Retail chain scalping Wii on eBay

The online statement from the Slackers owner about "our cost is $249.99", is nuts. We just got one at Wal-Mart for $287.62. $249.24 + $17.88 2year warranty + tx 1 $13.02 and tx 2 $7.48 = $287.62...I'm sure that even Wal-Mart doesn't give these away.

Yes, they give them away in order to sell the games and add-ons for years to come. It's like shaving razors and printer cartridges.
Yes, they give them away in order to sell the games and add-ons for years to come. It's like shaving razors and printer cartridges.
And cell phones. Most companies lose on the phone. That's why they want to lock you into a contract, so they can recoup their initial loss (and then some).
As for the OP, I'm not really surprised. There are all kinds of morons on E-bay who get so caught up the bidding wars that they don't bother to check whether they're paying above retail for the item they "won."
not sure about the razors, but as for as printer cartridges, no way, i have 15 printers of various brands stashed in my den downstairs. why, because its just as cost effective to buy a new printer for 29.99 as a new cartridge
no, my kids had to wait in line for quite a few hours to get one and they only had 24 of them, so they didn't have them by the thousands and i don't think anyone else did either.
no, my kids had to wait in line for quite a few hours to get one and they only had 24 of them, so they didn't have them by the thousands and i don't think anyone else did either.

Target got a shipment of 40 in one day, while i was still working for them. As for walmart having thousands of them... 24 per store going to every store in the country adds up fast.
no, my kids had to wait in line for quite a few hours to get one and they only had 24 of them, so they didn't have them by the thousands and i don't think anyone else did either.

yeah... but you don't think that YOUR store was the ONLY store to get them do you? A current estimate is that Wal Mart has 3593 MAINLAND U.S. locations, and that doesnt include Sams Club locations, or locations outside the mainland U.S.

So lessee... if each store got 24 in their last shipment thats... 86,232 Wii Units in that shipment. I bet Nintendo gave em a BIT of a Bulk deal on that order.
Actually, Wal-Mart dictates the price it will pay to their vendors.

Because they are the biggest fish in the pond, they will often tell suppliers that they will pay X dollars per unit for Y number of units delivered on this schedule. If you want your products in our store, you will meet this demand. Or else we will bring in your competitors product.

For any manufacturer, Wal-Mart distribution is a very big prize. Thus, they are often willing to take on contracts that are not good for their own business, in order to satisfy the behemoth.

Wal-Mart is evil.

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