Racists idiots

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
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North American Tectonic Plate
I have seen it on the news, and I have worried about Mrs. Xue when she is out shopping as well as the oldest who is away in college, but there has been more than one incident of some idiot seeing a foreign face and thinking he has the right to attack that person just because they have a foreign face; they feel justified because they are convinced that foreign face is here illegally, or is a terrorist, or taking an Americans job or they are simply a racist idiot who has been emboldened by what has been going on politically in America these days.

Mrs. Xue is Chinese and she was at the bank yesterday. As she walked out of the bank there was a guy behind her speaking profanities and saying things like I should kill you, I should shoot you in the head.

Mrs. Xue, being Mrs. Xue, thought nothing of it and was wondering who this guy was talking to. Mrs. Xue got in her car, the profane threatening guy got in his pickup truck. Then the profane threatening guy backup his truck, pulled directly in front of her car, rolled down his window and continued his profanity laced threatening tirade while pointing at her.

I have no idea why this idiot did this, or who he was, I was not there to see it, but I can say that Mrs Xue is not a terrorist, she is here legally, and she most certainly is not taking the job of any person in this country, certainly not the profane threatening idiot, she is a doctor, graduated #1 in her class, stated her own practice from the ground up, and to be frank, I seriously doubt the profane threatening idiot has the brain capacity to have actually completed high school.

This emboldened, racist, anti-immigrant idiocy, has got to stop. It most certainly is not what this country was founded on.

Enough from me, any more and I will show exactly how angry this profane idiot makes me.


Mostly Harmless
Jul 9, 2008
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Covington, WA
This is what happens when these guys receive tacit approval from the top. I’m sorry this happened to your family. It’s infuriating.


Sr. Grandmaster
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MT Mentor
Jun 27, 2011
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I'm sorry, too. Did she happen to get the plate number? I have an idea.

Brian R. VanCise

MT Moderator
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Sep 9, 2004
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Las Vegas, Nevada
Like you Xue my wife has received racist threats from time to time. All from racist, bigoted idiots. The current mood among some people in our country is disheartening.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 3, 2015
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I have seen it on the news, and I have worried about Mrs. Xue when she is out shopping as well as the oldest who is away in college, but there has been more than one incident of some idiot seeing a foreign face and thinking he has the right to attack that person just because they have a foreign face; they feel justified because they are convinced that foreign face is here illegally, or is a terrorist, or taking an Americans job or they are simply a racist idiot who has been emboldened by what has been going on politically in America these days.

Mrs. Xue is Chinese and she was at the bank yesterday. As she walked out of the bank there was a guy behind her speaking profanities and saying things like I should kill you, I should shoot you in the head.

Mrs. Xue, being Mrs. Xue, thought nothing of it and was wondering who this guy was talking to. Mrs. Xue got in her car, the profane threatening guy got in his pickup truck. Then the profane threatening guy backup his truck, pulled directly in front of her car, rolled down his window and continued his profanity laced threatening tirade while pointing at her.

I have no idea why this idiot did this, or who he was, I was not there to see it, but I can say that Mrs Xue is not a terrorist, she is here legally, and she most certainly is not taking the job of any person in this country, certainly not the profane threatening idiot, she is a doctor, graduated #1 in her class, stated her own practice from the ground up, and to be frank, I seriously doubt the profane threatening idiot has the brain capacity to have actually completed high school.

This emboldened, racist, anti-immigrant idiocy, has got to stop. It most certainly is not what this country was founded on.

Enough from me, any more and I will show exactly how angry this profane idiot makes me.
Sorry you have experienced this. It's a curse and benefit at the same time. It makes the reality of society that much clearer, but it's also not a pleasant experience. As someone who has been through this and more. You just have to get tough and understand that everyone isn't like that, but there's enough like that guy to cause problems. Sort of like everyone isn't a murder but there's enough of them out there to cause problems.

This will sound stupid but the best thing is to take the higher road and not to give any actions or responses that may validate their racists mindsets. In the case, she just has to be herself and not respond to the guy. In my case, if I act too tough or show outward anger then, I become the "Dangerous Black Man." Each racial group has their own stereo type, including white people. The key is not to do anything that feeds into that stereo type because that's what they want. They want you to react in a way that makes them feel as if their actions are validated. That's why they insult and threaten the person in hopes that they will say or do something that will validate their idiot logic.

