Question for Instructors

MichiganTKD said:
I offer the opportunity to ask questions after basics are finished, after basic kicking is finished, after forms are finished etc. I don't allow questions DURING each set because to stop to answer questions would disrupt the flow of practice and bring down the students who are trying to concentrate.
After each set is done, I will simply ask them "Does anyone have any questions?" If it is not a simple question, I might meet with them later to discuss it. After all, I really don't want to be there all night answering questions, and we have other things to get to.
Yes no one should stop a class to answer all questions the flow must continue or the best will become discourage and move on, Anyhow that is my opion and since I started this thread and the purpose was why do beginners question are ability and what we wanted done not so much about techniques the topic got off line. All I'm saying or tring to say is when I was a beginner I never question why, we just did and down the line they finally explained themself and the purpose was for....
Most of the time we get both (in TKD class and Aikido). First the Instructor will demonstrate the technique and give the name. They will do this maybe 2 or 3 times and them give either some history about it or show a variation then demonstrate the technique one more time, ask if there are any questions and then we are off. There are usually at least 2-3 black belts in class and some will partner with people and some will walk around and help. For instance, tell us which part of the hand or foot we should be trying to stike with (if it's obvious that person is a little confused).
MichiganTKD's comments in bold:

Incidentally, I finally found out what my reputation points and what they mean. Yall's opinion means nothing to me. Seeing as how most of you are gup or kyu students anyway, what you think of me is of no consequence.

That pretty much explains it all, doesn't it?

You don't answer their questions because those asking them are beneath you.

Try this on sunshine...take a good old negative rep from me for making the gups and kyus sit in the back of your bus.

Now I know you're not going to let your world revolve around my opinion. Avoiding that will be one more of the strong psychological defense mechanisms you've developed for dealing with your insecurities--others are squelching curiosity on the parts of novices and holding back technical instruction when they ask for it.

You've a whopping control issue going on here and what seems to be a fetishistic obssession with hierarchal status. Be careful looking down your nose at people like that, MichiganTKD. Your face could freeze into that position.



I don't have control issues (well, maybe a little). I simply refuse to recognize the good or bad opinions of me by gup or kyu students in a forum. Doesn't mean I don't respect them as human beings. I also wouldn't (believe it or not) purposely try to offend them. Some yellow belt thinks I'm an A-hole on the forum and I should change my behavior? Don't really care. Now, if an advanced practictioner has a problem, we can discuss it and come to an amicable conclusion.

Later sunshine.

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