Results of a knife fight


White Belt
Oct 29, 2007
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Has anyone seen the pictures that were supposedly taken after a knife fight? A guy is sitting down and his back is totally torn up...Does this ring a bell to anyone?

I am trying to get ahold of those pictures.
Try to google images for knife wounds. You'll get a ton of photos showing why it's important to avoid the sharp and/or pointy end of knives.
Youtube has some picture shows that have knife wounds that resulted in the death of the defender. You might give it a go.
I believe the pictures you are referring to are the result of an attack that occurred in a prison. I believe it was an inmate that the pictures are of. They are out there on the internet somewhere.
There's an Indonesian saying that after a knife fight the loser is ashes and the winner is charcoal.
As nasty as it is, the prisoner is up and alert. The wounds are largely superficial as they were likely caused by a modified razor blade or maybe a box cutter, and they were slashes, not stabs.

Only takes one stab with a knife in the right place for a person to go down and never get back up, ever.
I have seen some pretty bad cuts form knife fights, but those may be as bad as I have seen where the person is not dead. Simply amazing!!!!!
Geez, that's brutal. I don't see what the attacker was aiming to do, can't do to much by slicing like that.

On the contrary my friend, cause alot of pain and suffering while they heal. A lesson maybe of don't tread on my terrority or you mouthed off at the wrong person lesson maybe?
Wish I could have taken some pics of a guy that was in one of the anaheim area hospitals a few years back. He got into an argument with his wife and she carved up his back with a machete.

Those links are a good representation of what can and might happen in a knife fight
The inmate had cuts on the front but those did not make it out since his face was shown. (how does he know? my buddy took the photos)

Knife fights are not pretty and you cut what you can when you can.
On the contrary my friend, cause alot of pain and suffering while they heal. A lesson maybe of don't tread on my terrority or you mouthed off at the wrong person lesson maybe?

No argument about the pain, heh. Looking at the wounds perhaps they were not trying to hit vitals to kill, maybe it was in fact someone just trying to cause pain. I think if killing was the case there would be more stab wounds.