For example, if they think you (you in general) are an illegal then simply tell them to call the police if they think that is true. This is a response that they don't expect. What they are expecting is for the person to claim that they are in the U.S. legally and to get into some heated debated with hundreds of reason that had nothing to do with the first one. If you prove that you are here legally then they will just change it to, taking jobs, or some other stupid logic.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 3, 2015
Reaction score
The current mood among some people in our country is disheartening.
I'm glad it's coming out because for the longest people were saying that it didn't exist anymore, even though there were others who were telling leaders that it does. Now that it's out in the open in the U.S. people can see the reality of it, how deep it goes, and identify those who are no longer "closet racists."

It's better to have problems in the light than hiding in the darkness.

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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One of our dojo students, an adult woman who is married to a retired US serviceman, is originally from the Philippines. Her car was hit in the parking lot of a store nearby (she hadn't even gotten into the car yet, it was motionless), and the man who hit her car proceeded to call her every racist term in the book, to her face, and said that now that (won't say the name, you know who it is) is in charge, it won't be long before she gets 'sent back where she came from'. This despite the fact that she is a legal immigrant, a naturalized US citizen, and married to a man who have served our military with distinction for more than 20 years. And *he* hit *her* motionless car in the parking lot, mind you!

I have heard it. I have seen it. It's worse than I have ever seen or heard in my 56 years in these United States. I've never seen racism or bigotry worse than it is right now. Or at least, it's more open now. It's more obvious. People who apparently have harbored this kind of hatred in their hearts but who have been afraid to speak their minds now feel empowered to spew every racist thought they have.

I have intentionally dropped my contact with family members over this suddenly-OK racism and bigotry. I have blocked people here on MT. I have blocked people on FB and other social media, people I thought were my friends. Yet the most hateful things come spewing out of their evil mouths and think I'm going to be OK with it or something. I'm not OK with it, and I make it very clear that I won't put up with it. Not jokes, not insinuations, not political maundering, none of it. Not now, not ever.

Some of these 'groups' who feel it's OK to march around waving various flags and rendering various kinds of salutes seem to think I should be OK with it because I was born in this country and my skin color is white. Well, sport, I'm Catholic. If you are a member of one of 'those' groups, I am aware of the fact that you don't just hate certain middle-eastern religions, you hate mine too. So, no, you are not my friend. Not my family. We may share skin tone, but you ain't my kind, and you need to understand that if you step to me spewing that hatred, I'll knock every one of your damned teeth out. I'm not tolerant of racists or bigots. Try me and find out.

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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I'm glad it's coming out because for the longest people were saying that it didn't exist anymore, even though there were others who were telling leaders that it does. Now that it's out in the open in the U.S. people can see the reality of it, how deep it goes, and identify those who are no longer "closet racists."

It's better to have problems in the light than hiding in the darkness.

The only good thing about it coming out is now I am learning that (former) friends and family of mine are not good people, whereas before they kept their true feelings hidden. Now it's out in the open.

I have said this before and I'll say it again. If anyone thinks they can pick on, intimidate, or spew hatred at a person of another color, race, gender, sexual identity or ethnic origin, they will have to get past me first. All racists and bigots can step to me, I will end you.

Martial D

Senior Master
May 18, 2017
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@Xue Sheng
Humans are a tribal animal, and tend to prefer their own group( race, nationality, class, people from their own town, their own family, etcetc)

No amount of liberal victimhood culture will ever change that imo.

With that said, who doesn't like Chinese people? Most overt racism is born of some negative stereotype, but not even the KKK or the storm front crowd has a problem with Asians afaik.

With all that said, I'm sorry your wife had such an encounter with a mentally disturbed individual. I would pop a dude in the mouth if I saw some crap like that happening.
Xue Sheng

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
Sorry you have experienced this. It's a curse and benefit at the same time. It makes the reality of society that much clearer, but it's also not a pleasant experience. As someone who has been through this and more. You just have to get tough and understand that everyone isn't like that, but there's enough like that guy to cause problems. Sort of like everyone isn't a murder but there's enough of them out there to cause problems.

This will sound stupid but the best thing is to take the higher road and not to give any actions or responses that may validate their racists mindsets. In the case, she just has to be herself and not respond to the guy. In my case, if I act too tough or show outward anger then, I become the "Dangerous Black Man." Each racial group has their own stereo type, including white people. The key is not to do anything that feeds into that stereo type because that's what they want. They want you to react in a way that makes them feel as if their actions are validated. That's why they insult and threaten the person in hopes that they will say or do something that will validate their idiot logic.

