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Hand Sword

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Sep 22, 2004
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In the Void (Where still, this merciless GOD torme
heretic888 said:
Left Wing research?? Me??

HAH! I love it!! And, to think, I'm usually the guy debunking the tabula rasa... :rolleyes:

Y'know --- and this just may be me here --- before you go off on a Holy Crusade against the Flesh-Eating Leftists as to how best it is to intereract with children, perhaps you should stop acting like a child yourself?? Like, oh say, not hurling spites and accusations at people that disagree with you for no other reason than your apparent ignorance of the subject being discussed???

Good grief. :shrug:

P.S.: I'd hardly describe the Logical Fallacies as 'Left Wing research'. Tch.
With all do respect you called me out, saying I was uneducated, etc.. I even said that I give up and you still pushed the argument, and now that I commented about you or your loved ones, the true reality of this world hit home enough that you stopped quoting and showing and showed some genuine anger, Why? Because there is truth to what I said and deep down, as much as you might hate it, you know it's out there, and it isn't going away!The topics of this post weren't even addressing that argument anymore, you reached back and pulled it out. I'm not a righty evangelist, and I'm not a lefty. I see things for what is, not what a researcher says--that always changes, along with cultural views. However, kids, definitely in high schools stay the same, no matter what is taught. I didn't hurl any spites at you, you opened up or continued the discussion the way that you did. I just said, that I hope you and your loved ones stay safe., and also, having gone through high school myself and dealing with the "groups", (Which by the way is what was asked in the thread, if they exist or not, not how, or why) as well as gang politics, I would say that I have a grip on the reality discussed. Kids are killing and dying over what you are arguing as bunk. Disagree, fine! I have no problem withyou or anyone, my other threads have tried to bring us all together. Rather than quote what might be why not tell us your high school experience, what group did you fit in with? What was your point of view then?
With respect!


May 17, 2004
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The Canuckistan Plains
Mod Note:

Please keep the conversation polite and respectful.

-Dan Bowman-
-MT Moderator-


Senior Master
Oct 25, 2002
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Once again: oh, good grief. :rolleyes:

As much as I'd like to continue this little train of thought, ad hominems are not my particular cup of tea. Not to mention, its pretty pointless.

Have good 'un. Laterz.
Simon Curran

Simon Curran

2nd Black Belt
Nov 29, 2004
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Apologies everyone, I wasn't looking to start a mud slinging match, just to hear other people's thoughts and experiences.
However it does seem to me that the vast majority here believe that my outsider's impression was correct...
Any contradictions? Anybody experience it from another angle?


Black Belt
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Oct 20, 2001
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chicago area
I just wonder where do the parents fit into to this. I am a little suprised it hasn't been mentioned in this thread. From my recollection of HS, all the kids that made life miserable for others where either spoiled or came from abusive households.

I was neither the geek or the popular kid. I had my own group of friends and we all were a bit different and didn't fit with any other group. I was also a bit of a trouble maker and tended to break rules for fun. Odd thing was that most of the teachers liked me including both the Deans. The principle didn't like me but he was pretty much a shmuck anyways.

I also got into a lot of fights, mostly with bullies when I saw them pick on geeks.


Senior Master
Oct 25, 2002
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Apologies everyone, I wasn't looking to start a mud slinging match, just to hear other people's thoughts and experiences.
However it does seem to me that the vast majority here believe that my outsider's impression was correct...
Any contradictions? Anybody experience it from another angle?

Well, I certainly didn't intend for this discussion to devolve into a "mud slinging match" --- but some people just feel the need to hurl ad hominems when their belief structures are challenged, I suppose. Including follow-up attacks in private messages. Go figure.

In any event, apologies all around.

As to your impressions, all I can say is that they're fairly accurate as far as my experiences go. I attended three different high schools --- one in Georgia and two in Florida --- and the whole "clique" system was present in all three.

Still, I don't think this is a distinctively "American" problem. You're likely to find similar systems in most schools in the West.

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