Pete's pressup challenge!


Blue Belt
Mar 12, 2005
Reaction score
Derby, England
Ok, this isn't really all that exciting but i was wondering what other people could manage. Over the years I've timed myself now and again for 15 minutes and seen how many pressups i can do in that 15 mins. It's a lot harder than i first thought to crack hundreds, the best I've managed is 175. This is a pretty good workout for your chest etc.
I'm about 12 stone by the way.

Any time you feel like resting then restarting or whatever is allowed in the 15 minutes, i think its pretty impossible to do them continuously for 15 mins but other people might not.
see how many you can do!
I'll be quite interested to see what other people manage.
Not many people will have tried this Pete. The reason for this is that doing more than 15 reps is a waste. Basically, you are conditioning your body for long endurance use - fighting is the opposite to this.

Just to let you know. You'd be much better off doing, "Pete's weighted dips challange" - how much weight can you pack on to get 5 reps? This is great for power, strength and explosiveness.

By the way. I hate the burn so i'm out! :)
I do train in different ways, heavy and light, with body weight and free weights etc this isn't the only thing i do!
But i just thought its a bit of a challenge, so just do it occasionally. the only thing is it burns pretty badly yeah, if you can't handle that then...!!:)
Right on it hurts! I got up to 70 and it was BURNING!. So, I stopped and started watching the last samurai.

Good you train in different ways - keeps the muscles guessing.
Alright!!! I passed my first martial talk grading! :)
not sure of the time involved but one night (20 years ago, when I was much younger) my instructor got mad angry at a few of us black belts and we got to leave class after we finished a1000 pushups. I belive we paid much better attention inthe next class:rolleyes:
Hello, That is a great number of press-up/push-ups, anytime you can do over 100 that is terrific.

In our school we do variations of push-ups. There is so many ways and you get to work the different muscles. Plyometics can be added to the same push-ups to make the work out more difficult.

For the kids to make them do more excercise we count this way ( 1,2,3, one, 1,2,3,two and so on. (it can be, one, two) up to ten (actually they are doing 40 total) but is seems shorter. ..............Aloha
i guess 1000 in a session blows my record away, your chest and arms must have been sore for a week after. Bet you didn't do them in 15 minutes though! I'm thinking of doing a pullup challenge as i do have a chinning bar as well, if anyone cares to have one of those as well, i'll put my results up here.
Not today though, too hungover!

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