For example, if they think you (you in general) are an illegal then simply tell them to call the police if they think that is true. This is a response that they don't expect. What they are expecting is for the person to claim that they are in the U.S. legally and to get into some heated debated with hundreds of reason that had nothing to do with the first one. If you prove that you are here legally then they will just change it to, taking jobs, or some other stupid logic.

She has been here over 15 years and this is the most outrageous incident she has had to deal with.

My wife does not anger easily, (that is unless she is dealing with me :D). She did not even think he was talking to her at first, it was not until he backed up his pickup and stopped in front of her parked car that she realized he was talking to her. She simply wanted him to go away so she took no action and ignored him as much as possible.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 3, 2015
Reaction score
It's worse than I have ever seen or heard in my 56 years in these United States. I've never seen racism or bigotry worse than it is right now. Or at least, it's more open now. It's more obvious. People who apparently have harbored this kind of hatred in their hearts but who have been afraid to speak their minds now feel empowered to spew every racist thought they have.
It's always been this bad. In the past, about 8 years ago, it was hidden and done on the sly. In this scenario the guy may not have been open about it, but he would have gone home or around his friends and would have stated the same things.

A lot of it was in the workplace where decisions about employees could be made within a racist context. No one would really know because it wasn't so open. On the victim's end you could see it but wouldn't have a way of really proving it. This is why the term "playing the race card" came about. People were really experiencing racism but didn't have a way to prove it, since it wasn't done in obvious way. What you are seeing now is the idea that it's ok to be racists and racists in the open. This is new. In the past a flawed reason was always attached to racism, but now they don't even need a reason. It's "I hate you because I want to, and I'm not going to be politically correct about it."

There's a lot of hate in the U.S. and it's been boiling under the surface for the longest. I'm not only talking about hate against another ethnicity. I'm talking about hate for the sake of being hateful.

My biggest concern isn't so much the hate because, hate never wins. Slavery was the biggest challenge, we got passed that and became better people and a better country as a whole. Any hate stuff from now on should be easier to stomp out. My biggest concern is this embrace of anarchy and anti-government talk that seems to have grown stronger. I understand that the government can do the wrong thing but tearing down the government isn't the answer. The government is a reflection of the people. So the ills that are in our government are the same ills that are in society. If people want to fix the government than fix the society. Hate only breeds more hate.

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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@Xue Sheng
Humans are a tribal animal, and tend to prefer their own group( race, nationality, class, people from their own town, their own family, etcetc)

No amount of liberal victimhood culture will ever change that imo.

With that said, who doesn't like Chinese people? Most overt racism is born of some negative stereotype, but not even the KKK or the storm front crowd has a problem with Asians afaik.

With all that said, I'm sorry your wife had such an encounter with a mentally disturbed individual. I would pop a dude in the mouth if I saw some crap like that happening.

Racism is a symptom of a broken culture, but individually, it is a sign of a weak mind and a poison soul. Racists are not good people. They may live among us, have jobs, raise families, and appear to be decent and kind and upright in public. But if they harbor racists beliefs, they are not those things. They are evil, they belong in Hell. I don't care what else they might have done right in their lives, if they hate people for the color of their skin or their religion or their national origin, they're the most awful scumbags drawing breath, and if anyone has a problem with that, they are free to take it up with me in person. I hate racists. I do not grant them any kind of justification for their evil, for their poison. They ought not to exist.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 3, 2015
Reaction score
but not even the KKK or the storm front crowd has a problem with Asians afaik.
KKK does not like any ethnicity that is not the same as their own. They also do not like Asians and say as much in their literature. The things about Asian is that they see the countries as countries that do not accept other races. They also believe that Asians are smarter. But even with that, they don't want asians in the U.S. because they want the U.S. to be all white people for white people. (long story short. I check out the KKK website and propaganda from time to time and I knew the son of a KKK member in highschool.)

The KKK would like black people too, but only if we were all in Africa and not in the U.S. If a white person isn't "pure blood" then the KKK won't like that person either. In other words a drop of black blood in the DNA makes a white person a black person in their eyes.

As for Chinese people. There are a lot of people who don't like Chinese people or Japanese people. Much of this dislike and hate comes from cultural differences. With the Japanese much of that hate stems from what happened during WII and how Japanese Soldiers treated others in the countries that they captured. The KKK is about racial purity so their hate comes form a different well.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 3, 2015
Reaction score
She has been here over 15 years and this is the most outrageous incident she has had to deal with.

