Personal Self Defense Arsenal

Holy weaponry Batman! Hoo-boy some of you folks have some serious carry-around gear. I used to carry many knives, then onto one big knife with pepper spray, but now I carry nothing. I figure the only time I would ever get attacked is if I was in a parking lot getting in/out of my car. I still have pepper spray in my car and would not hesitate to run people over if they ever pull out a gun/knife on me. Plus I practice run-fu as well and can run 10+ kms before I need to stop. I doubt small time muggers would be able to keep up with me.
A tactical folder, a kuboton, a belt with a large heavy buckle, and a good imagination and an eye for improvised weapons.
I carry fingers, thumbs, knees, feet, eyes, ears, and a bad disposition towards badguy wanna b's! Self defense in any form is what we all should carry along with a good dose of situational awareness.

Sorry, didn't mean to sound preachy!:soapbox:
A knife that's more for everyday use than self defense, but will due if the need arises. When I know I'll be in a bad area I'll take a fixed blade.
My first line of defense is my mouth.
My second is my fist, elbows, knees and feet.
My third is a clip knife in my pocket.
My forth is the .360 I usually, but not always, have on me.
Usually a handgun behind my right hip with extra mags opposite, a knife just in front of that in a IWB sheath. A ultility knife that could be pressed into service in my right front pocket. An ASP 26" expandable baton in a vest pocket beside some pepper spray. Ocassionally a small .38 as well Seems like a lot, but running away isn't an option for me.


Maybe at work running away isn't an option but any other time runjitsu is very effective

Maybe at work running away isn't an option but any other time runjitsu is very effective

Naw, it's not 'cause of my work that I can't run away, it's my hip. So unless a good "speed walk" will get me outta harms way, I'm kinda stuck.

I live in East Central Indiana where crime is avid, murders are far and few in between but they happen. Robberies, beat downs, knife attacks are prevelent as well. However, as a police officer I am required to have weapons in my personal arsenal just in case.. but to be honest i hardly ever carry much of anything on me anymore unless i travel out of town like to INDIANAPOLIS, FORT WAYNE, DAYTON OHIO, CINCY or somewhere like that then i go to the gills. I used to carry 3 or 4 tactical folders and a small handgun. But anymore, i may now and again carry a knife (1) but its a rare occassion while around my home town. However in my vehicle is adifferent story.. I usually have my firearm and there is about a dozen or so blades and 2 full complete baseball bat bags full of machetes, sticks (rattan), odd and end stuff like wooden training knives, Sayoc Whip, Sjambok whip, nunchaku, i think a shuriken or two may be found in there as well.. so i guess they always travel with me when i drive so i feel okay if needed.

Is this what we as a people, a nation, a continent has reffered to? Having to carry weapons as self defense! It's a sad shame that we have to fear that one day we will be come a statistic and have to defend ourselves from someone trying to do us, or a loved one harm.

I have always said it. "Better to have a gun/knife and be prepared and not need it, then to need a gun and knife and be unprepared and not have it"
Hardly carry anything anymore as well. That being said, I NEVER leave home without my trusty Old Timer 2 blade, that thing has been around the block about a dozen times and it is used for everything. It is almost like a part of me after having it for the past 20 years or so. Every once in a while (mainly when traveling downstate) I will carry my stubby Ruger .357. I love that little Security Six, it is like an old friend that I know will always work when called upon. If going in some really bad areas downstate (few and very far between) I might stick my .44 under the drivers seat or in the door pocket.
"Usually a handgun behind my right hip with extra mags opposite, a knife just in front of that in a IWB sheath. A ultility knife that could be pressed into service in my right front pocket. An ASP 26" expandable baton in a vest pocket beside some pepper spray. Ocassionally a small .38 as well."


All I am going to say is,Duuuuddddeeee...
So, what does everyone carry when they leave home? What pieces of equipment (firearm, knife, etc) do you have on you and why do you carry that particular item?

2 knees, 2 elbows, 2 legs, 2 fists and an attitude.
I have a pocket folder and my training as my arsenal. The folder don't get pulled out unless I know I'm in a life or death situation, otherwise I'll rely upon what training I have and use it. My situational awareness should keep me out of whatever trouble I could've gotten into if I didn't have it.

For those who carry pens, ya'll know that those can be and are lethal weapons if used in the right way. The neck is about a tough as a piece of steak and a pen would go through that real good.
But consider carrying a mini-mag and use that as a kubaton... it's what they were designed for in the first place... if any one has a problem with that ... well it's a TOOL not a weapon! :D
So unless a good "speed walk" will get me outta harms way, I'm kinda stuck.
:lol2: Sorry for laughing, but that was funny. No wonder you're packin' like Commando. Seriously, some of you guys in this thread are mouthwateringly well armed. It just seems like such a foreign concept to those of us who have grown up in a less heavily armed culture. Not that I'm criticizing! Were I legally able, I'd carry as much weaponry as practical.
:lol2: Sorry for laughing, but that was funny. No wonder you're packin' like Commando. Seriously, some of you guys in this thread are mouthwateringly well armed. It just seems like such a foreign concept to those of us who have grown up in a less heavily armed culture. Not that I'm criticizing! Were I legally able, I'd carry as much weaponry as practical.
No offense taken! You were supposed to laugh at that!

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