Protective Tactics 101

Don, you're a hell of a salesman. I'd go to one of your seminars just because. Also because I liked Glengarry Glen Ross.


I kinda wish I had your gift.
You are welcome to attend :) And yes, great movie. Mandatory viewing for traditional sales ;)
When I taught martial arts classes, the primary focus was the character development of the individual. That included tradition, respect, discipline, fitness, continual development of foundation skills and building upon those skills, progressive achievement of rank. It also included 36 life skills taught monthly over 36 months.

When I teach self-defense classes, the focus is on survival in the street. That does not include form, style, memorization, sport, rules, compliance techniques nor fine motor skills. It does include an emphasis on preparation and prevention, developing the necessary mindsets, basic skills such as distance management, base, use of full body, strongest available tools striking only vulnerable targets to create trauma, momentum, assumption of multiple attackers and weapons, force on force stress inoculation, legal implications and strategies to protect oneself criminally and civilly. The weekend is 20 hours of instruction plus there are over 100 pre-event and follow-up 3-5 minutes micro training videos delivered each 1-3 days over a full year. Re-attendance is encouraged, and higher level training is included as a bonus.
This seems a lot more reasonable to me than what I initially assumed about your seminar. I have doubts that people would pay attention to the follow-up videos, or that videos like that can be effective, but that is more of a philosophical difference, and if this is the way you do them it's the best way that I have heard this type of seminar being run. Not 100% sold due to what I just mentioned regarding videos, but probably as sold as you can get me.

Either way, based on your experience it would be cool if you stuck around this forum and posted actively :) (just try to avoid the sales voice you used in your first few posts, that could get annoying after a while)
This conversation seems to be working out.
Kudos to Don for being able to switch gears. Pivot. That sort of thing. :D
This seems a lot more reasonable to me than what I initially assumed about your seminar.
As the endless video testimonials on my site confirm, including testimonials from Black Belt martial artist, law enforcement, and military personnel, the seminar is not only effective, my weekend seminar, and system, is complete. It does in fact positively change lives as they become more prepared to deal with true violence, heal from violence in the past, and start living a more fulfilled life. I guarantee it. I know that sounds like the sales voice again, but when you positively believe in what you are doing, and have proven results, there is an obligation to help others embrace it!

I have doubts that people would pay attention to the follow-up videos, or that videos like that can be effective, but that is more of a philosophical difference, and if this is the way you do them it's the best way that I have heard this type of seminar being run. Not 100% sold due to what I just mentioned regarding videos, but probably as sold as you can get me.
Thanks. I actually get analytics of how many watch the videos. As you would suspect, a lot simply don't open their email. However, 53% do. From what I hear in the marketing realm, that is really good. The videos are short, 3-5 minutes. They develop top of mind awareness. As a couple people posted in this thread, simple awareness takes time to develop. So do preparedness and preventive habits. The videos every 1-3 days do the trick. The videos refresh things taught in the seminar, continue to provide proof that the seminar and tactics work for others, discuss self defense situations in the news and PT101 tactics that should have been employed, and reveal additional tactics to keep them safe, like how to stop attackers from getting in your home so quickly and easily, and how to make each bedroom in your home a safe room, and much, much more. Yes, they would help even more if everyone watched them! At least they see the titles in their inbox. As you mentioned, I've heard of nobody else who runs a seminar the way I do, and I've attended a lot of them. I've definitely never heard of anyone who offers the same kind of value with re-attendance at no charge and follow up videos for life. I'm just determined to make a difference, effectively and efficiently.
Either way, based on your experience it would be cool if you stuck around this forum and posted actively (just try to avoid the sales voice you used in your first few posts, that could get annoying after a while)
I appreciate that. From what I've seen so far, and the experience I've had here, it seems there are some knowledgeable contributors. Of course, there are obviously many who are simply not yet educated and experienced, but this forum can help them. I did begin contributing to a few other threads already. My understanding is that people can click on my name, then the number next to messages, to see posts of mine in other threads too. I'll do my best to avoid the commercial voice. Though I've already helped tens of thousands over the past 33 years as an instructor, I'm now focused specifically on saving lives with pure, true self defense, and simply want to help as many people as possible. I know the most powerful way I can do that is to teach them live and in person! Thank you all for sticking with me through the evolution of this thread, and giving me a chance to "defend" myself. :happy:
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I'll do my best to avoid the commercial voice.
I will say that the handful of short, specific, on-topic comments you've made in a few other threads so far have done more to establish your credibility as a martial artist with me than your entire website and your initial sales spiel in this thread.
I will say that the handful of short, specific, on-topic comments you've made in a few other threads so far have done more to establish your credibility as a martial artist with me than your entire website and your initial sales spiel in this thread.
Thanks Tony! My marketing mentor has a saying, "If only they knew you, they would invest in what you do"
PhotonGuy, I just did a Google search on my company and found this thread. Thank you for starting it. I introduced Protective Tactics less than two years ago, and seriously began promoting fall 2015, so the word is just beginning to spread across the country. There is some interesting discussion here. I joined MT so that I may thank you and everyone who has participated in this thread and add value to a few of the posts.

