Sadam alive?



O.K., Here is the question. Is he alive??

All of the tv shots have been tapes. Nothing live

If you were the head cheeze of a country at war wouldn't you show up live, to lead the people?

The last point is: Saddam's bodyguard who is ALWAYS seen behind him in the past is now behind someone else in the latest Iraq press confrences..

I say, call him out,, show the world he is still alive.. If he is alive it will not matter, he will still be put to justice.
If he isn't ,this will hopefully, shorten the war.
The Iraqi people will be more prone to surrender with their "fearless leader" in the ground.

Not to mention if he shows up live, there might be an air strike in his future.

Gene Gabel:asian:
Originally posted by islandtime
I say, call him out,, show the world he is still alive.. If he is alive it will not matter, he will still be put to justice.

I agree with you on many points, but if he IS alive, and we
capture him .. what next? If imprisoned, that would cause a
LARGE slew of terrorism, where many hostages will be taken.

Me personally, I hope he's dead, and they ride his stinking carcass
all over town for public viewing. Him, and his whole family.
Originally posted by Kirk
I agree with you on many points, but if he IS alive, and we
capture him .. what next? If imprisoned, that would cause a
LARGE slew of terrorism, where many hostages will be taken.

Me personally, I hope he's dead, and they ride his stinking carcass
all over town for public viewing. Him, and his whole family.

There was a meeting called for the 400 Saddam look alikes just recently. They were told that the good news is Saddam IS still alive. The bad news is that he lost an arm! :rofl: :rofl:
I think just like Osama, Saddam will be alive as long as it is politicly useful... I however think that he may be more useful in that area dead. SO now its only to verify if its true..
If he wanted to rub our faces in it and prove he is alive, all he needs is to do like the kidnappers clip with todays newspaper headline behind him.

Same for Osama...

I think the fact that neither does, indicates that they are either not smart enough, or not capable of doing so.
We will probably never know if either Saddam or Osama are in fact alive or dead. Without an actual body we won't know for certain. Osama is still reported running from cave to cave so how do we know if he actually got hit with something during one of our airstrikes? Same goes with Saddam. On our first or second day when they strategically bombed that building where he "supposedly" was. Unfortunately for us without a body from either 5, 10, or 15 years from now are we going to have the type of Sept. 11 all over again? Last but not least even if we did manage to get either 2 how would we ever know about some of their loyal followers that believed everything these guys said. Will these be potential terrorists after they have laid low for 10 yrs. building their own empire? Only time will tell. I just hope that peace begins after this is over. :asian:

".....Baghdad pre-paid and chartered entire Hotel Cote d’Azur De Cham Resort at Syrian Mediterranean port of Latakiya near Assad family villa. Group may include Saddam Hussein or his sons, but this is not confirmed.

Top Iraqi officials hiding there since March 23, four days after coalition invaded Iraq, guarded by Syrian commando unit armed with anti-air missiles and Syrian naval missile boats securing port....."

"....The 26th Brigade special commando unit [of the Republican Guards] whose sole task is to defend lives of Saddam Hussein and close family, has moved to reinforce positions at Baghdad's international airport. These commandos take orders from no one but Iraqi ruler and sons, who are unlikely to have stripped themselves of this protection if present in the capital. This outward movement from Baghdad is further indication of changes at Iraqi government’s top level. Saddam has not been seen in person or appeared live for 13 days......"
Will these be potential terrorists after they have laid low for 10 yrs. building their own empire?

Unfortunately, most likely. This war, or any war for that matter, will not "end" terrorism. It has proven too effective a tool for far too many crack pots for as long as there has been civilization.
Without rogue state sponsorship that provides logistic support, intelligence, finance and weapon supply, their ability to do large scale damage is significantly reduced. With their leaders killed and captured or on the run, the leaderless thugs are just that, small potatoes. They can be a nuisance but little more than that. It takes material resources, logistic support and BRAIN power to plan, prepare, set-up and execute a big operation.
Well if the US was in a war trying to kill me I would try to keep something of a low profile. Live TV would be a big nono as that would give my location away. He may also feal that the uncertanty works to his advantage.