a close friend of Dennis Hannover who invented Hisardut. Dennis also visited the instructors course I attended.

Thanks for the reply!


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