push ups


3rd Black Belt
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington, Michigan
How many of you Many your students do push for there rank? Also how many for there rank? Does everyone do push ups at there school or do some people think there a waste of time lets hear what you have to say.


3rd Black Belt
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington, Michigan
my school makes us do push ups for are rank. I personaly hate them I know they are good for arm power and speed but I just hate the does anyone like them?


We currently do not require pushups or situps for rank at all. We do however encourage students to practive those things and live a healthy lifestyle by "setting the example" I know before I teach a class I get in front of the class and do 20 pushups or 20 crunches.
I just tell the kids I have to "warm-up" since I am older with a joking grin and invite them to join me. Suprisingly they want to do them to prove that they can and I am not making it seem like work or a punishment.

David Gunzburg


Pushups for rank? Really?

Hm. Well, we do pushups and crunches (situps) as part of our warmups, generally, but they are not a normal part of our rank tests. I had to do pushups and crunches during one belt test a number of years ago, but that was most likely because I was tighter than a spring, and needed to loosen up a bit as we moved through the test. I think the most we did was 20, so it was more of a token thing than anything else.

I can't see how it would be much of a component to a rank test, unless pushups were being used as either filler or a torture device designed to wear out your students and push them to and beyond their limits. I would think you could do that with techniques and kata, but.....;)



Originally posted by c2kenpo
We currently do not require pushups or situps for rank at all. We do however encourage students to practive those things and live a healthy lifestyle by "setting the example" I know before I teach a class I get in front of the class and do 20 pushups or 20 crunches.
I just tell the kids I have to "warm-up" since I am older with a joking grin and invite them to join me. Suprisingly they want to do them to prove that they can and I am not making it seem like work or a punishment.

David Gunzburg

Good way to handle it! I like that idea! :)


I personally don't mind doing them, however they ARE tough!
But i think they should be done as a means to push you toward getting a little stronger and working the muscles. Not as a means to wear you out so that you can't do anything else in the class/test.


We do push ups every class, but it has nothing to do with rank, or arm strength. we do them on our wrist to help condition the wrist and increase flexibility. We never do traditional push-ups.


Master Black Belt
Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
Northern California
Yeah- at our school, we always do push ups during the warm-up section of class- but I have never seen them done for rank or promotion or anything like that. Sometimes we will have the kids do push-ups for acting up in class. I do remember one time in my earlier Kenpo days, the instructor having us do push ups if our belt tips were not even. :asian: :karate:


We do pushups every class, so the instructor should know wether or not you can do the required ammount by the time you test.

It's funny, but in class we do 50 pushups in our warm up, and in class I can crank them out. But if I do them at home, I feel like quitting around 10! Does anyone else find this?

It seems harder to do push ups than bench your weight, so we probably should do more. I know boxers do hundreds, so we should too.


Originally posted by jeffkyle
Good way to handle it! I like that idea! :)

Kids want to prove themselves to you. So give them a chance and even if it is not perfect give them a high five or a "great job" anyways. I also do all kinds of different pushups too to vary up and give them a challenge.

Look up different ways to do them and then try a few in class for fun.

BlockSet 1 fast a you can 5 push ups!
Block Set 1 fast as you can 4 push ups!
again 3 push ups 2 push ups 1 ..etc.......

sit ups...whatever..but DO THEM WITH THEM!!!:)
The most important part is that they see you doing it.
Do as I do not as I say.....

Just some ideas.

Dave Gunzburg


Martial Arts are panzy day spas anymore...... HERE HERE

Whatever happened to Mr. Miogi?

Dan Anderson

Master of Arts
Feb 9, 2002
Reaction score
Bridal Veil, Oregon
Yes - all students from 5 years old on up do 20 push ups as part of their warm up routine. We don't do them for testing. I do have kids that break the rules do push ups to make up for the rule break.

Dan Anderson


Black Belt
Apr 25, 2003
Reaction score
We had to do 100 sit ups, push ups, etc right BEFORE testing for Black.


I prefer for my BB's to be able to do;

250 Hindu push ups

500 Hindu squats

3 minute back bridge

3 sets up handstand push ups

This includes me! However if there is a valid reason one cannot perform to this level I will by no means hold them back.



We do pushups often as warm up and as punishment. All instructors do push ups while the class does them. All black belts assisting on the floor do them as well as the instructor and students. We are a team Grow together, suffer together, acheive together.

We have push ups, sit ups and jumping jacks as part of the rank requirement also. Incremental for the gup testing for. We do our testing differently then most. I pull people off to the side 1 by 1 or in small groups, and we go over 1 or 2 of the requirements towards their next rank. When they have successfully completed all requirements, they are promoted. We only do a formal test 2 times per year. For 1st dan, 50 push ups, 100 sit ups and 100 jumping jacks. We don't have huge requirements, but it is part of the goal setting and strengthening process we do.

I do disguise alot of the push ups as well. I will, instead of counting them out, make the people repeat what I say...and 1 word per motion... so It on the way down we could say "I"; up would be "intend"; down---"to"; up--- "develop'. You can often squeeze 30-50 push ups out of people this way wihtout them realizing they are working.

Sometimes (don't tell anyone)... I will see a white belt with excellent push ups...and we will have a push up contest......we do sets of about 5 or 10....and I will have parents judge and other students judge....we will do about 3 sets (so all parents can see everyone in the group)...then we eliminate 25 %. Do it again....and again.....and again. Till we get to the top 2.....We never declare a full winner.....we either run out of time, or have a tie.....something....then we finish as a group with a set of pushups..... I can't do this push up challange too often or they would start to figure it out...but every 4-5 months....>It works well!!!


Purple Belt
Feb 8, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by A.R.K.
I prefer for my BB's to be able to do;

250 Hindu push ups

500 Hindu squats

3 minute back bridge

3 sets up handstand push ups

This includes me! However if there is a valid reason one cannot perform to this level I will by no means hold them back.


Trust me when Ark says valid he means like a full body cast or somthing!

These exercises are not easy but they do help with your stamina and cardio, lets face it when it comes to a real fight or even a tournament somtimes the winner is decided as the one who can last the longest. So the next time you think your sesai is pushing you to hard remember that those exercises could mean a win atyour next tournament or even save your life someday.


we do them as part of our warm ups but they are not used for judging in rank testing.

i dont hate them. actually i kind of like them to a point. i dont like to over do it though.


Sometimes we do an excercise where we do 1 push up and pause, then 2 and pause, then 3, then 4...until we get to 10, and do the same thing back to 1. It ends up being 100 pushups, but oddly, it seems easier to just do 100 straight. By the time you go to do that last set of 1 pushup, you feel like you are lifting a truck!

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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Originally posted by PAUL
No Bullstuff.

What rank would that make me?;)

WHEW! :eek:

I hereby certify you as RANK!

No go take a shower. :rofl:

Is that what you wanted PAUL?