Well welcome to Martial Talk. We met at the NPS prepper expo in Kentucky last year and I was there in Virginia just earlier this month. You're also a student at Front Sight like me. So anyway, you should get to know the people here. You should find it fun here.
Something as simple as running away requires that you have to be fit enough to actually run away and even then you have to still be able to run faster than your attacker.

Not necessarily. If its more than just you running away from an attacker you just have to run faster than the slowest person running away.
The superiority of the Protective Tactics system lies in it's simplicity and proprietary teaching methodology. Thus, one has to experience it in person to fully comprehend its value. The full system includes the two day immersion training event, it also includes the 20 hours of weekend training on video, book, workbook, and over 100 micro training videos delivered via email each 1-3 days. Some videos are mindset driven, others are specific tactics. When one enters their email address, they receive the first 30 videos, as a sample, at no obligation, and special offers to attend an immersion training.
I generally consider every thing about that paragraph a "red flag" in my experience.

What if one could learn all that was necessary to save your life and save your family in only two days?
This is also a "red flag" and, honestly, I truly don't believe it for a second. Martial Arts and "all that [is] necessary to save your life and save your family" cannot be taught in two days. Maybe you can teach some cool and useful stuff. Maybe not. But that particular promise is unbelievable oversell.

For me it depends on the family member they are attacking. Some will break your arm, the others may shoot you, or hunt you down with their boys and then shoot you.

For their sake I hope they don't end up going to jail for that although I personally wouldn't blame them for taking such action against an attacker.
Not necessarily. If its more than just you running away from an attacker you just have to run faster than the slowest person running away.
Here's an interesting response that my friend told me years ago. My friend and I went hiking and she asked me what would I do if a bear attacks. I told her I only had to run faster than she does to escape the bear. She said, while showing me her hiking stick, "we'll see how fast you run when I take out your knees."
Tough crowd. Thank you all for your input. Never in my past have I been beaten up by so many Masters and Grandmasters at the same time. I find it overwhelming, and exciting at the same time. I strive to always seek out those who are more knowledgeable than I.


I value your time and expertise. As such, I'm now extending the offer to any and all of the expert martial artist who belong to this forum to attend my weekend training event, at absolutely no charge. I would even welcome you to save the expense of a hotel and stay in my guest house by the pool. All I would ask in exchange is your honest feedback and input how to improve the event.
Yes, it is a tough crowd, because there are a lot of, literal, subject matter experts here.

Let me know if you hold an event around Dayton, Ohio (Wright-Patterson AFB). I'll come and give an honest review.

For their sake I hope they don't end up going to jail for that although I personally wouldn't blame them for taking such action against an attacker.
We'll let's just say that sometimes they are the attacker, hence, no need for self-defense lol. Like they say. You can choose your friends but you can't choose your family.
Yes, it is a tough crowd, because there are a lot of, literal, subject matter experts here.

Let me know if you hold an event around Dayton, Ohio (Wright-Patterson AFB). I'll come and give an honest review.

My events in Chesterton IN are only four hours from you. I guarantee it will be worth your time. I would love to get your input. The next event is June 25 & 26. Let me know if you'd like to attend with a guest, as my gift. I'm looking forward to having respected experts attend and post their experience on this thread.
Thanks Tony! My marketing mentor has a saying, "If only they knew you, they would invest in what you do"

Perhaps that's true. Unfortunately, I have no gift for sales or marketing. For me, and apparently for a lot of others here, "Sales-Speak" is instantly recognized, is perceived as insincere, and creates an immediate barrier of distrust between me and the person talking to me. Call me a knee jerk skeptic.

Fortunately for most salesmen, the majority of people respond differently. Example: Decades ago, as an undergraduate majoring in social anthropology, I learned about the concept or social reciprocity. In most societies, if you do a favor or offer a gift to another, they will fell obligated to reciprocate and return a similar favor. This sense of debt in return for a sincere favor is part of the glue that binds people in society together.

Salesmen, traders, politicians, and others long ago learned how to exploit this principle. They will offer trivial gifts and gestures of hospitality to create that sense of indebtedness in the person they are targeting as a "foot in the door" for their pitch. How many sales pitches begin with a "free-offer", a free dinner, or even a simple gesture of hospitality such as a cup of coffee and a donut when you sit down with the car salesman?

