If any of you have paused your practice of Taekwondo (or another martial art) for any reason and for any length of time, I'd love your input. I'm working on an article and I want to make sure I have a good representation of common experiences. My main questions are:
1. What caused you to stop?
2. How long was your break from practice?
3. What motivated your return to practice?
4. How did you get back into practice (e.g., did you return immediately to your former school? first train on your own for a while to improve your fitness and regain some of your skills?, ???)
5. What helped you successfully return to practice?
6. What made returning to the practice of Taekwondo (or another martial art) more difficult?
Thank you!
Cynthia a very nice post here you have my answers:
1.-What caused me to stop was a few things not just one. Afther my shodan test ( I was 20) I began to feel TKD was evolving in something more sport oriented (I was right) and was leaving behind th martiality and the self defense, I become bored of the same old training, you know, all was kicking drills and basically nothing more but WTF Sparring and some poomsae, also I was finishing college and wanted to earn money so basically I focused on job and I got interested in practical pistol shooting, so slowy began to skip trainig till 1994-95 when my senior instructor emigrated to another place I stop training. I tried to do another things like learn some aikido but it did not work at that time, even I returned with my old kwanjanim a couple of times but it did not work, TKD wasn't was it was when I was a teen, you know lack of motivation, etc,etc.
2.-It was 13-15 years the time I was off TKD.
3.-Loose some bacon and gain health, I dislike futbol soccer (the national sport in Mexico) or baseball or wahte ever, I just love martial arts and guns.
4.-I simply went to another dojang, had a nice meeting with the sambonim and he tooked me as a shodan, he respeted my grade because he knew my master and senior instructor are a very capable tkdoings, things were not easy I was overweight with cero stamina,cero acuracy,cero speed, cero nothing afther 13-15 years off tkd and working in adesk, my brain keep tell me about the things I could do as a teen but my 40 years old body refused to cooperate.
5.-What helped me was the faith and patience my actual sambonim had in my so slowly and with care (sometimes) I started to become better.
6.-Ohh boy al most everithing, my body aches,my flexibility is not good, my balance is nice but not perfect,I am still having isues with my belly, I have had a broken toe, a broken ligament of one foot, fascitis plantar but I know in my heart that if I don't train TKD I would be a very obese man with health isuess, thanks god I feel nice physically end mentally, I have losse some weight and I want to keep droping some pounds more.