S&T: Vehicle preparedness


Master Black Belt
Dec 27, 2001
Reaction score
Something a little different...
What self defense issues have people thought about that could arise while driving or otherwise in their cars? What planning have you done to deal with or avoid the situations.
Please don't limit to simple snatch &grabs or carjacking scenarios (though those are interesting as well).
My greatest fear in a car is someone pulling out a gun and shooting me.. there isn't much you can do.. accelerate away or hit the breaks that's about it.. as a result I'm usualy very wary of anyone who seems the slight bit pissy.
Originally posted by sweeper
My greatest fear in a car is someone pulling out a gun and shooting me.. there isn't much you can do.. accelerate away or hit the breaks that's about it.. as a result I'm usualy very wary of anyone who seems the slight bit pissy.

You could always use your car as a weapon, Aim it at them hit them where they are weak and you are strong.
You could always use your car as a weapon

Was hoping someone would think this way. The car hits much harder than you ever will.
I will as far as pulling into the slow lane and letting an erratic/aggressive driver get a LOT of distance in front of me.
If someone tries to take you out on the road, I really can't think of any defense that hasn't been done in a movie. Ramming their car could be a problem if they're in a heavier car than you.

Gee, a camaro vs. a suburban? No, ramming would be bad, very bad. (Of course the camaro could just outrun them...)
Originally posted by Zepp
If someone tries to take you out on the road, I really can't think of any defense that hasn't been done in a movie. Ramming their car could be a problem if they're in a heavier car than you.

Gee, a camaro vs. a suburban? No, ramming would be bad, very bad. (Of course the camaro could just outrun them...)
Palladin press has a video dealing with these very things. It is called COUNTERAMBUSH evasion and driving techniques. Solid stuff. Proper way to ram a vehicle in various scenarios and bootlegger 180's and "j" turns. Tried the bootlegger and it works! Havent tried the ramming techniques but if you supply the vehicles I'm game.;)
If you aren't trained you will get hurt. I am constantly amazed that people have so little realization just how deadly a vehicle is, at any kind of speed.
Lemme tell ya...

I live in a "Dicey" neighborhood. I was driving down the street one day and 4 of the local gang bangers were standing in the street waving a bat at my car...

My defense tactic was to lower my seatback so my head was down... and I hit the accelerator. I have a nice dent in my hood from the bat... but they got outta the way...

Hey... if I woulda hit em, that's what my insurance policy is for, right?
I don't think any insurance policy covers vehicular assault. But if they were already swinging the bat at your car, what else are you gonna do? I suppose if they hit a window they could hurt you.
Originally posted by Zepp
I don't think any insurance policy covers vehicular assault

But the Burden of proof would be... Did I intentionaly hit them? Or did I ACCIDENTLY hit them because I couldnt see em cuz I was ducking cuz they were attacking me with a bat? LOL

Who knows... thats why we have a court system!