My wife does not anger easily, (that is unless she is dealing with me :D). She did not even think he was talking to her at first, it was not until he backed up his pickup and stopped in front of her parked car that she realized he was talking to her. She simply wanted him to go away so she took no action and ignored him as much as possible.
I've been in the U.S 45 years (since birth) and it doesn't matter and doesn't have an effect on racist people. All they need is someone that doesn't look like them or come from the same "DNA Blood Pool" that they come from. Some parts of the U.S. are worse than others.

Your wife did the right thing. It takes a stronger person to ignore them. I'm sure the situation will "leaves a bad tastes in the mouth" for her. It's not so much of what they say that is remembered as is the feeling one has when that person that says it. The feeling of not belonging or accept as part of the society that you live in is a unique feeling. The good news is that after that initial stun, she will get over it and be stronger for it. It just sucks that she experienced it. My wife is from the Philippines and I know how I get when people say racists things to her on the sly. I could only imagine how mad I would be if they went all out like what happened to your wife. It would be difficult for me to follow my own advice, I just have to remember not to be the Angry Dangerous Black Man lol, and come to terms that this is once incident with an idiot who is looking for a validation for his hate.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 3, 2015
Reaction score
Racism is a symptom of a broken culture, but individually, it is a sign of a weak mind and a poison soul. Racists are not good people. They may live among us, have jobs, raise families, and appear to be decent and kind and upright in public. But if they harbor racists beliefs, they are not those things. They are evil, they belong in Hell. I don't care what else they might have done right in their lives, if they hate people for the color of their skin or their religion or their national origin, they're the most awful scumbags drawing breath, and if anyone has a problem with that, they are free to take it up with me in person. I hate racists. I do not grant them any kind of justification for their evil, for their poison. They ought not to exist.
A lot of evil in this world has been done in the name of racism. A lot of people on both sides suffer because of it. You would think we has humans would understand how destructive it is.

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score
A lot of evil in this world has been done in the name of racism. A lot of people on both sides suffer because of it. You would think we has humans would understand how destructive it is.

Racism and bigotry should be viewed by society as a white blood cell views an infection; something to be immediately destroyed. It's an evil and a perversion that will destroy society itself if it is not ripped out root and branch.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 3, 2015
Reaction score
Racism and bigotry should be viewed by society as a white blood cell views an infection; something to be immediately destroyed. It's an evil and a perversion that will destroy society itself if it is not ripped out root and branch.
I totally agree. There's plenty of historical evidence of this.


Senior Master
May 16, 2014
Reaction score
things like this really upset me, down to my core. my wife immigrated to the US about 10 years ago from Thailand and Just took her citizen test last week. she gets sworn in Nov 15. we have never had to experience something like that yet, hopefully never do. but i live in a small town in Massachusetts and we have two young boys. they will be the only Asian kids in the school. it breaks my heart to think of what they might have to deal with growing up.
thats why their Dad insists they learn martial arts lol ;)
Xue Sheng

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
I've been in the U.S 45 years (since birth) and it doesn't matter and doesn't have an effect on racist people. All they need is someone that doesn't look like them or come from the same "DNA Blood Pool" that they come from. Some parts of the U.S. are worse than others.

Your wife did the right thing. It takes a stronger person to ignore them. I'm sure the situation will "leaves a bad tastes in the mouth" for her. It's not so much of what they say that is remembered as is the feeling one has when that person that says it. The feeling of not belonging or accept as part of the society that you live in is a unique feeling. The good news is that after that initial stun, she will get over it and be stronger for it. It just sucks that she experienced it. My wife is from the Philippines and I know how I get when people say racists things to her on the sly. I could only imagine how mad I would be if they went all out like what happened to your wife. It would be difficult for me to follow my own advice, I just have to remember not to be the Angry Dangerous Black Man lol, and come to terms that this is once incident with an idiot who is looking for a validation for his hate.

Frankly I was looking to break the guys neck.... she handled this much better than I did.

I have had a taste of being a minority, after almost 50 years of being the majority and after marrying my wife, we went to China and I went to all the places she went when she lived there. I was the only non-Asian as far as the eye could see most of the time. And being Blonde does not help in a black haired society either. Did not experience racism to the extent she did yesterday, but it was an eye opening experience.

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