ppko & xequat take a look

TChase said:

The people are still coming in pretty slow.

At my second dan test, I had three BB come at me much faster. We wore protective gear and I think my family thought I was going to be torn apart. Yet, I am here. I wish I could put that video on the net for comparison.
RRouuselot said:
I only really wanted to post on kyusho.com in response to a certain “dipstick” who based on all his vast knowledge about called me (read= none) an “internet warrior” and a “Web Forum know it all”.

Since I don’t really have the time, or interest, to be jumping back and forth between here and kyusho.com I have invited the members on kyusho.com to come here and have a discussion on the mpeg issue. So far I don’t see any takers……I don’t expect too many either since the kyusho.com people all want to huddle together and tell each other how right they are...even though I have posted I won’t be participating on their BB any more people are still asking me questions :rolleyes: ….I guess they don’t read so well over there. Must be from all those kyusho shots to the eyes!

Mr. Rouuselot,

As I said on the KI forum:

But on the same note, when you first learned how to do something, did you go full bore? When learning to count, did you start with Calculus? When learning to walk, did you start with cartwheels and backflips? No, you start small. I agree that techniques should be practiced at more realistic speed and with more realistic situation, but you still have to start learning somewhere and it is easier to start with babysteps.
and you responded with
have yet to see any of those guys go "full-bore" in person or on mpeg....in fact the only person I see going "full-bore" is the "tori"/defender....the "uke"/attacker is not even really attacking...just kind of standing there waiting. How can you learn timing, ma-ai, focus, etc if you are defending against someone who isn’t moving??
You can’t……you build up bad habits…

I feel you may have misunderstood me. The clips you are mocking are not of people training, but of techniques being demonstrated so that others can learn from them. Most of them come from seminars and at the seminar are accompanied by explaination and then practice. Now, I cannot speak of the training methods of everyone in KI, but I know that my training is done at much more realistic speed, but there is a difference between learning and training. Could you learn by watching someone go full bore with pressure points? Yes, you could. But, and I am sure that even you can agree, that it is easier to learn if you can watch it a bit slower and observe the angles and points.

I understand that you had come under personal attack, but by reading the posts on the KI forums, I had a mental picture of you that has since changed from my reading here on MT. I thought at first you might be, as was said, an Internet Warrior, but from reading more here it seems like you are just a fellow martial artist, who has become disenchanted by the number of "Mc-Dojos" out there that teach absolute garbage. I agree with a great deal of what you have said, and if you ever happen into Indiana, USA, look me up.
Hi Robert

I was the one from kyusho.com who asked you about your training today. Will you answer me now?


i thought that jody sasaki was a bigwig in AK circles......i hate seeing a martial arts clip that contains nothing martial........it was nothing more than a rip off of a jackie chan fight scene.

EricD said:
Mr. Rouuselot,

1) I feel you may have misunderstood me. The clips you are mocking are not of people training, but of techniques being demonstrated so that others can learn from them.

2) Most of them come from seminars and at the seminar are accompanied by explaination and then practice. Now, I cannot speak of the training methods of everyone in KI, but I know that my training is done at much more realistic speed, but there is a difference between learning and training.

3) Could you learn by watching someone go full bore with pressure points? Yes, you could. But, and I am sure that even you can agree, that it is easier to learn if you can watch it a bit slower and observe the angles and points.

4) I understand that you had come under personal attack, but by reading the posts on the KI forums, I had a mental picture of you that has since changed from my reading here on MT. I thought at first you might be, as was said, an Internet Warrior, but from reading more here it seems like you are just a fellow martial artist, who has become disenchanted by the number of "Mc-Dojos" out there that teach absolute garbage. I agree with a great deal of what you have said, and if you ever happen into Indiana, USA, look me up.

1)/2) Actually I understood you just fine. In those mpegs things were explained well enough before the technique was demonstrated. Why is it with all the video footage that has been made of those guys I have yet to see ANY mpeg with someone actually doing something that even remotely resembles an attack……even at ¼ speed….nothing but folks standing there like lamp posts…..that is not demonstrating technique.

3) People can see what the technique is supposed to be done like with some degree of reality.

4) Basically I look at it this way. If some of the people on KI don’t like me it’s a good thing.
RRouuselot said:
4) Basically I look at it this way. If some of the people on KI don’t like me it’s a good thing.

Why exactly would you wish for someone to dislike you? Are you just that wonderful of a person that you feel that is missing from your life?
wave said:
Hi Robert

I was the one from kyusho.com who asked you about your training today. Will you answer me now?


You mean to this question:
1)How come you are so quick to call on other people and the way they train, but when asked questions of your own training, you refuse to comment?

I don't refuse to comment. I answered you then.
I was asked an extremely vague question by another member and gave the answer it deserved.
Do you have anything specific you want to know???.... because if you ask me something like
"how do you train pressure points?"
I am not going to write out 30 pages on it. I simply do not have the time.
So if you have a specific, legit question I will do my best to answer it.
EricD said:
Why exactly would you wish for someone to dislike you? Are you just that wonderful of a person that you feel that is missing from your life?
Ya see it's questions stated like this that won't get you far with me.