Typically, these individuals have no personal interest in you. Their gift is a calculated investment designed to exploit our instinct to reciprocate to create an opening for their self-interested pitch. The truly good salesman is looking for a honest win-win deal which benefits both him and the customer. The buyer may then become a repeat customer, or at least "spread the word" and recruit new customers. Unfortunately, in today's large, impersonal society with a continually changing body of customers, the good salesman is often replaced by the successful salesman who is interested only in closing the deal to his own advantage -- and let the customer be damned.

This kind of behavior, exploiting the principle of reciprocity, breaks down the basic social ties that bond us together and replaces trust and unity with distrust and divisiveness. In other words, welcome to the modern world. A world dominated by con-men, their marks, and the rest of us , the cautious, skeptical survivors. Nothing personal Don. Just social self-defense. ;)
Perhaps that's true. Unfortunately, I have no gift for sales or marketing. For me, and apparently for a lot of others here, "Sales-Speak" is instantly recognized, is perceived as insincere, and creates an immediate barrier of distrust between me and the person talking to me. Call me a knee jerk skeptic.

Fortunately for most salesmen, the majority of people respond differently. Example: Decades ago, as an undergraduate majoring in social anthropology, I learned about the concept or social reciprocity. In most societies, if you do a favor or offer a gift to another, they will fell obligated to reciprocate and return a similar favor. This sense of debt in return for a sincere favor is part of the glue that binds people in society together.

Salesmen, traders, politicians, and others long ago learned how to exploit this principle. They will offer trivial gifts and gestures of hospitality to create that sense of indebtedness in the person they are targeting as a "foot in the door" for their pitch. How many sales pitches begin with a "free-offer", a free dinner, or even a simple gesture of hospitality such as a cup of coffee and a donut when you sit down with the car salesman?

Typically, these individuals have no personal interest in you. Their gift is a calculated investment designed to exploit our instinct to reciprocate to create an opening for their self-interested pitch. The truly good salesman is looking for a honest win-win deal which benefits both him and the customer. The buyer may then become a repeat customer, or at least "spread the word" and recruit new customers. Unfortunately, in today's large, impersonal society with a continually changing body of customers, the good salesman is often replaced by the successful salesman who is interested only in closing the deal to his own advantage -- and let the customer be damned.

This kind of behavior, exploiting the principle of reciprocity, breaks down the basic social ties that bond us together and replaces trust and unity with distrust and divisiveness. In other words, welcome to the modern world. A world dominated by con-men, their marks, and the rest of us , the cautious, skeptical survivors. Nothing personal Don. Just social self-defense. ;)

Other bits of sales manipulation:

Leading with questions that you know will be answered "yes" in order to get the mark to ultimately answer "yes" to buying your product. Would you like the ability to protect yourself and your loved ones in a dangerous world? Yes! Would you like a secret technique that will empower you to succeed in all areas of life? Yes! Are you too busy to spend years working on this? Would you like to learn this ability and this secret in one weekend? Yes! Now would you like to sign up for my upcoming seminar?...

A related method is to get the prospective customer to identify with an imagined goal before sharing the details of your product that you suggest will get them to that goal. Years ago I had a friend come by to try selling me on a MLM scheme, along with her "mentor" who was guiding her through the process. Before he would tell me any details of the actual scheme, he made me go through the rigmarole of asking how much extra income I would want if I could have whatever I wanted and what I would spend that money on. The whole point was to manipulate me into imbuing the MLM nonsense he was selling with my emotional feelings about my monetary fantasies. I have an allergic reaction to that kind of manipulation, but it must work on some people.

Appeal to popularity is another trick. Thousands of people have come to my lectures! I must be an expert. Hundreds of people have come to my seminars! They must be good.

Associating with authority or celebrity in hopes of picking up some of their cachet is another option. Certain instructors living in the D.C. area have made a point of advertising their connections with politicians. Other instructors in California do the same thing with famous actors. Don's website has a page displaying the logos of a bunch of major news media organizations on his seminar page next to the description of him as "a nationally and internationally recognized speaker." There's no actual explanation for the presence of those logos, but the intended subconscious message is that these media must have reported on him and vouch for his expertise.

Don might be an excellent instructor* and his seminars might be good (if overpriced), but I'm with geezer in reacting poorly to this sort of manipulation.

*(Since opting to stick around and participate in other threads, Don has made comments which show me that he does have some knowledge and experience as a martial artist. As I noted earlier, nothing on the website or in his initial comments in this thread actually gave me any evidence of this.)

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