Qi Gong



I've been doing Qi Gong for about a month now and beyond the general "good feeling" and heightened awareness, I've noticed that I smoke a lot less. I stopped doing Qi Gong for 1 day and I noticed that I felt horrible... or more accurately unclean. I also smoke a buttload of... butts I guess.

Anyone experience this before?
Regardless of what the skeptics may say, doing qigong has some remarkable effects on your body and psyche.

I have never been a smoker, so I can't really relate to smoking less due to qigong, but I do know that there is a significantly noticeable difference in how I feel, behave, think and move when I am practicing and when I am not...

Good luck in your practice.

Thank you.

Have you ever experienced the "down" after missing just one day?

During my time in Iowa, training under Sifu Starr, I spent MANY hours, every day, doing qigong, neigong, and forms training...

After leaving Iowa, I found myself in Hawaii, and I trained, on average, 4 hours a day (some days 7 hours, some days 2 or 3 hours)...my training included qigong, neigong, iron-palm, and forms...

If I missed a day, I definitely felt odd (and sometimes almost sick).

I think this can be attributed to release of endogenous opiod hormones...we become addicted to (or at least dependant on) our own naturally occurring morphine...
So what you are feeling is REAL...the only treatment is MORE training, or a slow tapering off of your usual training schedule.

Thank you. I just wanted to be sure I wasn't doing anything wrong.
i wasn't doing taiji just for laziness :D n i felt really bad when i did it again y'day i felt like relieved...it's great...
don't worry u r not doing anything wrong...
Originally posted by Yiliquan1

Regardless of what the skeptics may say, doing qigong has some remarkable effects on your body and psyche.

what do those skeptics know anyway, they say the same thing about jogging...:)
The bad things about skeptism is that when it overflows you will miss lots of the glory and become a nihilist. ;)

Yeah.Qi-gong seasons are fresh.