If folks like the ones on KI dislike me that means I am not associated with them or the crap they do. People like the ones on KI have turned the term "kyusho" into a friggin joke.....does that make sense to you?
RRouuselot said:
Agreed. Soft shots do work. In fact that is one of my complaints with some of what I see on these mpegs. There is no need to pound someone into the ground with a technique. In fact hitting them really hard ....saying along the side of the neck is just like hitting them in the jaw with a cross. It's not "kyusho".

My instructor trained with some DKI students for years and he showed us what some of them were doing. We experimented and found ourselves successful when we were standing still. As soon as we started moving, though, our success rate pretty much dropped off...and its frustrating because our forms are chock full of kyusho technique and points according to the DKI folks.

From the videos that you've shown and the stuff that I've seen on my own, I'm not inclined to believe that kyusho works at all in more realistic scenarios. I wish that I could see some examples to prove me wrong or actually be knocked out with a soft shot when I attack at full speed.

And, I think, that is the real problem with showing technique like this. A non-believer, or someone more neutral like my self, is not going to be convinced of their effectiveness if they are already familiar with hard training. Personally, I feel like Kyusho could open up an entirely new way of viewing my arts, but as they say, "seeing is believing" and I'm not believing yet.

BlackCatBonz said:
i thought that jody sasaki was a bigwig in AK circles......i hate seeing a martial arts clip that contains nothing martial........it was nothing more than a rip off of a jackie chan fight scene.

Nope, not at all. Who ever told you that was lying or didn't know any better. At least Jackie Chan looks like he's actually hitting someone.
upnorthkyosa said:
My instructor trained with some DKI students for years and he showed us what some of them were doing. We experimented and found ourselves successful when we were standing still. As soon as we started moving, though, our success rate pretty much dropped off...and its frustrating because our forms are chock full of kyusho technique and points according to the DKI folks.

From the videos that you've shown and the stuff that I've seen on my own, I'm not inclined to believe that kyusho works at all in more realistic scenarios. I wish that I could see some examples to prove me wrong or actually be knocked out with a soft shot when I attack at full speed.

And, I think, that is the real problem with showing technique like this. A non-believer, or someone more neutral like my self, is not going to be convinced of their effectiveness if they are already familiar with hard training. Personally, I feel like Kyusho could open up an entirely new way of viewing my arts, but as they say, "seeing is believing" and I'm not believing yet.


Good post. I'll admit that my thoughts are the same regarding PP. As I said in a prior post, I am not an expert on PP, but from everything that I've seen, I have yet to see them being applied to someone giving some resistance. Instead, its people standing like a statue, waiting for the KO. Now, I am not saying that I doubt the effectiveness of PP, but again, when there is no resistance, it makes one wonder. When there is no movement, its very easy to hit the exact spot, but when you add that movement in, its going to change.

RRouuselot said:
Ya see it's questions stated like this that won't get you far with me.

If folks like the ones on KI dislike me that means I am not associated with them or the crap they do. People like the ones on KI have turned the term "kyusho" into a friggin joke.....does that make sense to you?

Yes and no. It seems that you believe that we are not training pressure point use in realistic situations because we do not have videos showing it. On the same note, you don't have videos either so should I draw the same conclusion about you? As I said above, I cannot speak for everyone, but I know how I train. I know how my dojo trains. Just because we do not have videos of this training, doesn't mean it doesn't happen.....does that make sense to you?
RRouuselot said:
I am not going to write out 30 pages on it. I simply do not have the time.
So if you have a specific, legit question I will do my best to answer it.

Ok, do you train for realistic pressure point use? If so, could you describe a few of the methods that you use?

I hope I was specific enough.
MJS said:
Good post. I'll admit that my thoughts are the same regarding PP. As I said in a prior post, I am not an expert on PP, but from everything that I've seen, I have yet to see them being applied to someone giving some resistance. Instead, its people standing like a statue, waiting for the KO. Now, I am not saying that I doubt the effectiveness of PP, but again, when there is no resistance, it makes one wonder. When there is no movement, its very easy to hit the exact spot, but when you add that movement in, its going to change.

So let me ask you this. Don’t you think these people that demo on those mpegs would better serve their purpose of demonstrating “technique” by showing some technique done with a bit of realism……meaning having some one attack with a bit movement (I say a bit of realism since we all know demos are not an actual fight.)
RRouuselot said:
So let me ask you this. Don’t you think these people that demo on those mpegs would better serve their purpose of demonstrating “technique” by showing some technique done with a bit of realism……meaning having some one attack with a bit movement (I say a bit of realism since we all know demos are not an actual fight.)

Yes sir, I do.

EricD said:
1)Yes and no. It seems that you believe that we are not training pressure point use in realistic situations because we do not have videos showing it.

2)On the same note, you don't have videos either so should I draw the same conclusion about you?

3)As I said above, I cannot speak for everyone, but I know how I train. I know how my dojo trains. Just because we do not have videos of this training, doesn't mean it doesn't happen.....does that make sense to you?

1)Why don’t you have mpegs of it? I mean even on your own website (found here http://www.russellstutely.com/videoclip.htm) you have all kinds of mpegs EXCEPT something showing an attacker actually moving.

2)That’s a ridiculous conclusion. Just as a person doesn’t need to be a Gourmet to know that the food on the plate in front of him is rotten, one doesn't have to be an expert in kyusho to see that the "attacker" in those mpegs is not really doing much beside standing there waiting to get smacked.

3)Again why not? Why don’t you throw up some mpegs of something a little more realistic in nature? Like I said above you have just about everything else on there.

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