Poll: Have you been attacked or assaulted? With a weapon?

If you've been attacked or assaulted, was a weapon involved? ie, stick, bottle, knife

  • Yes, a weapon was involved either in defense or offense

  • No, no weapon was used.

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Please read carefully:

If you have ever been involved in an assault, or attacked, was a weapon involved?

Weapon = knife, gun, stick, pool cue, rock, hammer, bottle, etc.
Yes, and yes. More than once, more than twice.


I'm still here.
I put yes because the majority of times that I've been assaulted, there's been a weapon involved. But there have been a few times when there wasn't.

I've never used a weapon against another...other than my own two hands...but I've been assaulted with weapons three times.

I've been assulted, but I couldn't say that he had a weapon. He might of and I didn't see it or he had it hidden. I used my only weapons ..... my hands and feet.
Yes I have, it's been over thirty years. I was in 1st grade when I was walking home from school and a bully pulled a pocket knife on me. Walked about 5 blocks backwards making sure he didn't stab me. I wish, that iI had some kind of MA training prior to this. I am glad that my son who is 5 yr now is still showning intrest in MA. By the way the town I lived in only had a pop. of around 1600, not a big metro area.
Bob :asian:
Yes - with knives, handguns, long sticks (like a staff), swords (duels count, don't they?).
It wasnt me being assaulted but my friend, well not even a friend, was being assaulted by two guys with poles. So me and my friends ran over to help him. I managed to disarm one of them and get whacked in the arm by the other. Left a nasty bruise but the guys ended up leaving. Only time I have ever had to use Martial Arts......wasnt a great first experiance either :( But I have to say if I hadnt done Kali for two years prior I doubt I would have even ran over.
Both, with and without weapons. When I was a teenager I had a several. I guess a few people took offense to the way I talk.

I bet you guys would of never thought that I had a big mouth.:D

As a teenager I was attacked with a bullworker ('70's) work out bar. And by a bat and with sticks several times.

As an adult I was attacked with a crow bar.
Yes. Got smacked in the back of the head several times with a backpack once.
I have been attacked by many with weapons and also many without weapons. By Weapons I mean something other than their body.

I answered the poll by saying weapons, for in the cases I was most afraid, it was with weapons.

I was not the smartest boy going through college, I found myself being a bouncer and working security, since the hours were flexible enough and paid more than minimum wage, while I was going to school.

Question? Why did you ask this poll?
I'm not sure if they class as assaults? but I have been involved in many fights [some street battles]. All were long ago when I was a teenager [and not the big softy I am now].

English soccer matches have a way of bringing out the nasty side of folk who just happen to be on the loosing side, or who's home ground you happen to be visiting.

One night however I turned a corner only to face someone who was looking for me. He had a kitchen knife in his hand and his German Shepard dog with him.

I kicked the dog in the jaw as hard as I could [think I broke it?], and slashed at the guy with an aluminum comb I use to carry in the back pocket of my Levi's. I didn't make contact with him but he dropped the knife and took off.

Had I been completely sober at the time, I'm not sure how I'd have reacted :confused:

Multiple times. Usually a shank or other improvised weapon such as broom handle, mop ringer etc. Once with 2x4, once with baseball bat. Twice with firearms.
Originally posted by arnisador
At a 12-to-1 ratio, I think it counts as a weapon--a mass attack.

Yup. That's my opinion, too. If I'm faced with multiple opponents (even just 2 or 3, much less 12), I approach it as if I'm facing a weapon. Problem with groups of attackers is that they tend to goad each other on. A group of attackers is more likely to continue dishing out punishment long after a single attacker would have quit and walked away. And when you've got multiple people (especially 12) stomping holes in you, you're almost certainly going to the hospital, and the chances of going to the morgue are pretty high, too.

Although, this probably wasn't the case when you were in the 8th grade. But, as an adult, if I'm faced with multiple adult attackers, I consider it to be a very serious situation. How serious will depend on the specific situation. But there are conceivable situations (not even stretches) where I would consider my life to be endangered even if there were no weapons involved. And you can bet your sweet looloo that I'd be trying to get hold of something inanimate to use to my advantage.

Originally posted by pesilat
Yup. That's my opinion, too. If I'm faced with multiple opponents (even just 2 or 3, much less 12), I approach it as if I'm facing a weapon. Problem with groups of attackers is that they tend to goad each other on. A group of attackers is more likely to continue dishing out punishment long after a single attacker would have quit and walked away. And when you've got multiple people (especially 12) stomping holes in you, you're almost certainly going to the hospital, and the chances of going to the morgue are pretty high, too.

Although, this probably wasn't the case when you were in the 8th grade. But, as an adult, if I'm faced with multiple adult attackers, I consider it to be a very serious situation. How serious will depend on the specific situation. But there are conceivable situations (not even stretches) where I would consider my life to be endangered even if there were no weapons involved. And you can bet your sweet looloo that I'd be trying to get hold of something inanimate to use to my advantage.


The Crowd / Multiple opponents.

I also consider multiple opponents to be a weapon. And I agree that I have felt fear and was concerned for for my survival. Some of the thigns I did were not nice and some of my opponents ended up in the hospital. (* I did also a few times *). Yet, I found if I hurt one fo them really bad and gave the rest time to think about the destruction they were going to get themselves.

You see I was the cornered animal and I was not playing anymore, I was serious, there was no holding back. They had to understand that fact. :( :( :eek:

Sorry to ramble on again